Detention Sphere can take care of Chalice and costs one less if capsule was brought out same turn. Only downfall is the need to prote ct sphere less they come out again, but wouldn't they return with no counters on them?
April 24, 2015 1:56 p.m.
Hmm valid point. I'm pretty sure it would return with no counters on it.
April 24, 2015 1:58 p.m.
May end up switching Detention Sphere for Oblivion Ring
Normally don't have issues getting blue land out but for some reason I couldn't find a single one and Dragonlord Dromoka parted the fog. When I had both Supreme Vs and one sphere with 7 plains out.. aahh
Also added in two angelsong to bring deck total to 62 cards, don't see it hurting adding two more fogs main, and gives those as swap outs for sideboard if you need more than a few cards.
April 28, 2015 11:37 a.m.
Thats what I thought, but that's how the game goes. Still had fun and lots to learn.
Nef says... #1
One major reason for Dispeller's Capsule is to kill a Chalice of the Void if they put two counters on it. I can see why Kor Firewalker could be replaced.
April 24, 2015 12:35 p.m.