My local games shop alternates fnms between drafts and block constructed nights, so I wanted to make a quick build for the next one and test it out.
I do have a Samut and various other things from green, but for the sake of efficiency I want to keep the deck mono-red.
The aim of the deck is to make it difficult for the opponent to block swings, using effects such as
Ahn-Crop Crasher
's, Glorybringer's, Menace, etc. all while using the discard and draw mechanics to get whatever you want from the deck as quickly as possible.
At the moment, my main concerns regard the fragility of Combat Celebrant - so I might need to add the Cartouches or Bloodlust Inciters in to set him up with haste and swing (but what would I take out to make space for them?) - and the place that Neheb, the Eternal has in this deck. It's a great card, and afflict is great, but do I really need the mana effect? Or should I opt for 2 more
Any advice is totally welcome. Thank you in advance.
EDIT: I don't have Hazoret yet, and I don't need Neheb, so I played 4 Cartouche of Zeal instead. The deck is quick, I can manipulate my hand in many ways, kill off annoying things with my instants, and Combat Celebrant makes me hit like a truck on cocaine. With the Cartouches, I can also make an extra creature not block for the whole turn. TLDR; -2 Hazoret -2 Neheb, +4
Cartouche of Zeal
EDIT x 2 : I've been playing with a couple of block constructed decks and I've noticed that the
Battlefield Scavenger
just isn't that useful. Fling isn't either, and deserts are pretty cool, so I've added 4x Ramunap Ruins , 2x Desert of the Fervent , and 2x Sunscorched Desert . Fling x2 is going to be leaving for 2 more
Ahn-Crop Crasher
. I'm currently thinking of replacing 1x Tormenting Voice and all 3 of the
Battlefield Scavenger
for 2x
Burning-Fist Minotaur
and 2x Mountain, because I need more lands to be able to play Glorybringer more consistently. This way, I have a much better 2-drop that can buff itself and has first strike. An alternative to
Burning-Fist Minotaur
would be Soul-Scar Mage , a good 1 drop that can take advantage of my burn spells. The Desert of the Fervent is something that can be cycled in case I need it, and 2x Tormenting Voice are still in the deck, so I still have 5 cards that help with discarding and pumping up our good old
Flameblade Adept
. Yesterday was a draft FNM, so I'll get to properly test my deck in the coming one.