2016 Junk Midrange/Rock shell

Modern 8vomit


8vomit says... #1

Thanks for the feedback ChiefBell I am happy where I am at with scavenging ooze, I found myself drawing into it too frequently at times I don't need it, and I keep the 3rd copy in the sb just in case. I will definitely test out oath of nissa, I need to lower my average cmc so that might be perfect. I have also been considering 3 or 4 birds of paradise, was wondering what you thought about that? It just seems bad late game though. I've considered London smiter before, he just seems like more of a sb card to me. Definitely real good in the mirror match.

April 8, 2016 11:57 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #2

If you're going to run any mana dork, run Noble Hierarch. Won't fix your black but it will fix your G and W. I have seen her in a few lists but she typically takes the slot of scooze and I dont think this is a meta where you want to be cutting him. Exalted means that your goyf kills the opponents one in the mirror match, which is sort of significant.

I think Abzan has a really flexible mainboard at the moment though. There are definitely like 5 or so flexible slots that can be played around with.

Fair enough on the scooze situation though. I personally really like him but he is definitely a card that gets better over time rather than being immediately great.

There are lots of potential 3-drops you can look at:

Kitchen Finks, Brimaz, King of Oreskos, Loxodon Smiter, Mirran Crusader, Anafenza, the Foremost, Vampire Nighthawk, Hypnotic Specter, Heartwood Storyteller, Witchstalker etc etc

I like to use choose 2 or 3 of these 3-mana creatures as hate cards to go in my mainboard. More can go to the sideboard. Anafenza, obviously, buffs your own dudes but also hates a lot on Dredge and Living End type strategies. Kitchen finks is great against Burn, Hatebears, and other Aggro/Weenie type decks. Loxodon Smiter beats 8Rack and counterspells. Mirran Crusader beats the mirror. Nighthawk is good against Weenies but also ramp decks due to deathtouch (also handy against an Inkmoth Nexus!). Hypnotic Specter demands an answer from control players or you just win the game through card advantage. Heartwood Storyteller, and Witchstalker are also good anti-control cards if you land them.

April 8, 2016 12:32 p.m.

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