Any Doctor Who fans out there? My angel deck is one of the first tribal commanders I ever built and has a special place in my heart. This is a creature and enchantment ability deck. Focusing on the abilities of the creatures with lots of permanent boosts for the tribal Angels. They will make your opponents weep ;). Don't blink!! My commander is Archangel Avacyn, a white then red transform creature, eventually I will do her justice and change this deck over to both colors but for now it is a mono white whooping! She starts off as a white 4/4 and transforms into a red 6/5. She does 3 damage to each opponent and each creature, a board wipe to all creatures 3 or less when she transforms and to get her to do so, a non-angel creature must die. (This is a very important ability to be able to do over and over, I have mana cuts and boosts to make up for the command zone tax). I have 8 non-angel creatures. Most can be brought back from the graveyard easily with other creatures abilities or a spell. 3 of them need to be sacrificed to activate abilities so that's easy enough. Get 2 birds stoned at once. The other non-angels either have an ability someone is going to want to zap or they just get sent into battle trying to trick opponents into killing them. They either will not block and take damage to avoid her transforming or kill them and cause her transformation. Win-Win for me. And since she is my commander I will send her out to die after the transformation so that I may bring her back in for another board wipe when I see fit. Most of my angels have over 3 defense/health so that they are not affected by her 3 damage to all creatures. And this is why she is so special to me, why she is my commander. Not only does she have the creature board wipe AND each causes opponents 3 damage AND flying AND vigilance, she also has FLASH. This is important because when she enters, all creatures you control gain indestructible until end of turn. You can flash her in as an indestructible spell boost during your attack as a last twist OR an opponents attack if needed and then she is ready to go during your turn. Other board wipe spells & tribal boost artifacts at the ready and a couple instant spells for the last little screw you during combat, this is a flying assault deck. If you do not have good flying defense this is not the deck you wanna fight. A few of the angels are not really necessary for the mechanic in this deck but they are there until I can afford to get a couple new ones, would really like to get Avacyns other version as well <3 Any deck edit advice or card suggestions are welcome!

Archangel Avacyn + Kami of False Hope

Archangel Avacyn + Selfless Spirit

Archangel Avacyn + Capashen Unicorn

Aegis Angel + Archangel Avacyn

Marshal's Anthem + Radiant Destiny + Caged Sun + Honor of the Pure

Curse of Exhaustion + Kismet

Pearl Medallion + Gilded Lotus + Sol Ring + Angel's Feather + Caged Sun

Bruna, the Fading Light + Gisela, the Broken Blade

Brass Herald + Restoration Angel

Restoration Angel + Trusty Packbeast

Goldnight Redeemer + Wispweaver Angel

Wispweaver Angel also works with 10 additional creatures with entering battlefield abilities in this deck


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