This is my first modern deck. It is not too expensive (in fact it was meant to be budget, but I don't know if it really fit that category anymore) and entails all the green that I loved about magic when I started playing.
It is heavily inspired by the list here:
The deck started out as mono-green, but Dromoka's Command is just so much more powerfull than Prey Upon, that not splashing the white seems a disservice to the deck. It also allows me to board in path for extremely obnoxious situations. Command is also way better against decks like Twin.
The deck used to run Kalonian Tusker, but I have decided to swap him for Avatar of the Resolute as he seems capable of being strictly better in many situations due to the counters from Experiment One, Strangleroot Geist, Scavenging Ooze, Dromoka's Command and even another copy of himself, ...and they both die to bolt anyway, so...
Surrak took the 4CMC spot as I didn't feel like cashing out for Wilt-Leaf Liege, but also because he in many situations should be able to enter and rush in immediately... and every follow-up turn a dropped creature can join the fray without hesitation.
I'm always looking to improve this deck, so any sugestions to main or sideboard are absolutely welcome. I'm especially looking for some good sideboard choices in place of Dismember. That one is simply there because I took out Hunt the Hunter when Dromoka's Command went into the main.