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It Wasn't Really Expected To Infinite Combo

Modern Budget Competitive Infinite Combo Mono-Blue



Creature (4)

Artifact (4)


Creature (1)

Land (1)

Instant (1)

This is an infinite mana deck meant to win on turn 3 or 4 all while not paying for much out of pocket! The only big money card is Spellskite and this deck did well in competition even before I traded for my Spellskite play set. Take those out and you take off about $60 from cost and get this deck built for about $75-100 out of pocket without trades.

Turn One: Either Gitaxian Probe or Index can be played. Use Probe to not only get an eye on the competition but draw in case you are not 100% satisfied with opening hand. Index will show the same result but possibly better for not only T2-T4 draws.

Turn 2: Pili-Pala makes his introduction. This is key for the infinite combo to fire off. If needed I suppose you could use Muddle the Mixture as a counter but I wouldn't recommend it unless absolutely needed as it's transmute may be needed for tudor.

Turn 3: Grand Architect completes the combo. Attack with Pili-Pala in order to tap him. Next tap architect to produce 2 colorless mana. Since this is not an tap activated ability it does not require Haste. Use this two colorless mana to untap Pili-Pala and produce 1 blue mana. Feed that blue mana into Architect's ability to turn target creature blue until end of turn, making Pili a blue artifact creature.

Now you can tap Pili to produce two floating mana. Feed that into Pili again and produce either black, blue or red depending on if you want to use Banefire, Exsanguinate, or Blue Sun's Zenith as your win condition.

Use the two floating colorless to untap him. Rinse and repeat for any color you choose until you have infinite mana to spend.

Using Muddle the Mixture you can easily transmute for Pili if you had a bad draw as well as Exsanguinate. Drift of Phantasms will allow you to transmute for either Architect or Blue Sun's mill win-con. Dizzy Spell will transmute to fetch my favorite win-con, Banefire which can only be stopped by redirection. Mind Grind is in the sideboard because A. it is difficult to make room for it and B. it will make an easy way to wipe out multiple players in one instance. If you build this deck I STRONGLY urge you to remember the transmute cards do other things besides transmute! I often act like the two Muddles in my hand are strictly for transmute when obviously I could use it to save Pili-Pala or Grand Architect from burn or counter spells.

If you have both Pili and Architect out turn three but for any reason cannot attack keep in mind you can just pass turn and complete the combo turn 4 easily without having to attack by tapping one Island to turn Pili blue and then start the combo that way.

The important thing to remember with transmute in hand is you will need to complete the infinite mana combo before transmuting for win-con or fix as it is sorcery speed. Personally if I can I would prefer to go fetch a Dispel or Muddle the Mixture as well as win-con just to be safe.


Spellskite - In an attempt to fend off USA Control which is abundant in my local meta.

Springleaf Drum - As an alternate 1 drop to the weird people playing Storm Crow Caw Blade decks. But seriously, it happens when I need to get him tapped and I'm battling early game fliers. Use this instead of attack.


Cards placed in the Maybe board are things that could make this deck better, but are outside of "Budget" realms really. Cavern of Souls is viable to make sure the key pieces stick, and Sage of Epityr is a solid card in place of Index, as well as blocker. But again, I don't own any and not something I'm going to spend money on. Anyone who chose to play with him will probably have better luck than me. Pact of Negation would be an absolutely brilliant add for anyone who is serious about this kind of deck, but again. Not exactly budget now is it?

I feel I've made this glass cannon as stable as it can be, though any suggestions are always appreciated and considered.

+1 is greatly appreciated~


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Okay so this deck has officially gone NUTZ!!!

42 up votes and 2600+ views in total?


Keep calm and Pili-Tect combo folks!

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Revision 7 See all

(10 years ago)

+1 Cavern of Souls maybe
+1 Pact of Negation maybe
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #63 position overall 11 years ago
Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 4 Rares

1 - 8 Uncommons

33 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.75
Folders Modern, zz, good Modern decks, Folder 1, Favourites, Decks I want, This site and their deck ideas, Fun Decks, ASD, Favorite decks
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