
Modern* m4ver1k

SCORE: 88 | 105 COMMENTS | 22075 VIEWS | IN 33 FOLDERS

m4ver1k says... #1

Great! Let me know what you think!

October 26, 2014 5:43 p.m.

benzzer853 says... #2

Ob Nixilis, the Fallen seems pretty weak and you already have 2 other win cons which I have always found to be more than enough. I think I would cut it for a singleton Dig Through Time as card selection is very important in extremely controlling decks and this will find you the cards you want when you need them.

October 26, 2014 8:11 p.m.

Hickorysbane says... #3

Slaughter Games would be a great sideboard card. Despite it seeming kinda iffy the best things to name are essential combo pieces. Anyone trying to combo has a harder if not impossible time after you play that. Things like Ad Nauseam (or against that deck more likely Lightning Storm ), Living End , Primeval Titan , Scapeshift , Jeskai Ascendancy , Melira, Sylvok Outcast or Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker (although be careful this deck can still beat you to death). It would probably take two to completely shut down a twin deck but they don't usually run many Kiki's so naming Splinter Twin can really mess with them and give you time to eke out a win. Also I really like the Ob Nixilis and Oboro interaction, is that worth running another Oboro or maybe Tolaria West ?

October 26, 2014 8:29 p.m.

The_Squirrel says... #4

Looks good. Do you ever run to a problem with Treasure Cruise removing your Snapcaster Mage targets?

October 26, 2014 10:11 p.m.

m4ver1k says... #5

benzzer853 - I see the benefit of Dig Through Time , but there's no way I can justify that on top of 2x Treasure Cruise with the way this deck plays, and frankly I think Treasure Cruise is a lot better. Ob Nixilis is far from weak, in fact, I've never lost after he hits the battlefield. I have Oboro, Palace in the Clouds there to back him up just in case I were ever to need the consistent land drop, but he always wins me the game before I ever find the need to recurse the Oboro. I appreciate that thought process though.

PrecintSix6Six - I know what you mean with Slaughter Games, the only thing I had against it was that it was sorcery speed and the 4 CMC. For those reasons I run Pithing Needle in the side instead, which has been fine so far since I'm able to control any removal that would get rid of it in the first place. Tolaria West is worth considering, thanks for pointing it out. My only immediate hesitation with it is the fact that I redid my entire land base so I can play anything untapped, which has helped tremendously as my meta mostly plays aggro. Also, Ob Nixilis has been so quick to wrap up games that I've yet had the need to recurse Oboro to keep triggers going, so I don't feel pressured to get it out of my deck.

The_Squirrel - I'm sure it'll will become a liability in some specific situations, but honestly, it's never come up for me so far and if it ever did occur, at this point it's proven itself to be way too valuable of an asset for me to not play around that a little. If it's bad enough that I have to pay 2-3 mana to just delve less I'd do that. But if I had to do that I could honestly say that something isn't going right for me already with that game and I'd rule it out as circumstantial. I have yet to make a misplay that ruins my own Snapcasters. I do feel like in a control deck like this 2x Treasure Cruise is adequate, and I don't think I'd push for more than that. If I were playing delver/tempo style decks I might try 3 or even 4 if I'd be cantripping enough, but I really can't justify that in this style deck.

October 27, 2014 4:20 a.m.

Tayfed37 says... #6

Hey there, came back to check on the build now that its out of Prototype. I'm happy to hear it's been working so well for you and that your Ob Nixilis is beasting it up there as a finisher. I was hoping he would work better than I imagined he would, and I'm glad to see he is.

I see you're running the Reflecting Pool s I suggested. I'm guessing they helped better than what they replaced so I'm happy my input helped a little =)

I saw you were talking about Treasure Cruise and Dig Through Time I think both would be fine if you had just 2 of either/or, but not both. Also, I was wondering the reason to your preference of Treasure Cruise , out of curriosity really, and why Dig doesn't make the cut.

Also a part of me really wants to mirror match you with my Grixis xD.

(p.s. I deleted an old deck you put an awesome link on about the meta-pie. [if I am thinking of it correctly] and was wondering if you don't mind posting it again) xD

October 27, 2014 4:41 a.m.

m4ver1k says... #7

PrecintSix6Six - I just realized that my justification for Pithing Needle does nothing for the decks you had mentioned. But outside Pod/Twin (where Pithing Needle can work), the other combo decks aren't really played. I have some Slaughter Games already, I'll take your consideration to heart if I see those other decks appear in my meta.

October 27, 2014 4:46 a.m.

m4ver1k says... #8

Tayfed37 - My preference to Treasure Cruise is for 2 reasons. Firstly, I draw 3 cards, not just 2. I get that I don't get a choice in my cards, but I've yet to run into a situation where I draw 3 cards and whiff out on drawing something I can't use. Secondly, and by far most importantly, I only need to use 1 mana if I want. This is a big deal in control running Cryptic Commands which are extremely dependent on my blue mana.

Yep, Ob Nixilis has been awesome. People hate him. I love him. Reflecting Pool is a miracle card. It seriously, really pulls the land base together. I love it, I'm never sad to draw it, and I can easily build around it. It's allowed me to make plays I couldn't make before without taking some life in shock damage or what have you. It's seriously allowed me to put less strain on my life as a resource for fetches/shocks. It's an absolute powerhouse.

Here's the info about the Metagame Clock.

October 27, 2014 4:54 a.m.

Tayfed37 says... #9

Boom the clock thats what it was! I've been using it to teach some of my friends who are new to the game on deck building and a bit of the different types of decks you can make in the game and how it all ties in, it's a great teaching tool and I wanted to thank you for showing it to me.

And That's what I figured with Treasure Cruise and I'd totally pick it over dig if I had a playset of Cryptics. But alas, I only have one, so I haven't ran it yet in my deck yet.

And I agree, Reflecting Pool is probably one of the best lands you can run in Grixis, or any tri color deck for that matter. I'm glad it made such a substantial improvement to the mana base!

October 27, 2014 5:03 a.m.

m4ver1k says... #10

Yeah, I was really surprised with how effective Reflecting Pool is. It's really great.

October 27, 2014 12:33 p.m.

Eretoryi says... #11

What are you playtesting this deck against? Also, how does Ob Nixilus, the Fallen work out for you? I've never played him, but it seems like he would be good late game if your opponent has no removal.

November 4, 2014 1:48 p.m.

m4ver1k says... #12

Before the addition of Treasure Cruise I was winning about 65-70% of the matchups. My meta is aggro heavy, and spots of control on occasion. I don't believe I've ever lost to Pod even with the earlier versions of this deck. Jund/hand disruption decks are really the tough matchups. Twin games are usually very drawn out but I usually win them. If I can slow down affinity right off the bat then it tends to work out just fine. The aggro decks were the reasoning I built a land base where everything comes into play untapped, and there was/is a number of people playing Blood Moon and so I run a larger number of basics. Reflecting Pool gave me a way to have access to all 3 colors untapped, and allowed me to rely less on my life as a resource, and has done wonders for pulling everything together. These three factors combined are why I feel largely the deck has been so effective.

Since adding Treasure Cruise I haven't had the opportunity to retest against all the decks I had previously played against, while I imagine the matchups would be infinitely more in my favor, I haven't played against a lot of them since I had recently run into issues with my personal life, but I'm hoping to play them again soon. Mainly been playtesting against RG Midrange and Elves in the meantime when I'm able to play with friends. I'm destroying those decks and I've yet to lose to them since adding Treasure Cruise. I'd really like to play against the rest of the meta again and see how matchups have changed.

Ob Nixilis is a beast if you play him right. I play every game like I intend to put him on the board. I save my fetches whenever possible, I try to maintain a clean boardstate. I try to leverage Urborg to tap my fetches for black mana to avoid cracking whenever possible. I really want 1 or 2 fetches on the field and a land in hand when I play Ob Nixilis. That way I can play him, maintain priority, then play a land for the first trigger, and then crack fetches in response to burn/removal so they at least get a decent burn. It's not uncommon for me to burn them for 6-9 damage the turn I eventually play him, and if he survives he's a 9/9 - 12/12 to boot. I would like a counter spell backup, but it's often not realistic. By the same token I have usually done a bit of work against their hand anyways and keeping up so this is less of an issue than you might first think.

November 4, 2014 2:14 p.m.

Eretoryi says... #13

Okay, so you've had to adjust to your meta by playing more basic lands, that's understandable. Nice work on that!

I really like the idea of saving a few fetchlands to use when you actually play Ob Nixilus, the Fallen. I am tempted to try out this strategy, but your deck plays more lands and specifically more fetchlands as well.

If you'd like, take a look at my take on Modern Grixis and you can see where I'm at. Feel free to give suggestions too, since you've been playing your deck longer than I've been playing mine.

Nightscape, bringing cruelty back to Modern Playtest

Modern Eretoryi


November 4, 2014 2:36 p.m.

celestite4 says... #14

I think Grave Titan could be a good wincon for you.

November 6, 2014 12:32 p.m.

Eretoryi says... #15

That's great news about your tournament! I haven't been able to play in one yet because the first tournament I went to was cancelled and the second, last night, I couldn't make. Hopefully next week I will have some success stories as well.

Way to show them how great Grixis control is.

November 6, 2014 1:09 p.m.

scholar says... #16

November 12, 2014 4:02 p.m.

m4ver1k says... #17

Intentionally missing. My meta is mostly aggro so I need any early land to come in untapped so I can play removal. Then after I survive to the late game it's over anyways and he's mostly irrelevant. I'd imagine he'd flourish in another meta with less aggro.

November 12, 2014 4:08 p.m.

Kjartan says... #18

How Ob Nixilis doing for you? :)

November 23, 2014 2:14 p.m.

m4ver1k says... #19

He's destroying everyone. Nobody has actually killed him yet with a removal spell or burning him in those first critical moments. The closest someone has gotten was bolting him twice, but I was able to trigger landfall 3 times that turn so it was a waste of bolts. I think he's really good and discredited on the surface for being 5CMC with a lack of ETB effects and boltable toughness, and while I get that, you just need to set him up to be useful the first turn he's played. Which isn't hard in this style deck where I'm trying to draw out the games anyways.

November 23, 2014 2:40 p.m.

Vaarek says... #20

hey. i just made an account so i could tell you that this deck is great!i was looking to get into modern , but none of the top deck really caught my attention , and i generally dont like copying what everyone else is doing, but after i saw your deck i knew i had to build it myself. i had to make lots of budget replacements, especially in the manabase , but it does work well so far. last week i went to my first modern FNM and i managed to finish 5th with it. id love to get recommendations on budget replacements for certain cards, and i really hope that you continue updating and playing this amazing deck. again , i really really love this deck.

sincerely Vaarek

November 24, 2014 1:35 p.m.

m4ver1k says... #21

Wow, I'm flattered man. Can you throw your list up on this site so I can take a look at it and tell you where you should put your focus as well as recommendations?

November 24, 2014 2:06 p.m.

Vaarek says... #22

just finished putting it up here , so hell yeah , http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/somewhat-budget-ob-grixilis/

November 24, 2014 2:33 p.m.

Kjartan says... #23

I think you can trade some of your Ob nixilis for more mana leak/terminate

November 24, 2014 2:48 p.m.

Teebok says... #24

Very cool deck! I love Snapcaster control decks. Be wary of enchantments though, as you only have Cryptic Command and Engineered Explosives to remove them if they sneak by your counters. Curse of Exhaustion is the bane of your deck as Engineered Explosives can't destroy it and it renders Snapcaster Mage useless.

November 27, 2014 8:24 p.m.

m4ver1k says... #25

Teebok - Don't forget about Cryptic Command to bounce and Thoughtseize to extract. Super rare that I have to do that, but it's worth it when I have to go that route.

November 29, 2014 5:47 a.m.

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