
Here we are back in what actually seems like a new Standard format like if a rotation had just happened! With WOTC's recent banning towards Energy and Ramunap Red, the format is now as diverse as it ever has been in the past few years! I fully believe the format is back in in a good spot and thus here I am with a brand new deck for the "new" format!

Energy was the efficient (and best) midrange deck of the format. It arguably still is. But you can never go wrong with traditional Jund in that category.

Jund Midrange is probably one of (if not, the) most famous forms of midrange decks the game sees in nearly all formats. This deck is all about using the most efficient removal and creatures in our colors to grind down our opponents. You could argue that Energy is the best way to do that in the Standard format, but I prefer traditional Jund. Although we do use a bit of an Energy theme because it's to good not to take advantage of. We're all about using all of our resources!

:What we want to be doing is playing creatures/planeswalkers that generate insane value and must be answered by our opponent ASAP before they can help us win the game faster.

Whilst doing that, we have lots of the best removal in the format in order to keep us clear from death and make the opponent stumble as we generate maximum value out of our threats!

Merfolk Branchwalker: Explore seems bad on paper (to me at least) but really; it is great card advantage! If it sees a Land, it's like drawing a card. If you see a non-Land, the creature that is exploring gets bigger and you get to choose if you would like that card to be your next draw or put it in the graveyard. Branchwalker is great at this whilst potentially being an aggressive 2 mana 3/2.

Glint-Sleeve Siphoner: Best form of card advantage in the format! This guy is amazing at being the "Bob" (Dark Confidant) for our deck! Also has Menace for evasion making early beats a little easier.

Jadelight Ranger: I spoke about how explore is good card advantage. Well how about a 3 drop that Explores twice!? Potential 4/3 for 3 mana as well as seeing up to 2 cards deeper into our deck! Also has synergy with our Bob effects if we leave a card on top. We can draw it on end step(Ruin Raider) or upkeep (Glint-Sleeve Siphoner) and the opponent won't know the card from our draw step.

Ruin Raider: Another "Bob" for us (this is Rob :p). Just more and more card advantage!

Regisaur Alpha: Another 2 for one! This guy is mainly here for added pressure as well as just helping gum up the board if we can't seem to get our wine going to clear their board away and need to play defense for a turn or two.

Glorybringer: Best finisher for us. We could use Hazoret the Fervent but with Explore possibly putting multiple lands in our hand, that's bad consistency. Glorybringer is also removal on a stick. We love our 2 for 1's!

Fatal Push: Flat out best removal spell printed in years! Not as strong in Standard as older formats, but still really strong! Can't play without it. We have nothing to manually trigger revolt (such as Evolving Wilds). But we have quite a bit of Creatures that are must answers, as well as Planeswalkers that we can enable Revolt when/if they are removed.

Abrade: Great 2 mana removal spell. Helps a lot since we will rarely have Fatal Push's revolt active. Also hits problematic Artifacts such as God-Pharoah's Gift.

Harnessed Lightning: Not that much better than Abrade TBH. But helps mostly in the form of gaining us Energy. It also helps us kill big things like Regisaur Alpha or Glorybringer that Abrade is just dead against.

Sweltering Suns: Nothing like a good board wipe for those Tribal/Token decks! It does kill some of our small creatures if casted late in the game. But against a board full of Vampires or Tokens that late; it's worth it. Doesn't kill our high end. And at worse, it cycles.

Duress: Here we are with Jund and its hand disruption. A great way to start off turn 1 with a midrange deck playing Black. This could be replaced by Harsh Scrutiny depending on your meta (creature heavy). But I feel a lot of decks right now are creature based and with so much removal as well as some of our early creatures being quite large like Branchwalker being 3/2 and Jadelight being a possible 3/2 or 4/3 etc. taking their removal spell that would normally kill our Bob effects or something like Refurbish, Drake Haven, Approach of the Second Sun, Fumigate or a Planeswalker is just better than hitting a small creature.

Chandra, Torch of Defiance: This card is just crazy good! All her abilities are very relevant to our game plan. She's also just hard to deal with in general. We also have enough removal that we may be able to sometimes even have an empty board and play her and have her live for us to untap with her.

Vraska, Relic Seeker: Great finisher. Hard to deal with thanks to high loyalty on her. Also creates blockers for us when we are a little bit behind. Best thing is that she can destroy any creature/enchantment/artifact that may be giving us some trouble.

And there you have it! Jund Midrange here for the Rivals of Ixalan Standard! Again, big thanks to the bannings that helped this deck be a thing we can play. Hopefully it can perform well and not turn into a "just play Energy" sort of deal like before the banning had occurred.

And as always, any and all suggestions and criticism are welcome! And if you like the deck, feel free to give a +1!


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

31 - 10 Rares

14 - 2 Uncommons

6 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.68
Tokens Dinosaur 3/3 G, Emblem Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Energy Reserve, Pirate 2/2 B, Treasure
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