Brago - Blink Eternal

Commander / EDH NoNeedToBragoBoutIt


KCisSICKnasty says... #1

I definitely recommend Altar of the Brood as well as some more mana rocks like Mana Vault, Grim Monolith, and Azorius Signet. +1 from me. Check out mine?

Blinking Contest

Commander / EDH SorinDankov

SCORE: 80 | 2 COMMENTS | 10762 VIEWS

November 30, 2015 2:58 p.m.

Thanks for the suggestions SorinDankov!

Altar of the Brood isn't suitable for the group i play with, since loads of enemy decks are heavy on their graveyard recursion. Filling their graveyards could backfire in an instant.

Mana Vault and Grim Monolith are must haves but will have to wait since they are fairly costy. But i'm planning to include more mana rocks ofc! My next order will at least contain Gilded Lotus. An order from last week arrived today, Thought Vessel being one of the arrivals. (Will update decklist in a bit.)

November 30, 2015 4:15 p.m.

KCisSICKnasty says... #3


Not entirely a fan of Gilded Lotus. I'd grab the Mana Vault instead. Thought Vessel is definitely interesting to me. I'm thinking of adding that in mine as well.

November 30, 2015 4:21 p.m.

GS10 says... #4

Thought-Knot Seer and Panharmonicon seem like they fit in there.

The Eldrazi lets you be political and pick and choose allies, while trying to nerf the most menacing players' hands with each blink.

Panharmonicon makes you have additional value from each creature entering the battlefield.

Since you removed Strionic Resonator I'm not suggesting to include pieces to go infinite with your blinks even though I personally like it and in a playgroup which seems to function similarly to yours, I run the pieces and just combo off if I feel like it and keep playing to win in a grindy game if I can.

We're trying a league points system too to encourage different approaches and new decks, and that points system already makes you negative points for those infinite combo wins, so people try to win "fair and square" instead of just comboing off, and that makes games different, fresher and a lot of fun!

+1 given as well, you're playing at least 2 of the same generals I do! ;)

October 16, 2016 7:51 p.m.

Thanks for your input GS10!

Panharmonicon is a definite buy/Puca Trade in the near future! Will do insane work in this deck. Thought-Knot Seer on the other hand is a different thing. Hitting that can be tricky, i'd give opponents cards when i blink him and the card's cost is blown out of proportion because of 60 card modes. But, i do have an option in mind that could fit in really great to do the above: Wu Spy! Pretty low on the curve top deck manipulation of enemy decks without a downside will be loads of fun - and unusual and fresh as well. ;) Plus, it screws up Sensei's Divining Top users real bad if blinked/played at the right time.

I'll take a look at your decks when i find the time. Stay tuned in for future updates. :)

October 17, 2016 4:59 a.m.

GS10 says... #6

Yeah, i get the Wu Spy value! I still prefer my Thought-Knot Seer though, but our decks are different. I run a lot of mana rocks that I can blink with Brago for almost double the mana each turn, so is sometimes easier than for Brago himself! ahah I don't rely just on Reliquary Tower type of lands, so it does a great job.

Giving a card to an opponent has never been an issue to me. I'm not in any way a group hug player, but usually I make deals when I blink it. "okay, who's in a worse spot right now? You? Okay, I'll give you a card, but you won't come after me, other wise this shall rain upon you" kind of stuff ahah. The thing if you're giving the weaker player a card or two, he really needs it. If he turns on you (unless he kills the eldrazi) next turn you can rip value off his hand, so rarely someone turns on you like that. Even if they manage to kill Thought-Knot Seer, if you're picking the player falling behind you should have a better board position anyway, and you can make a whole lot to him if he turns on you. Also, I kinda need to have it, since it's another win con for the Strionic Resonator combo that I run, while Wu Spy doesn't allow mill wins by himself, just disrupts top decks. Since you're not running the combo, Wu Spy will probably be a better option most of the time. Anyway hand disruption in isn't that common so I like the versatility of Thought-Knot Seer (and if I have Panharmonicon out then it's just pure value).

October 17, 2016 8:31 a.m.

Yup, with Panharmonicon you can basically keep two opponents in check/exile the two most threatening cards of your opponent for the cost of giving them 1 card. And since that happens first you can even exile the drawn card.

I might reevaluate Thought-Knot Seer when i get my hands on a Thran Dynamo, Grim Monolith, Mana Vault and Basalt Monolith, lol.

October 17, 2016 8:47 a.m.

GS10 says... #8

Yeah, that's the exact type of cards that allow it! lol

But still, without the infinite combo it's not that clear of an inclusion. I only began testing with it shortly before I found out Strionic Resonator could go infinite and I didn't have enough testing to figure out if I'd play it without the chance to combo off with it. I think so, but as I said, I didn't test it long enough. It might ended up being a dead card in hand sometimes, but now with Panharmonicon too, it seems much more appealing though.

October 17, 2016 9:04 a.m.

NV_1980 says... #9

I used to run Cathars' Crusade in my Brago deck, but switched it for Call for Unity. Pro: No more counters to lose every time your creatures blink. Con: if Call for Unity is removed, you lose all counters on all creatures. Whatever floats your boat I guess ... :)

June 21, 2017 3:53 a.m.

Thanks for your comment, NV_1980!

I gave Call for Unity a shot, but i found it to be too slow.Cathars' Crusade plus any of the Token Generators means at least 3 counters, if not more if i have any utility creatures and/or Brago, King Eternal to blink.With Call for Unity i'd need 3 of my own end steps or more to get there and the force will be available a turn later, with Cathars' Crusade i can just play a creature or two and swing with the already pumped guys.I'd propably even pick Goldnight Commander and Valor in Akros over Call for Unity.

June 22, 2017 1:01 a.m.

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