Legacy Jund Birthing Pod

Legacy Tremblayk19


MollyMab says... #1

This isn't really a deck Tarmogoyf shines in. You are better off playing a 2 drop with good pod value, such as Strangleroot Geist.

Also a distinct lack of Broodmate Dragon. 2 4/4 bodies is not to be sniffed at.

December 25, 2017 6:38 p.m.

Tremblayk19 says... #2

Thanks for the comment LeaPlath. Strangleroot Geist is good and was in the list earlier, I may add it back. The problem is that my 3-drops are a little less interesting. Meanwhile, Tarmogoyf will pretty much never not be a 2/3 and likely more. But I'll test them both.

As for Broodmate Dragon, the idea is if I untap with Murderous Redcap I just win with Kiki. I would consider slotting it in over Grave Titan but my 5-drop slot is pretty full. I could also replace Shriekmaw with Wickerbough Elder and cut a Huntmaster or something.

Nice suggestions!

December 26, 2017 5:53 p.m.

Tremblayk19 says... #3

Sorry, I read Broodmate as a 5-drop. I'll test in Grave Titans place

December 26, 2017 5:57 p.m.

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