
Creature (1)

Sorcery (1)

I really like combo decks in edh, partly because they're fun for me and partly because of the moans of my friends as I combo, and Damia, Sage of Stone is a combo enabler. You will probably get targeted first if people know how the deck works as almost every card is a combo piece or sets up for a combo in some way.

Now to explain the combos of the deck and how you want to win. The deck uses Deadeye Navigator in order to generate huge board advantage, card advantage or mana if you don't have Omniscience to make mana useless.

Deadeye Navigator + Palinchron : This will make you infinite mana which you then use with Exsanguinate + Twincast or Blue Sun's Zenith + Twincast to kill everybody at the table.

Avenger of Zendikar + Deadeye Navigator : You'll make infinite tokens this way which will then grow with the multiple ramp spells in the deck for infinite damage.

Deadeye Navigator + Eternal Witness : Inifnite recursion so that you can always reuse everything.

Deadeye Navigator + Rune-Scarred Demon : Tutor as many times as you want.

Deadeye Navigator + Sakashima the Impostor : Just a cheaper way to get her ability off and allows you to save mana.

Deadeye Navigator + Solemn Simulacrum : Get all your basics so you don't have to worry about land drops.

Deadeye Navigator + Venser, Shaper Savant : Bounce anything you want or counter anything you want.

Clever Impersonator + Deadeye Navigator : Same idea as Sakashima the Impostor except you can copy anything you want with you exception of lands.

walk the aeons + asuza, lost but seeking + crucible of worlds: Take infinite turns so that you can set up your win.

Null Profusion + Omniscience + Recycle : Draw into anything you need or build up your storm count to cast Tendrils of Agony and kill everybody.

Academy Ruins + Mindslaver : If one person is left in the game, you can lock them out or use Future Sight, Palinchron and infinite mana to lock out all other players.

Deadeye Navigator + Eternal Witness + Fleshbag Marauder + Kokusho, The Evening Star: Infinitely recur and sac kokusho as long as you have infinite mana.

Now to outline the wincons exclusively.

Kokusho, the Evening Star: Can be recurred infinitely to kill everybody.

Blue Sun's Zenith: Infinite mana means you can make everybody draw their decks.

Exsanguinate: Infinite mana means you can out right kill everybody.

Avenger of Zendikar: Tokens will allow you to deal infinite damage as long as you have the mana to keep bouncing it.

Capsize: While not technically killing any players, you can bounce everything they have and putting them back so far that you essentially win or they concede.

Tendrils of Agony: You'll be casting a lot of cards so you can either kill everybody on one turn or recur it and kill one player at a time.

Villainous Wealth: Exile they're stuff and you get to play it if you don't exile their deck and they lose.


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