
Creature (2)

Sorcery (3)

Planeswalker (2)


A junky jundy vengeyviney deck. This is something I've been messing with for awhile and ive been having a lot of fun with. The main objective is to swarm the field with sweet creatures as quick as you can and overtake your opponent.

While Vengevine and Griselbrand go to the yard immediately, I wanted there to be other cards in the deck that could be used from both the hand or the grave. Bloodghast for instance can easily be summoned turn 2 and brought back repeatedly or sent to the yard by a Faithless Looting or Insolent Neonate turn one, and brought back turn 2. Other cards like Hazoret the Fervent and Rhonas the Indomitable technically can be summoned normally (hazoret especially for discard and late game swings), but worst case scenario are easy discard pitches to get better cards or even bring back with Goryos vengence (and also I just really love the Amonkhet gods so I slip them into almost all of my decks).

Thoughtsieze gives you great hand disruption and Street Wraith helps thin the deck, and both help out with the 2 Death's Shadow. Flameblade Adept is a great turn one card, and on the right circumstances can swing in for 5 or more damage on turn 2. I decided to go with hooting madrills over girmag angler because I value the trample more than the extra 1 point of damage, and the monkeys look way cooler than the fish.

As for sideboard, Ancient Grudge is good against artifacts, Big Game Hunter kills goyfs, Blood Moon and Collective Brutality are amazing, Fiery Temper is a sweet bolt that you can discard, and Liliana of the Veil is.. Well Liliana of the Veil why not have her in a black deck?

Any tips or suggestions?? I'm eager to hear what people have to say!


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 2 Mythic Rares

26 - 5 Rares

10 - 8 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.62
Tokens Emblem Domri Rade
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