
Modern* m4ver1k

SCORE: 88 | 105 COMMENTS | 22077 VIEWS | IN 33 FOLDERS

asdf9660asdf says... #1

Just checking out your deck man, so glad you are helping me out!
Whats the deal with memory adept, also do you yhink I should find a place for electrolize main deck?

September 14, 2014 9:39 a.m.

m4ver1k says... #2

Jace serves two functions. First and foremost, he's a draw engine. This is his role against most decks. I basically use his +1 until I can sculpt a solid hand. Once I have a solid hand, I'm then safe to be very aggressive with my plays. He speeds things up at that point. His second purpose is my alternate win condition. So if Pod decks somehow manage to gain infinite life or Soul Sisters is getting out of hand, I just use Jace to mill them out.

I do think your deck could benefit from Electrolyze, but I also think moving to include it would require some reworking, because it's going to likely raise your curve unless you opt to remove your Consume the Meek or Cryptic Command, which I'm hesitant to suggest when you don't have any other Damnations or Anger of the Gods. You could fit one in safely in place of Call to Mind. I'm not a fan of that card really because it's basically sorcery speed Snapcaster Mage without the body, and it costs 3 mana. I'd feel better about it if it were instant speed.

Also, you're probably a little dependent on Serum Visions right now to smooth out your draws, I do recommend getting rid of them at some point. I used to use that exact same tactic. Originally, I somewhat used "The Batman" approach mainboard and my deck really suffered from it, but I couldn't tell because Serum Visions was compensating by getting rid of what would be bad draws. When I changed my deck to really focus on removal, counters, and discard a lot of things fell into place. I then found it was better to just use Electrolyze/Remand/Cryptic/Jace to help power through the deck altogether so I didn't have to focus on smoothing it out and it made it a lot more consistent anyways. Anyways, "The Batman" approach is great for the sideboard, don't use it in the mainboard.

September 14, 2014 2:27 p.m.

Tayfed37 says... #3

Decided to check your Grixis deck from what I saw on reddit. I've been aiming to complete mine with Khans giving us the on color fetches (I had it before but I'm hoping maybe the fetches will improve top-decking) I like what you're doing here. I do enjoy the fact jace is serving as your alt win, I used him in a UW shell control as an alt win and late game draw alot and he served that purpse very well.

However, instead of Lili, Ob, Electrolyze, and the Cryptics. I was trying something else that used a Hand-Domination tactic via Notion Thief , Reforge the Soul , and Time Reversal as well as Chandra Ablaze as a late game slugger with Keranos, God of Storms and Thundermaw Hellkite /Stormbreath Dragon If you have any advice for mine check for this deck name on my page. Any help is super appreciated!

Notion of Time/Souls (Grixis Control)

October 2, 2014 12:01 a.m.

m4ver1k says... #4

Tayfed37 - I really appreciate constructive criticism. The problem in my eyes with the hand domination technique is consistency and timeliness. I wouldn't doubt it's just about game if you pull it off, but I'm skeptical of being able to do it consistently because of how high my curve would have to be in order for me to pull that off.

As far as late game sluggers, I've been experimenting. I like Keranos and have actually considered him already. My only beef with him is I'll never be able to have the devotion to turn him into a creature, and at 5 mana, in this deck I need it to do something right off the bat. I can't stall the game out until I draw him and then expect results- I'd have to be able to stall even through him until I can start flinging spells to wrap up the game. Thundermaw/Stormbreath have also been considered actually. Those two haven't been ruled out yet though, I'm just playtesting Ob Nixilis in that slot. The idea behind Ob Nixilis is casting him when you have a fetch on the table so that you can easily turn him into a 6/6 and start burning off of land drops right off the bat. If you start running out of land, you can just keep returning Oboro, Palace in the Clouds to the battlefield every turn to keep up with it.

Again, I appreciate your input. It's always nice to see things from another point of view.

October 3, 2014 1:41 a.m.

Tayfed37 says... #5

I noticed that with Nib, the only downside is you have only 1 of the land and one of him. it seems like a build around mechanic. And you're right, the hand domination thing is slow. It's just a personal thing I've been trying to accomplish. But yea, Thundermaw/Stormbreath are good top end finishers, Stormbreath especially against anything that plays Path to Exile Restoration Angel and other white removal. Also blocks hatebears pretty well if you need it to late game. Another thing I was considering was Bitterblossom and Falkenrath Aristocrat It'd put you on a clock but you get to keep a consistent token for Aristocrat to be safe, plus it's a 4 drop with haste and can even use a snapcaster to self buff if needed. But I have yet to playtest that. The only downside is trying to find ways to grant life.

October 3, 2014 2:08 a.m.

m4ver1k says... #6

Bitterblossom I outright can't do because I already average my wins on 1-5 hp. I definitely use my life as an expendable resource and usually that results in victory. Bitterblossom actually puts me on a clock and if I don't have batterskull to counteract it, I'm in trouble.

Since I can't do Bitterblossom the Falkenrath is out. But I appreciate that thought process.

October 3, 2014 2:50 a.m.

Tayfed37 says... #7

True, BB is best if you can offset the cost of it. Have you thought about playtesting Ral Zarek at all? I find he can protect himself in multiple ways while also acting as a psuedo ramp for a 5 drop in my grixis. Ways he protects himself include his plus 1 to set up a bolt (or your preference of 1 mana counter, bounce, hand disruption ect.) Or bolting a threat if need be. He negates cards such as Ajani Vengeant which can give a control deck trouble out of tempo advantage (Though I am unsure how relevant that is). and he can remove chump blocks effectively enough. or granting a sort of vigilance to a creature as well, Disrupts mana bases, he's a bit of a jack of all trades with my dealings of him. Food for thought perhaps? Also I imagine Jace is an alt-wincon/card advantage. Do you think Keranos is a suitable replacement in this deck since he'll basically be an indestructable enchantment that provides card advantage and inevitability yet is harder to remove?

October 3, 2014 8:35 a.m.

Tayfed37 says... #8

And by ramp to a 5 drop I mean, if I miss a land drop and I want to play a thundermaw, he's got my back,

October 3, 2014 8:38 a.m.

m4ver1k says... #9

Tbh, I dislike Ral Zarek in control. I can see it being easier to justify him in aggro/combo variants. +1 to untap & tap something else down in a control deck doesn't do me much good. The bolt is kinda' nice, but 4 mana to bolt twice feels bad. Not to mention all the trouble I'd have to go through to even land him in the first place. You have to play really tight when playing control, spending mana on a planeswalker that doesn't offer me anything right away isn't something I can spare. Lili has overwhelming board presence and usually becomes a quick target, temporarily getting the focus off me and either sacrificing an opposing creature or start ruining their hand. Jace offers me card advantage or starts milling right away. Ral would allow me to tap/untap two different things, or sorcery speed bolt. It's just not the same.

The problem with Keranos is he can't really claw me back into the game if I'm already losing. Because of the nature of this deck he will never be a creature, so I can't use him to block or swing anything. Which means I have to rely on the potential card advantage he'd provide (but only if it's a land card) or burn. In a control deck, I'm not nearly concerned about burn as much as I am card advantage, where card advantage actually means a counterspell or spot removal. Keranos doesn't do that.

Looking at Ob Nix for example as clawing back into the game. Like most control players, I tend to sit on my fetches until they're needed. This allows me to play him and immediately play a land as I maintain priority after he resolves and then crack fetches in response to any burn heading his way so he stays alive. He can easily become a 9/9 and deal 6 burn the turn he enters play. He can claw me back into the game.

October 3, 2014 12:47 p.m.

Tayfed37 says... #10

I like your way thinking with Ob Nix, I was a little more close minded and saw mostly only Oboro when actually the crack/fetch/play and holding onto the fetches is a better idea and does close out games quickly. My only concern, honestly, for the deck. Is how few finishers you have. If you control the game then that doesn't really matter, but if they do somehow get rid of both Ob and Batterskull. I don't see alot from the deck to squeeze out the end game. Do you count on Bolt-Snap-Bolt? And have you considered Creeping Tar Pit at all? I just feel like Jace and then the BatterSkull/Ob isn't enough. But that goes back to adding something like 1 T-maw/Stormbreath.

October 3, 2014 5:49 p.m.

m4ver1k says... #11

Er, disregard my land base right now apparently, that list isn't entirely right. I know I'm running 2x Creeping Tar Pit. Honestly, I don't usually have a hard time wrapping up games. I just apply some minor burn throughout the game and it really hasn't been an issue. Cryptic Command is a hell of a card in that respect. Counter a key spell on their turn, and draw. Tap down all their creatures just before declaring attackers on their side & draw. Let them commit boardstate and eventually I'm going to hit Damnation, and then all their efforts were a waste. Cryptic Command is pretty amazing in that aspect. Cryptic keeps the opponent in check, and once I hit a win condition that's about it. Sometimes there's a bit of patience required, games can be long as I dig. But usually it's a matter of time.

I would like another win condition, but really only so I can try to speed up the deck. Again, the dragons aren't off the table, I just haven't begun playtesting them yet and need to find an adequate spot for them. I tried using an electrolyze slot at one point but only 3 of them felt very wrong. I'd feel ok about dropping an Inquisition of Kozilek, but I don't want to hurt my curve. Honestly, I've been actually very seriously considering Death's Shadow because of how I leverage my life as a resource, the only thing I don't like about that is I wish it had haste or something.

October 3, 2014 7:34 p.m.

m4ver1k says... #12

Tayfed37 - For what it's worth, I'm taking a page out of your book and I'm going to give Reflecting Pool a shot. I'm in the air now about Creeping Tar Pit because of how rarely I use them as creatures, and the fact that they come in tapped. Reflecting Pool in there stead would speed it up and offer a lot more mana flexibility, which is actually very important in this deck because of Cryptic Command. I was compensating by using Cascade Bluffs and Sunken Ruins , maybe I can alleviate that compensation and add more basics in the end for better land resiliency. I need to playtest it.

October 3, 2014 8:09 p.m.

Tayfed37 says... #13

Reflecting Pool is fantasic for manabase. I don't own the Cascade Bluffs or Sunken Ruins so I can't say for how those. I have a single Cryptic Command but I haven't play tested it yet cuz idk if I want to use just one of it. Death's Shadow is a pretty solid to go choice if you can keep your life low enough. without having to worry about burn. I was personally thinking of trying Nyxathid for mine. If you're running full Cryptics and a lili, maybe [[Abyssal persecutor]. And if not him maybe [tombstalker]]? Which with the fetches and the draw, you could choose for a cheap cast of him and then keep mana open for a counter.

October 3, 2014 9:27 p.m.

Tayfed37 says... #14

October 3, 2014 9:29 p.m.

m4ver1k says... #15

Both of those are decent suggestions actually. I'll note to playtest them as well. Cascade Bluffs/Sunken Ruins have been great, because they take either a basic Mountain/Swamp and basically make it provide blue, which is super helpful for helping to guarantee you can cast Cryptic Command early and consistently. I'm not entirely sure Reflecting Pool will negate that, but it makes it a much better topdeck later in the game compared to Creeping Tar Pit where I rarely want to use the creature ability, and I'm able to tap it for whatever color I may need. I may not be able to get away from the filterlands altogether, but Reflecting Pool is an interesting choice all on it's own.

October 4, 2014 2:31 a.m.

asdf9660asdf says... #16

Ob seems like an awesome card, being able to burn out the opponent without using mana seems amazing.
Im gonna try it myself.

October 5, 2014 12:05 p.m.

What about adding Cruel Ultimatum ? Imho it is a great card.

October 7, 2014 5:43 p.m.

m4ver1k says... #18

I find it's more of a fun card, and less of a competitive card is the only reason I'm not running it. I was running it for quite awhile until I realized that it was the bottleneck. It's often a bad draw unless it's late game. But most importantly, I think the part that keeps it from being competitive is the fact that it's a sorcery. Spending 7 mana on something like that in a control deck- that doesn't guarantee you a win (even though it helps a lot), doesn't improve boardstate, and uses all your mana so you likely can't counter the next threat being played can lose you the game (because it's typically late game by the time you can cast it in the first place). I found that when I was able to play it, it usually worked. But more than half the time, it did not work and was an awful top deck. I spent months working with that card before giving up on it. I appreciate your input greatly though.

October 7, 2014 5:54 p.m.

NateJH says... #19

Ob Nixilis, the Fallen as a finisher? Why no AEtherling or similar?

October 15, 2014 6:06 p.m.

m4ver1k says... #20

A lot of discussion around the deck is in the updates. I find Ob Nixilis is a strong finisher that I can usually net a lot of quick value from him to make for a much more aggressive clock. When he enters the board I can play a land to initiate his landfall trigger, and then crack a fetchland in response to any burn, enabling him to deal 6 damage and become a 9/9 on the turn he enters play. Then Oboro, Palace in the Clouds will help me to continuously be able to trigger it at least once per turn.

October 15, 2014 6:52 p.m.

NerdPounder says... #21

You thought about Keranos, God of Storms ? There's not a whole lot of ways to get rid of him in modern, and he seems much less fragile than Jace. Also helps you control the game as well as win you the game, as opposed to Jace who doesn't help you control the game very much.

October 17, 2014 12:27 p.m.

m4ver1k says... #22

I actually have a discussion about this exact thing in my update. I have thought about him, and while he is definitely less fragile than Jace, he is nowhere as useful as Jace. I need something useful, not just some resilient permanent that does little to help. Jace serves two purposes. First and foremost, he is card advantage. He keeps the spells coming and keeps me ahead of my opponent. The second thing he does is act as an alternate win condition. This is great against Pod/Lifegain decks.

The thing about Keranos is he will never become a creature. I simply will never have the boardstate to allow him to be a potential creature, so he will always be a passive enchantment. Secondly, at 5 CMC in a control deck, I need to make a play that can do something right off the bat. I can't try to control the game, play a 5 drop, and expect no surprises. So if he doesn't do anything for me immediately, then he really puts me at a disadvantage just by playing him. Jace at least will net me a card if nothing else. The third problem is that he only offers card advantage if it's a land, and otherwise it's a bolt. That's not the kind of card advantage I need. Sure, it's not bad, but it really doesn't have the same impact as Jace, because with Jace I can use his card advantage to actually sculpt a solid hand. With his card advantage, I can potentially draw two counter spells. I can use his +1 to draw and then mill myself to help enable my Snapcasters. This is the kind of advantage I need in a control deck. If I was playing more burn/aggro style deck, then I'd agree with Keranos. Just not in control.

October 17, 2014 12:46 p.m.

NateJH says... #23

Blood Moon has been seeing less and less play as far as I know, I think it could be worth it to go up to 8 fetches to help fuel 3x Treasure Cruise .

October 21, 2014 5:51 p.m.

m4ver1k says... #24

Er, I am running 8 fetches. I think I'll playtest 2 Treasure Cruise though before kicking it up to 3. I really don't want to top deck more than 1 early on and preferably none until late game anyways.

October 21, 2014 6:16 p.m.

Chadtherest00 says... #25

This looks like a lot of fun I might wanna play with it against my brother

October 26, 2014 5:17 p.m.

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