Cap'n No Blocks - Odric Soldier Tribal

Commander / EDH* Arcashine


CardTyrant says... #1

Love your deck! Looks like a deck my wife could get behind and enjoy. I do feel that you are missing something helpful. In my mono-black deck, I run both Caged Sun and Gauntlet of Power. I would recommend taking out Oblation.

The other thing that is somewhat shocking to me is you are not running any of the cycle lands; Drifting Meadow or Secluded Steppe. I find cycle lands to be handy late game when I no longer need mana, but I need cards.

Evangel of Heliod would be good to have in the deck as well since this deck's mono-white.

Gideon, Ally of Zendikar would be good just because of his -4 ability to keep boosting your army.

Nomads' Assembly would help double your army.

Do you mind if I copy your deck and tweek it a bit for my wife?

March 5, 2016 9:39 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #2

Sorry to double post, but I found another card that would be good in a solider deck: Catapult Master.

March 5, 2016 9:41 p.m.

Arcashine says... #3

Thanks a bunch for the reply TemnoTsar! I'm glad you like it. :) I love Caged Sun, and I've had Gauntlet of Power in this deck before. I tend not to like it because it ramps multicolor decks that have white in them, and I can't afford to do that in most matchups.

I'm curious why you think I should take out Oblation. It's one of the most powerful spot removal cards in the game.

I've been hesitant about cycle lands because most anything that comes into play tapped isn't good for this deck, but I wouldn't mind giving them a try and seeing how I like them in matches. I'll playtest this!

Evangel of Heliod is good, but he's also rather expensive and Captain of the Watch fulfills his slot better most of the time. I've tried him out and I think I prefer other cards.

Gideon, Ally of Zendikar is a really interesting option here. He's a soldier, he can make tokens if I need them, and you're right, he can give me anthems. I'm just not sure if I need more anthems and if he's too high mana cost/what I'd replace for him. Definitely something to consider and think about, do you have any other thoughts on him?

Nomads' Assembly is awesome. It feels good and helps further a developed board state, but the issue is that's all it's good for: it helps you when you're already winning. I think this card has the record for the card that's been in the deck the longest that I've taken out. On the outside it's easy to see the upside, but through playtesting I've found it really doesn't work out most of the time. It either gets countered, causes another player to wipe the board, or people to target me. So I'd prefer to focus on cards that grow my board state instead of help it after it's grown. I hope that makes sense.

I absolutely do not mind if you copy my deck, in fact I'm flattered you'd like to do so! You have my blessing to declare ALL the "no blocks!"

No problem about double posting. Something I'm curious about: Do you think Catapult Master or Intrepid Hero is better? I've actually tried both and they tend to just not fit in my deck. They both take a turn to do something, and Catapult Master requires me to take a whole bunch of damage I could be dealing and only kill one creature with it. I could play Frontline Medic and swing in and force a creature kill that way.

Thanks again for the response and advice, I love discussing these cards and hearing other's opinions!

March 5, 2016 10:45 p.m.

CardTyrant says... #4

All are very good points. I did not think of it that way. The Oblation is a good spot removal.... and I read it wrong. I thought your opponent drew two cards. Go me. So I would keep it! Wow I should read more.

As much as I like Intrepid Hero, I find Catapult Master would help you more because he gets around Indestructible cards.

March 6, 2016 8:46 a.m.

Holtzman says... #5


Oblation: The owner of the permanent draws 2 cards. So if you use it on an opponents permanent they do draw the cards.

March 15, 2016 1:16 a.m. Edited.

Oh my. Where do I begin? Well let's start here. Any deck that gives me new metal to listen to is automatically a +1'd deck in my book.

Your build is remarkably similar to my original Odric build, which had Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip at the helm before it switched to Odric shortly before I deconstructed it. I hadn't considered Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite when constructing my deck, but I'm kind of liking it now. Giving all my tokens a +2/+2 buff in addition to a 4/7 Vigilant body isn't bad.

Keeping in mind that my build is token-oriented, would you recommend Gideon, Ally of Zendikar? His 0 doesn't produce a Soldier token, but his +1 does turn him into a Soldier, which allows him to take advantage of all my Soldier buffs.

March 15, 2016 9:46 p.m.

Arcashine says... #7


I actually wasn't talking about this deck, this is my original Odric deck I've been working on for a few years. Here's the list I was talking about:

Sorry about that. :P Yeah, this deck is all about getting through without blocks, the one I linked is all about putting out little guys that give eachother their keywords, so that might be more helpful since you're building around the SoI Odric.

March 15, 2016 10:07 p.m.

BurtReynolds says... #8

Looks fun. Ultimately I want mono-colored commander deck for each mana type and I think I might try something similar to this for white. Although in your reply to TemnoTsar, I don't think you would need to wait a turn to use Catapult Master's ability.

+1 from me

September 22, 2016 noon

BurtReynolds says... #9

Just curious, why did you decide to leave out Eldrazi Monument? It can often seem like somewhat of an auto-include in token decks.

September 22, 2016 12:06 p.m.

Arcashine says... #10

BurtReynolds, thanks for the +1 and the reply.

Catapult master is usually just difficult to get online in the first place, and is rather expensive mana wise. One of the changes I made to give this deck an edge was to focus it heavily on aggro, and catapult master just slows everything down too much. but you are right, if I'm lucky I can use him immediately. I'll get back to you in the Monument. :)

September 23, 2016 2:32 p.m.

jconeil1988 says... #11

Nice deck. You are short 1 card though. Maybe a Marshal's Anthem ?

April 13, 2019 1:33 a.m.

Arcashine says... #12

Thanks for pointing that out jconeil1988, I used to have that card in here but it felt a bit too expensive for what it would usually do. I also think it never really seemed to help the aggro strategy of this deck, even if a board wipe comes down I'd probably prefer card draw. The 100 card issue should be fixed now though!

April 17, 2019 9:08 p.m.

jconeil1988 says... #13

No problem. What about Benalish Marshal over Field Marshal same thing except Benalish doesn't boost opponent's soldiers?

Except he's a Knight instead of a Soldier, which maybe the deal breaker.

April 17, 2019 9:23 p.m.

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