
Hey All! I've been inspired to brew a lot this week. I was building a Tegwyll, Duke of Splendor aristocrats deck and that got me thinking about good old Edgar Markov. I used to play vampires a long long time ago. So in 2017 when Edgar came out I picked up a precon, but never really built him. WHAT A WASTE! I love this guy. He actually reminds me a lot of my two favorite decks; faerie tribal and Kaalia of the Vast.

I couldn't let this stand. So here we are now, after a couple of days of research and racking my brain to come up with my take on Edgar Markov's court of vampire aristocrats with a couple of phyrexians to crank up the the dread I immerse my opponents in.

Like a faerie tribal deck, this deck seeks to out-tempo your opponent through consistent token generation while casting valuable creatures quickly and removing key obstacles. Edgar Markov has an eminence ability that generates tokens every time you play another vampire, even while he is still in the command zone. Everyone one knows how powerful this is. This is why Edgar is so expensive. Because he has this amazing ability in the command zone, you dont have to waste time finding your token generator like the faeries do. Instead you just need to play your vampires while digging for token amplifiers and finding a way to close out the game.

The aforementioned amplifiers I am talking about are cards that increase the number of tokens you create as well as powerful aristocrats cards that damage your opponents and gain you life from the deaths of your tokens. And this deck has a few ways to close out the game. You can win through creature damage by buffing your army and giving them flying. You can combo into Marit Lage. Or you can infinitely drain your enemies' life with enchantments.

This is how I recommend you do it...

Turn 1: Casting Viscera Seer, Vicious Conquistador, Vampire Cutthroat, Stromkirk Noble, Shadow Alley Denizen, or Falkenrath Pit Fighter will also gain you a token from Edgar Markov's eminence. It's a very strong play to gain a tempo advantage over your opponents. If not getting two creatures for 1 mana, then maybe you have a Sol Ring. If you do, maybe you could also cast an Orzhov Signet, Arcane Signet, or Rakdos Signet. And if nothing else, a Phyrexian Reclamation can prepare for the battles ahead.

Turn 2: Any of the above mentioned mana rocks or 1-drop vampires would be nice. Otherwise Blood Artist and Cruel Celebrant are your strongest options, setting up your ability to capitalize on the deaths of your creatures. Cordial Vampire, Charismatic Conqueror, Cruel Celebrant, and Vraan, Executioner Thane are your next best options, still giving you a token for casting them. Vampire Socialite is strong if you are able to sneak in some damage first, otherwise probably hold her. Likewise you can also play Nullpriest, but should wait until you can cast it for its full price to get something from the grave. Lastly Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim and Suture Priest are both nonvampires that still start increasing the gap between you and your opponent.

Turn 3: Captivating Vampire is my favorite choice here to start controlling your opponent's board. Stromkirk Captain generates tempo and buffs all your vamps. Urza's Incubator, Shared Animosity, and Phyrexian Altar all help get extra value out of your vampires. Phyrexian Arena utilizes the fact you can gain so much life to generate card advantage without losing control. Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose is like Sanguine Bond but also can give your creatures lifelink, and is also a vampire. Other vampires you could play here are Vampire Nighthawk, Yahenni, Undying Partisan, Mathas, Fiend Seeker, Florian, Voldaren Scion, and Drana, Liberator of Malakir. Florian starts getting you extra cards. Mathas can also get you cards but also gives a form of psuedo-control by encouraging others to attack each other.

Turn 4: ARound here you should start looking to pick off key targets. You can do so with Captivating Vampire, but also with Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, Feast of Blood, and Crackling Doom. It's also really good to start getting more ways of tokens out on the board. Mondrak, Glory Dominus and Anointed Procession are both very powerful, especially so if you have gotten any mana acceleration and can cast them alongside a cheap vampire. Mirkwood Bats is another nonvampire that still works very nicely with your existing and future tokens. Sheoldred, the Apocalypse is a personal favorite card of mine. Olivia Voldaren controls the board. Edgar, Charmed Groom   buffs vamps and can get a few tokens now and then. Bloodline Keeper   gets more tokens. Twilight Prophet and Vampire Nocturnus help with evasion. Door of Destinies starts strengthening all vampires.

Around now is also a good time to cast Vampiric Tutor, Demonic Tutor, or Grim Tutor to find Exquisite Blood. If you already have Vito out then you can trigger an infinite life drain combo to win the game. If you didn't yet, you might get Sanguine Bond.

Turn 5: By now you may be running out of gas, so a card like Champion of Dusk, Pact of the Serpent, or Damnable Pact can be particular useful. Malakir Bloodwitch is also nice to gain a bunch of life.

Triggering the above mentioned Exquisite Blood combo now is ideal if your opponents weren't able to remove it. Comboing Dark Depths into Vampire Hexmage for a Marit Lage is also nearly a guaranteed win.

Turn 6: You should be aiming to finish a combo mentioned above, or have a token doubler like Annointed Procession, or have a aristocrat set up like Blood Artist and Phyrexian Altar. Sorin Markov is another favorite of mine that can immediately drop an opponents life to 10 if that is your strongest play. Careful though, not all play groups appreciate Sorin. You might lso be able to convoke out an Obelisk of Urd for pretty cheap by now.

Turn 7 AND BEYOND!!: The only thing that really changes at this stage is your ability to cast Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite and have her stick, or play a kicked Nullpriest of Oblivion to get something back from the graveyard.

This deck is great for grabbing control of the tempo of the game and making your opponents feel pressured from being behind. Its tense and fun with the right group. Not everyone likes some of the cards in this build though, especially the commander himself. So be careful.

I'm currently testing weather or not it needs more efficient draw like Sign in Blood or if it needs more mana like a Fellwar Stone.


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93% Casual


Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 0 Mythic Rares

48 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.84
Tokens City's Blessing, Marit Lage, Vampire 1/1 B, Vampire 1/1 W, Vampire 1/1 WB, Vampire 2/2 B
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