Competitive Goblins (Modern)

Modern Fizzery


chrismuller21 says... #1

Awesome deck :) Looks fun!

September 17, 2014 2:57 a.m.

rorofat says... #2

Nice build! I would definitely suggest trying to get your hands on some Bloodstained Mire once Khans comes out!

September 17, 2014 9:29 a.m.

Fizzery says... #3

rorofat Yeah I will definitely be trying to get my hands on some if I can, thanks!

September 17, 2014 1:02 p.m.

Pinkyplys says... #4

You wanted me to take a look, so here I go! :P

Awesome deck! awesome describtion! xD +1..

I don't see any really good changes, but here is what I would do.

Goblin Chieftain is good, but I think Goblin King might be better if you add in Blood Moon ... Since that will give you the change of attacking in later game without having to worry about you opponent bigger creatures. :) it will proberly slow Down the process a bit. But I think it will make the deck more able to win against a huger amount of different decks:)

September 17, 2014 4:03 p.m.

Pinkyplys says... #5

For example: against my deck as you saw... you would properly get me Down to 7 life, but from there on I will just block and safe time until my bigger tricks can come in play, like board wipes Cyclonic Rift , and you're screwd... So the thing is that you want to make them unblockable. which means that you can overrun me in turn 4-5 without any further problems :)...

Of cause if your turn 3 win Works everytime, then don't worry :=)

I aren't that good at English, but I hope you understand xD

September 17, 2014 4:10 p.m.

Fizzery says... #6

Hey zZAZz I think Blood Moon might be a viable sideboard option however it'll slow down the deck greatly and I would probably only use it against control decks or decks with extensive mana bases. Against something like your deck you probably wouldn't be able to block because you utilize a lot of tokens and thats where Legion Loyalist will shine. Thanks for the feedback though! Love your deck lol

September 17, 2014 4:18 p.m.

GoblinDiplomat says... #7

Cool deck +1
I wouldn't even consider Blood Moon for the sideboard because it would severely hurt your mana base more than it would help. I would run a couple more basic lands/Fetchlands unless you know the people in your area aren't going to be running Blood Moon . Other than that, I think the deck has a nice build and pretty good consistency.
And for people that want to check out my version of goblins heres the link Rage Of The Goblins.

September 17, 2014 7:49 p.m.

Fizzery says... #8

Thanks GoblinDiplomat! I am looking into getting the Fetchlands once Khans is released, sadly I only have 1 Marsh Flats at the moment. Do you have any suggestion as to how you would switch up the mana base as to not be as affected by Blood Moon ?

September 17, 2014 8:52 p.m.

Pinkyplys says... #9

Haha, as I Said, tjente aren't to much to change, great deck:)

September 18, 2014 2:21 a.m.

rorofat says... #10

@Fizzery: I play goblins in modern, and there was a time where I had red/black... if you continue with your two color idea, I would suggest playing the Marsh Flats and 1-2 basic Swamp just to get around Blood Moon !

September 18, 2014 9:55 a.m.

rorofat says... #11

Ahh my bad... I forgot to check the list :)

September 18, 2014 9:56 a.m.

+1 Who does not like GOBLINS!

September 19, 2014 1:32 a.m.

Geoffrey1 says... #13

I dig it! +1 ..... Though I have to ask..... What about Rabblemaster for a mid game win?

September 19, 2014 1:35 a.m.

Fizzery says... #14

Geoffrey1 yeah I've been considering running him as a 2 of for some finishing power after Goblin Chieftain is out or in conjunction with a kicked Goblin Bushwhacker

September 19, 2014 1:54 a.m.

Pupp3tMast3r says... #15

2x Frenzied Goblin in place of 2x Tattermunge Maniac might help you push the last points of damage through.

September 19, 2014 9:50 a.m.

rorofat says... #16

@Pupp3tMast3r Tattermunge Maniac is specifically good in this build because of it's synergy with Jund Hackblade , so I don't see him taking him out anytime soon.... :)

September 19, 2014 10:42 a.m.

Fizzery says... #17

rorofat pretty much nailed the Tattermunge Maniac bit. The last bit of damage can usually come through with my burn Lightning Bolt and Goblin Grenade . Thanks for the suggestions though Pupp3tMast3r!

September 19, 2014 1:47 p.m.

omgmarclol says... #18

This deck looks like a lot of fun. Goblin Rabblemaster would feel right at home in this deck.

September 20, 2014 3:07 p.m.

Pupp3tMast3r says... #19

Ohhh, I see it now. Sorry, didn't see the synergy at first. Thanks for the explanation!

September 20, 2014 9:52 p.m.

DavidNLD says... #20

HI! :D came to check out the deck like you asked n.n

The deck looks really fun to play and the turn 3 win looks so much fun to pull off =P I didn't really think a three colored goblin deck whould work out because it tends to be slower than a mono colored one. Turns out with the turn 3 play it can actually be faster if the opponent has no answers =P

My suggestion for the deck would be to switch the rabblemasters for some Krenko, mob bosses. As Krenko makes more tokens then the one rabblemasters make, it can result in a great damage increase. It also makes your goblin grenades more valuable since you're chances to sac a 1/1 goblin are raised =]

+1 this deck =3

September 21, 2014 2:34 p.m.

Fizzery says... #21

Its actually only a 2 colour deck, the G is just from the Tattermunge Maniac but Red will only be used to cast him, he just gives the benefit of multi-coloured for Jund Hackblade . Thanks though! Goblin Rabblemaster was a new addition so I'm not quite sure how I feel about him yet, Krenko might be too slow as he doesn't do anything until turn 5 or 4 if Goblin Chieftain is out, might be viable as a sideboard option if I find I am facing decks that are taking me to late game.

September 21, 2014 4:39 p.m.

alexyoung says... #22

Sweet! I'm glad to see people share my undying passion for those little green guys. Really cool to see a good dual color deck too. +1's for days.Here's mine!

September 23, 2014 9:04 a.m.

andersjoh says... #23

what are your thoughts on Mogg War Marshal and AEther Vial ?

September 27, 2014 3:17 p.m.

Fizzery says... #24

andersjoh Love Mogg War Marshal use him in my mono-red goblin deck. Can be used a a chump blocker for no penalty, triggers Foundry Street Denizen for 2 turns, perfect Goblin Grenade sacrifice, almost never pay his echo cost. AEther Vial has potential but over all I don't think it belongs in a goblin deck. Goblin deck creatures are all really easy to cast and come out quick enough on their own. Vial can definitely help but I prefer not to run it. Play test it and find out for yourself, let me know how you end up liking Vial

September 28, 2014 3:35 p.m.

uspdudes says... #25

Cool deck I loved it.

Been trying to play with this list to make more turn 3 wins, not an easy task but here are some thoughts:

I found out burning-tree emissary can be interesting, it can combo with some cards to make a fast 2nd turn:

1) burning-tree emissary + lightning maulergives you 4 hasty damage on 2nd turn.

2) burning-tree emissary + hearthlash cindergives you a hasty 4/1 or 5/1 on 2nd turn.

3) burning-tree emissary + jund hackbladeA nice enabler for jund's haste.

Another interesting card is foundry street denizen, it can deal often 3 damage on 2nd turn, not so bad.

Rakdos Cackler is nice, help to enable hackblade and it is aggressive.

I think those cards are nice to test, overall I am having a hard time in the late game with those superfast builds.

September 28, 2014 9:47 p.m.

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