~~~ Anvil of Angels ~~~
I've always loved white cards and especially angels in MTG so this is my first serious attempt at an Angel tribal deck.
Angels are generally expensive to cast. Therefore, I hope to devise a manner such that the casting cost of my angels is reduced. While doing so, control the board to limit damage from the opposition while building land and gathering cards in hand.
This strategy really revolves around the card Semblance Anvil, which I would use to exile an angel creature card from my hand to decrease the cost of other creatures by . Multiple Semblance Anvils stack, so this will decrease costs further. To reduce casting costs, I did have Herald of War in here but it felt too slow. Semblance Anvil is faster in my opinion. I also tried
Pearl Medallion
(which was nice because it reduced the cost of ALL my spells) but again, I prefer the Anvil.
Angel of Jubilation: Provides an anthem effect for my creatures and hinders opponents from sacrificing or paying life to activate abilities.
Pristine Angel
: Excellent protection effect. A defensive play. Combos with instants to untap and gain protection again.
Voice of All
: Hideous art for an angel creature, but its effect is valuable. 2/2 is disappointing stat-wise, but with protection, 2 toughness isn't too bad, it will just take awhile to kill the opponent with 2 power.
Seraph of the Sword
: Cool art and a good effect. Is essentially an angel version of Fog Bank but isn't restricted by defender. The 3 toughness is a little disappointing regarding instant or sorcery damage, but whatever. One Anvil reduces this to - the same CMC as Fog Bank!
Angel of Serenity
: Great removal effect for opposing threats, while providing a nice offensive and defensive body. Can also return slain angels from my grave to my hand.
Wall of Omens: Provides early defense and cheap card draw.
Control and Protection elements:
For removal, I have Swords to Plowshares.
Brave the Elements provides protection for my angels.
Wall of Omens and
Scroll of Avacyn
are here for cheap card draw.
Entreat the Angels: I have a single copy so why not? :P
Other thoughts/Questions:
- Please give your opinions on removal elements and protection for my creatures. Sure I could have an Angelic Arbiter on the field, but I have no way to keep it there... I understand that if I want protective cards, other things must be removed. Let me know your thoughts on this!
- I was going for a life gain theme originally, with cards like Angelic Accord and
Lightkeeper of Emeria
(with the cost reduced by the Anvil so I could kick at least twice with the mana I saved from the Anvil), but I didn't have enough other life gain in here to make that theme relevant, so I eliminated those cards. If this deck can be more consistent/competitive with a life gain theme, please suggest how to morph this to make it relevant!
I know angel decks are usually slow and unpractical (from what I've read over the years and what I've surmised myself), but I think I have a good start here on a different approach. Therefore, I would like some feedback on this idea about what is good/bad/slow and what I could change to make it better!
Thanks for looking!

Possible combos-
Twilight Shepherd
+ Otherworldly Journey to dodge destruction and possibly bring stuff right back