

Artifact (2)

R/G Eldrazi i dont have the nobles so its kinda budget.


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Haven't played in a while and took this deck for a test run against the heavy graveyard meta.

2-0 vs Mono Red Phoenix. I was able to out race him with my larger creatures and take out his prowess creatures. He did not get the Phoenixies out and main decking relic slowed him down.

1-2 vs U/R Phoenix. Game one I just over ran him quickly. Game two was long and I got my answers when I was in burn range. Game three I surgicaled his Phoenixies but could not answer a 7/8 horror and was too slow/unlucky.

2-1 vs Mono Red Burn. Burn can be a game of attrition with this deck. Never got any of my sideboard out against him which made the games extremely close. Game one just out raced him game two he double blood mooned me. Game 3 came down to both of us being low on health and me stealing his Hazoret for the win.

2-0 Soul Sister. We are just bigger faster and badder.

2-1 Naya Breachtitanshift. Game one he just rolled me. Game two a dismember bolt on titan saved the day. Game three Thoughtknot, Kessig Wolf Run, and Birds were a big deal. A timely bolt too was Yuuggee because he drew the Breach to Emarukul the very next turn but that turn didn't happen because his spark was snuffed out.

Conclusion: I feel this deck was fine as a fair deck. Don't let the 4-1 fool you I feel Dredge/Phoenix decks out class this current version. Any thoughts or inputs are always welcomed.


Date added 7 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

34 - 8 Rares

14 - 7 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.58
Folders Opponents, cool decks
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