Hey, this is my Goblin-Life Gaining Deck. With Soul Warden on the battlefield and Krenko, Mob Boss, Krenko's Command and Hordeling Outburst accumulating goblins, you'd think that'd be enough life. Well together with Soul's Attendant every turn will result in gaining a lot of life, as well as goblins.
I think Archangel of Thune in this deck works well because of the frequent life gain, all my Goblins are gaining an unimaginable amount of counters. With Goblin Grenade there will be a crap tonne of goblins to spare that I can always sacrifice so 1 mana for 5 damage seems like a pretty good deal to me.
Goblin Rabblemaster is included in this build, well because goblins. You just don't have a goblin deck without Goblin Rabblemaster.
Impact Tremors works well in every token deck, so it's not a surprise I included it in this deck. By the time I can tap Krenko, Mob Boss for goblins I'll probably have enough goblins on the field so I can deal quite a lot of damage, then finish them off the next turn.
Lightning Helix is just an upgrade to Lightning Strike It triggers Archangel of Thunes ability so that all your creatures get 3 +1/+1 counters permanently and also deals 3 damage to a target creature or player. You'd think this card wouldn't be that much of a big deal but just playing one of them can be a massive pain in the ass to your opponent :P.
Just in case your Archangel of Thune isn't on the board you can make sure you kill your opponents blockers anyway with Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician. If all your goblins are still 1/1's, don't worry you can still defeat your opponents creatures using Ib. As an addition to it's first ability you can sacrifice 2 mountains to increase your goblin army even more!
Windbrisk Heights has been included in this Goblin Life gain deck to easily get out Archangel of Thune out a lot quicker which helps out heaps.
Goblin Chieftain is included in this quite obviously. It gives all my Goblins +1/+1 and they all gain Haste which is incredibly useful especially when playing Krenko, Mob Boss as you can get out your Goblins a turn quicker than you would if Goblin Chieftain was not on the board.
Eldrazi Monument is a great contribution to this deck as it helps out against fliers as well as making all your creatures f***ing indestructable, also an extra +1/+1 counter on all your creatures isn't a bad thing, the sacrificing downside isn't that much of a task since you'll have a lot of goblins to spare as well.
If you like this deck, give it a +1. If you think it needs some improving it would be much appreciated if you could leave some suggestions in the comment section. Thanks :)
Check out my other decks!:
Commander / EDH Psychin144p
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Standard Psychin144p
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Tiny Leaders Psychin144p
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