Teysa Karlov’s Double D's

Commander / EDH KibaAlpha

SCORE: 486 | 256 COMMENTS | 47586 VIEWS | IN 200 FOLDERS

NKlim says... #1

KibaAlpha I love Teysa and aristocrat/graveyard strategies so I appreciate the time you put into making a death trigger deck. Can I ask, why did you choose not to put infinite combos in? in a strategy like what you described, you want to not have to attack and just ping everybody to death right? Does that attract attention from other players and thus hate? I truly am curious!

For additions: 1) Winds of Abandon is excellent removal. 2) Gift of Immortality gets a lot of value out of your big creatures like kokusho. 3) Living Death for the same reason why command the dreadhorde is good.

August 3, 2019 5:22 p.m.

KibaAlpha says... #2


Thank you, your appreciation is appreciated.

Short answer to your infinite combo question is, I find it boring. I will admit this deck started out as an infinite combo built deck though but that quickly changed.

Long answer to your infinite question is, Teysa Karlov . Look at her, look at what her first ability does. It's beautiful. When she was spoiled I was stoked and when I was fortunate enough to pull her I was ecstatic. However as I went to build her for infinite I realized within the first game that the commander I was all excited to have was 100% irrelevant in a infinite build. Any legendary creature in Orzhov colours would do. Teysa Karlov had no relevance. I wanted my deck to have value from the commander but not necessarily need the commander to win.

I was determined to have that and thus rebuilt the deck from the ground up making sure to the best of my knowledge and ability to keep the deck infinite combo free and avoid creature combat focusing solely on Aristocrat Death Triggers to win.

I get together with friends on Saturday's to play Magic for hours, shooting the shit, laughing and having a good time win or lose. I don't want to focus on winning or ending the game before turn 10. It seems rather pointless to build a 100 card deck if you are just going to infinite out that fast and how are you going to have a good time with friends ending games that quickly. To me personally you can't.

Hopefully this answers your question and on a side note I'm not against anyone building infinite combos they just aren't how I want to brew my decks.

August 4, 2019 5:47 p.m.

99906x says... #3

I have a similar deck with an infinite combo of Ashnod's Altar , Reassembling Skeleton , and Bog Initiate . With something like blood artist this makes an infinite combo. But even if you choose not to use this, Reassembling Skeleton is one of the best repeatable death fodders around and you should definitely consider it.

August 18, 2019 4:17 a.m.

KibaAlpha says... #4


I appreciate the suggestions but I've built this deck to be infinite combo free hence why you don't see Ashnod's Altar , Phyrexian Altar and Reassembling Skeleton .

I want my commander to be relevant. Infinite takes all relevance away. I might still try to find a spot for Reassembling Skeleton but I've got a couple other cards right now I'm trying to find a spot for.

August 18, 2019 5:33 p.m.

You're getting an upvote for the name alone, lol. Very interesting deck. I didn't even know Bubbling Muck was a thing! Thanks for bringing that to my attention. =3

September 7, 2019 12:13 a.m.

KibaAlpha says... #6


Thank you for the upvote and comment. Always nice to hear feedback on the deck or deck name. lol. Happy to hear you found something of value to take away from this deck. Hope it helps out your own deck.

September 7, 2019 12:39 a.m.

The list seems pretty strong but the name is disgusting and I can't get past it

September 23, 2019 10:05 a.m.

KibaAlpha says... #8


You aren’t the first and probably won’t be the last to have a problem with the name.

Last_Laugh pointed out to the last person to have a problem with the name “It’s a witty pun that plays in to her ability”.

ShikiTen also found it to be a witty pun and also the reason he clicked.

Ares111123 found it to be eye catching and clever.

As you can see the name was chosen because of how it relates to, Teysa’s ability.

Would you have a problem with the name if, Teysa was male? Probably not. The name is here to stay.

September 23, 2019 1:52 p.m.

Last_Laugh says... #9



September 23, 2019 3:06 p.m.

Draknoz says... #10

I have a problem with the name being so hilarious that I can't focus on this awesome deck

September 23, 2019 10:26 p.m.

grumbledore says... #11

enter image description here

September 24, 2019 2:03 p.m.

DemonDragonJ says... #12

This deck definitely deserves an upvote for the name alone!

Also, the fact that it has a very low mana curve is also very nice.

September 24, 2019 7:59 p.m.

IMMG54 says... #13

Ok so someone says they have a problem with the name, which is immature at it's core and everyone mocks them for it. Great. So we're all 5 I see.

Also where is Ashnod's Altar or Phyrexian Altar? Also you have like 4 draw spells in herez I'm curious to know how consistent your deck is.

September 26, 2019 3:30 p.m.

KibaAlpha says... #14


Those two alters aren’t in this deck as they allow the deck to go infinite.

I have a dedicated playgroup and draw has never been an issue yet.

September 26, 2019 3:40 p.m.

Jcervantes. says... #15

Any particular reason Yawgmoths bargain was added? Also I’m some what new, how would phyrexian altar or ashnods altar go infinite?

October 9, 2019 12:50 a.m.

KibaAlpha says... #16


I added Yawgmoth's Bargain as a sink for life for cards. I wanted to be able to draw when I wanted to.

I don't recall exactly how I went infinite with Ashnod's Altar but I did it with that altar and Mausoleum Guard .

October 13, 2019 2:30 a.m.

DemonDragonJ says... #17

KibaAlpha, are you aware that Yawgmoth's Bargain is banned in EDH, and for very good reason?

Also, what are the "double D's" in the name of this deck, if not Teysa's breasts?

October 23, 2019 10:30 p.m.

KibaAlpha says... #18


I'm aware that card is banned. I have a dedicated playgroup and it's fine within the group.

Teysa Karlov's Double D's = Teysa Karlov's Double Death Triggers

October 23, 2019 10:55 p.m.

Archon_Bel says... #19

Upvoting because:

  1. I have learned to enjoy and appreciate the Aristocrats playstyle. It's so fun and satisfying seeing just how much value you can generate and how you can assemble the pieces together.

  2. That deck name is hilarious, and tbh anyone who thinks it's some kind of egregious "offense" needs to get over themselves.

November 15, 2019 2:39 a.m.

Profet93 says... #21


Upvoted because....

  1. The name of the deck and it actually "synergizes" well with your commander, haha
  2. You're name is Kiba from naruto, what's up "dog"?
December 13, 2019 12:36 a.m.

Turbro says... #22

Calling it Teysa's Double D's.

Chooses the printing of Teysa where she hides her cleavage.


December 16, 2019 2:28 a.m.

SirChris39 says... #23

KibaAlpha i like your tesya karlov Commander deck a lot and im trying to build one myself

December 25, 2019 8:04 a.m.

KibaAlpha says... #24


Thank you and Merry Christmas. Wishing you all the luck with your Teysa Karlov brew.

If it’s not made private I’ll swing over and check it out.

December 25, 2019 4:45 p.m.

vbcnxm_ says... #25

you actually do have an infinite combo hidden in here whether you know it or not

With Teysa out, Ministrant of Obligation makes four extra bodies, five including her. Phyrexian altar means you get 5 mana from saccing all them. Phyrexian Reclamation only costs 2 to bring the ministrant back to hand, and she costs only 3 mana. It's a lot of work to get it going and it's sorcery speed, but you really can infinite this

December 31, 2019 5:43 p.m.

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