
This is a Mardu Midrange/Control deck in Modern. I have always loved the Mardu colors and when i saw a variation of this deck on Pro Tour Shadows over Innistrad I had to build my own. The deck is focused on using discard and removal to control the game much like a Jund deck does. Instead of Tarmogoyf and Raging Ravine, you get to play Path to Exile and Lingering Souls. The spirit tokens plus your lands will be your primary win condition. However you can also win with planeswalkers or if you can land a Kalitas he is very hard to deal with. Lingering Souls is the best reason to play this deck over Jund, it is very powerful against most decks and is the trump card against Jund itself.

Sideboard is not finished, but this is my reasoning for the cards:

1x Anguished Unmaking: This is a nice catch all answer for anything from a Blood Moon to a Karn.

1x Crumble to Dust: Tron is one of my worst match ups so i definately want at least one Crumble.

1x Damnation: This is good against most Creature decks, especially Eldrazi.

3x Fulminator Mage: Tron and other land based decks need dedicated hate, these are good against many other decks as well and combo nicely with KCommand.

1x Kozilek's Return: This used to be a Pyroclasm, but because of manlands and stuff like Etched Champion i chose to use this instead.

2x Painful Truths: This is good against almost any blue decks as they tend to get slower after sideboard and is also good against Jund and other grindy decks.

1x Rakdos Charm: An answer to heavy graveyard decks, while also something i can side in against affinity.

1x Rest in Peace: Is very good against Goyf and snapcaster while also the best card in my deck against Dredge or reanimate decks.

1x Slaughter Games: Trump card against Scapeshift or Nahiri Jeskai. Also works against most other non interactive combo decks.

2x Stony Silence: Affinity is the obvius answer, but its also good against Lantern Control and decks using artifact ramp.

1x Thoughtseize: I like having a 7. discard spell in the sideboard against many different strategies like Infect, control and combo decks.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 4 Mythic Rares

21 - 9 Rares

19 - 2 Uncommons

2 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.03
Tokens Spirit 1/1 W, Zombie 2/2 B
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