20th Ward isn't so docile now.
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 33 | 103 COMMENTS | 13036 VIEWS | IN 19 FOLDERS
Put a Coat of Arms. Zombies wil get +x/+x(x the number of zombies that you have).
August 3, 2014 2:03 p.m.
I would add Coat of Arms but I face a deck that pumps out elves faster than I can pump out tokens. Buffing his deck would be suicide.
August 4, 2014 11:49 a.m.
You have to play smoothly with Coat of Arms . Drop it only when you already have some zombies in play and only when you have at leas one black mana open to use ability of Gisa after you play the Coat. I would also recommend to do some calculations whether you will profit from dropping it more than your opponent or not. But the card is wort the slot.
August 6, 2014 6:27 a.m.
I'll consider it. It all else fails I could board it out against him.
August 6, 2014 11:50 a.m.
The Gif is from Tokyo ghoul. An anime about Ghouls. I'm a total weeb.
August 17, 2014 3:35 p.m.
FancyTuesday says... #16
Expedition Map - I see you cut this card. I wasn't running it for the longest time because I was miraculously drawing Cabal Coffers/Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth almost every game, but in terms of potency it's almost strictly better than any mana rock in mono-black. Mid to late game seeing Expedition map over, say, Gilded Lotus, can mean increasing your potential mana stores by 6 in stead of 3, and lands are generally harder to get rid of than artifacts. This also brings me to...
Vesuva / Thespian's Stage - Double your own Coffers or copy your opponent's.
Corpse Dance - I'd run this over Makeshift Mannequin. Makes a great "at the end of your turn..." card, all it needs is mana and a sac outlet and mono-black isn't exactly hurting in that regard. You might not be able to pick your target, but that makes it resilient to targeted graveyard hate like Geth, Lord of the Vault and Scavenging Ooze and late in the game this card can reload your board all on its own.
Karn Liberated - Same reason you're running Ulamog; gotta deal with those pesky non-creature permanents. Exiles rather than destroys and it's reusable. The fact that his plus ability is +4 can make him a real hassle to kill too.
All Is Dust / Oblivion Stone - Best panic buttons around. Wraths that take care of your problem targets. All is Dust is especially strong as you're a little light on enchantments and sorta heavy on colorless artifacts, and the "sacrifice" component gets around indestructibility.
Hell's Caretaker - Sacrifice a zombie to bring back the creature you sacrificed to make zombies so you can sacrifice it again and make more zombies.
Bloodghast / Reassembling Skeleton / Nether Traitor - The critters I mentioned in the thread. Just really consistent little combo pieces that aren't dependent on something like surviving until your upkeep to come back.
August 18, 2014 6:48 p.m.
FancyTuesday says... #18
Corpse Connoisseur - Right now he only really does anything special with three cards in your deck; Necromancy, Whip of Erebos, and Makeshift Mannequin. With Lord of the Dead he's a really expensive zombie tutor. That's a pretty rare dependency. Without more of a reanimation focus I'd cut him. If you're looking for a tutor effect there's Beseech the Queen , otherwise I'd slot in Corpse Dance here.
Sign in Blood - With card draw spells you have to remember that it loses a card in efficiency in replacing itself, and a single, non-repeatable draw for two life isn't really worth a slot in EDH. I'd put Bloodghast here.
Witchbane Orb - This might depend on your meta, but as a one-of effect it's not great. What effects that target you are you desperate to avoid, and how often are you going to have this one answer in 99 cards on the board to save you? I'd rather see All is Dust in my hand.
Ashes to Ashes - If you have the cash to drop on Karn Liberated he fits well here. Ashes is cheap but this is EDH, where a 7 drop is practically "mid game." Not only does Karn stick around to keep wrecking house, he can intimidate your opponents into not playing their nice things.
Illusionist Bracers - This card is a strong case of "win more," meaning that if it's really doing anything then you've probably already won, otherwise it's just farting around on your board.
Odds are you won't have multiple good targets for Gisa, so her second use will probably be killing a zombie token made by the first activation. You can argue that the zombie might be a 4/4 with multiple Lord buffs but then you're adding dependencies, and even then it only nets you 3 more zombies. I value dependability/consistency over making things great when they're already going good so I'd run Reassembling Skeleton here.
Magewright's Stone - See above. Nether Shadow gives you another creature.
Extraplanar Lens - Only checks names so Urborg doesn't help you and it may help your opponents. Expedition map effectively doubles your chance of seeing Cabal Coffers in a game, which will often produce as much if not more mana than Lens without setting you back a land drop. If by chance you already have Coffers out you can fetch Urborg or Vesuva instead.
August 19, 2014 6:41 p.m.
FancyTuesday says... #19
I should note that even though I'm not wild about Magewright's Stone I like Thousand Year Elixir and Thornbite Staff. Ability haste can be very important when you're building around your Commander's activated ability, and Thornbite Staff has great synergy with your Commander, practically giving you as many zombies as you have black mana to spit them out.
August 19, 2014 6:45 p.m.
theproblemchild01 says... #20
LOL wow i just started watching Tokyo Ghoul, and this is what I find. +1 good sir.
August 20, 2014 10:42 p.m.
I even have custom tokens I'll probably in add them to the description at a later point
August 20, 2014 11:59 p.m.
alucardx26 says... #25
it that betrays is 10-12$ last time i checkedpromo sheoldred is like 4-5$
Sietingz3 says... #2
+1 for the Tokyo Ghoul references! :D
July 31, 2014 7:40 p.m.