$20 "Twin" Combo

Modern jorjo10

SCORE: 238 | 83 COMMENTS | 30646 VIEWS | IN 212 FOLDERS

pryoplasm says... #1

maybe splash red for Impact Tremors? or add a soul sister Soul Warden or Soul's Attendantto the maindeck? also maybe Oblivion Ring instead of Journey to Nowhere as it hits more targets. maybe also think about Rebuff the Wicked to protect the combo because nobody expects white to counter something...

I'd probably take out 1-2 Altar of the Brood to make room. overall it looks like a fun budget build.

July 2, 2015 5:48 p.m.

darthskat says... #2

+1. I'm trying to break into modern on a budget. So I appreciate seeing unique decks like this. Good job.

July 3, 2015 6:08 p.m.

jorjo10 says... #3

@pryoplasm: I would gladly splash red for Impact Tremors, but if I want to keep the deck's budget as low as possible, I am not able to put in another color and still be sure that there is at least somehow reliable access to mana of all colors.

Neither Soul Warden nor Soul's Attendant add something new to the combo - yes, I could probably gain quite a lot of life, but that won't win me the game as there is quite a lot of digging and I might probably end up without any library left, if the opponent would be able to delay the game for long enough. I think that this is more of a sideboard material mainly against burn decks that might occur and at that spot, there already is Suture Priest. But overall I think that those cards are more or less metagame material.

Oblivion Ring might probably replace Journey to Nowhere, but again, I think that this is mainly about the metagame. But definitely worth considering.

When I first read Rebuff the Wicked, I thought that it was just a card like Ranger's Guile, but when I realized, that it can protect the enchantment part as well, I was pleasantly amazed - thanks for that great suggestion!

July 3, 2015 6:12 p.m.

jorjo10 says... #4

@darthskat: Thanks man! It is great to see that others like my work :) If you decide to build or test this deck, definitely let me know about your experience!

July 3, 2015 6:14 p.m.

B33nie says... #5

A bit more land would help.

July 4, 2015 7:05 p.m.

jorjo10 says... #6

I do not think that additional lands are needed - yes, there are 20 of them, but there also are 8 mana elves and take care of the needed mana.

July 4, 2015 8:52 p.m.

Nixin72 says... #7

This deck is sweet. As a competitive magic player, I can see this deck being viably built under slightly larger budget constraints and being very good. Playing green you can revert to beat down strategies as well, meaning your opponent doesn't even need to know what you're playing while you still win. Honestly debating proxying this with some stronger tutors and removal options, cause this is sweet.

July 4, 2015 9:25 p.m.

jorjo10 says... #8

Thanks Nixin72, I am glad you like the concept! :) I wanted a deck for fun considering the fact that I already own two modern decks for tournament purposes.

But I was toying with the same idea as you currently are. If I ever wanted to play this as some sort of a competitive deck, I would add black for the hand disruption. As it is now, this deck is not resilient to counter magic at all, but adding a couple of Thoughtseizes and Inquisition of Kozilek or even Duresses might solve this problem. Other than that, I don't think that there are many other weaknesses as I dare to say that targeted removal is already solved.

In my original concept, I had Congregation at Dawn involved, but it rapidly went up in prize thanks to CoCo.

Anyway, if you decide to build a competitive version of this deck, I would be very interested in seeing the decklist and reading about your experience with it.

July 4, 2015 9:49 p.m.

Nixin72 says... #9

Like I said, I'd be very interested in proxying it. Congregation at Dawn seems good, and black for hand disruption seems smart. Going abzan, I'd also throw in 4 Siege Rhino to add a beat down component, like Tasigur, the Golden Fang or Keranos, God of Storms in the normal twin lists.

I might throw up a list tomorrow... This seems like it's gonna be some fun.

July 4, 2015 10:10 p.m.

DBCooper says... #10

awesome deck

July 5, 2015 10:59 a.m.

jorjo10 says... #11

Thanks DBCooper! I am glad you like it!

July 5, 2015 11:41 a.m.

Raduthe says... #12

Really cool deck! +1 from me

BTW, is it legal in Modern FNM?

July 7, 2015 5:16 a.m.

jorjo10 says... #13

Thanks Raduthe, glad to hear you like it!

Sure, all the cards included were printed at least once in some of the modern-legal sets and none of them can be found on the ban list ;)

July 7, 2015 2:15 p.m.

Great deck! Not only an interesting combo; but well balanced deck as well.

The only cards I would suggest would take you into a third color (although they would be tutor-able via Commune with the Gods. They are:

Impact Tremors - makes every creature trigger damage for "infinite" damage.

Purphoros, God of the Forge - Same deal, but 2 damage, indestructible, and with another actuvated ability. May bust the $20 mark though.

Anywho, not certain either is any better than Altar of the Brood anyways (outside of being hit by Commune) and the third color is certainly something that would also raise the price of the deck...just thought is suggest anyways.

+1 of course!

July 8, 2015 12:45 a.m.

jorjo10 says... #15

Thanks CurdBrosBrewingCo for both the support and the +1!

I would love to add a third color and there are reasonable arguments for all of the other colors (red can add tutorable win-con in Impact Tremors and Purphoros, God of the Forge as you said yourself, black can make it more competitive against control decks thanks to discard spells such as Duress and blue provides Trinket Mage, that can be tutored by Commune with the Gods and Commune with Nature and the Mage himself can tutor the Altar of the Brood), but I think that adding a third color would make this deck quite unstable as mana fixing is far from perfect (fetches and shock lands are expensive) as all the common-rarity dual lands come into play tapped and this fact would slow the deck down by a lot.

Adding a third color definitely is a possible way to go, but it would require to go up with the price and at least for me the main beauty of the deck is that it functions surprisingly well considering the very low budget.

July 8, 2015 7:28 a.m.

nashbridges52 says... #16

Seems like you're going to want more ways to interact and stall your opponent while you wait to find cards for the combo. I know that you've got Ranger's Guile and Apostle's Blessing and Rebuff the Wicked to protect your combo, but I think you should use some of those slots for more control elements. That's what makes UR Twin so good, it's a control deck that can shut down most other strategies while it waits to find the combo pieces.

Some possible cards that might help (trying to keep budget in mind, too): Wall of Omens, Mana Tithe, Beast Within, Ambush Viper, Oblivion Ring, Oppressive Rays, Prison Term, Ghostly Prison

July 8, 2015 8:35 a.m.

nashbridges52 says... #17

all that said, nice deck +1

July 8, 2015 8:35 a.m.

Slowyourroll says... #18

I built this deck and played in on MTGO over the past two nights. Couple of things:

Fun to watch your opponent concede on turn 4 with your army of 500 elves. The creature protection works great and helps stall things while you put the combo together.

If the combo doesn't come together by turn 6 or 7, you get steamrolled. Having an End Hostilities or a Wrath of God would be helpful if you don't have the combo on the board yet and need more time.

Overall, a great deck to play and I've had a lot of fun with it.

July 9, 2015 3:11 p.m.

jorjo10 says... #19

Thanks Slowyourroll for playtesting it. I am aware of the fact that this deck may struggle against some kinds of decks and that if the combo does not show up early enough it will be overwhelmed.

I suppose that End Hostilities might be a good sideboard material. I would definitely not include it in the mainboard, because it might be just a dead card, but as for sideboard it could be more than good. And it is budget friendly, which I appreciate.

Also, I think that I will switch Journey to Nowhere for Oblivion Ring as pryoplasm suggested to have more control over the board.

It is great to hear you like it and that you had fun playing it!

July 9, 2015 4:34 p.m.

stolenova says... #20

Silence seems like it would be fantastic here and fits a budget-mindedly. Drop it at the beginning of your turn to thwart countering your combo and it's also a great way to slow your opponent down early game.

July 9, 2015 9:20 p.m.

stolenova says... #21

I'd also play Llanowar Elves over Avacyn's Pilgrim. Not sure about your area but my meta sees a lot of Elf Company decks that play Elvish Champion.

I'd also stick with Oblivion Ring as it can target anything other than a land.

July 9, 2015 9:25 p.m.

jorjo10 says... #22

Silence might be a way to go, it kinda solves the problem with counter spells. I will consider it. Thanks!

Elf CoCo does not see literally any play near me. Sure, there are some decks with CoCo, but none of them is an Elf aggro deck. But I think that this swap depends on personal preference, none of the spells included in this deck require double colored mana (End Hostilities is the only exception) and therefore the swap is perfectly acceptable. I just like the Pilgrim, don't know why :D

Thanks for the comments and the suggestions :)

July 10, 2015 5:49 a.m.

im not the seriuos tournament gazziloin dollar deck either and i am alwasy playing casual

July 13, 2015 3:24 a.m.

takumi919 says... #24

I just bought this deck while i was waiting for the origins pre release. It was super fun to watch the look on my friends faces when i used Altar of the Brood to force them to discard the top 300,000 cards of their deck. Their looks were even better when i said i only spent $11 on the deck!

July 13, 2015 5:25 p.m.

Excellent deck. Modern has always been an interesting format for me but I just cant get around the price tag of it so I really appreciate your thought process with this deck.

Can you explain you intentions for your sideboard cards and, from what you have playtested so far, what you have used your sideboard for so far?

July 13, 2015 8:48 p.m.

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