

Creature (1)

The goal of this deck is to constantly throw recurring creatures into play.. Bloodsoaked Champion Bloodghast and Torrent Elemental for the recurring creature Base, While Murderous Cut and Abrupt Decay Protect me from getting run over early.Remand Allows for more dredgeing while Denying the opponent. Stinkweed Imp is A great Dredge engine and can still Stop cards like Snapcaster Mage and Delver of Secrets   from running me over.

Sideboard:Sidisi, Brood Tyrant - A great card that can take over the board if left unchecked. Usually comes in against Abzan and Tron where She's more likely to last longer than a turn. Torrent Elemental - Easy slap in for game 2 and 3. Where the graveyard hate is gonna be stronger. It's much slower but it does provide a clock.Bow of Nylea - Life gain for when it's relevant.Krosan Grip - Obvious hate for things like Twin ((Blow up the Twin in response)), hits Relic of Progenitus, Rest in Peace and the like.Creeping Corrosion - Just to try and put a wall up against Affinity considering most of our creatures can't block.Thoughtseize - Obvious Combo hate.Golgari Charm - Hit things like Delver Decks if It resolves. Also stops getting board wiped when Tasigur is out. ((Might cut this))

UPDATE 1: Got a great suggestion so added 3 Raven's Crime 2 in the main 1 in the side to hopefully end up with a lock because of Life from the Loam dropping Sultai Charm to the side for matchups when it becomes relevant. Dropping 1 Golgari Charm and 1 Sidisi, Brood Tyrant as most matchups I wouldn't side in the full set anyway.

UPDATE 2: Found a playset of Narcomoeba which work amazingly in this deck. In fact they work far better than Eternal Witness and Remand In the main board. Easily cutable for cards in the sideboard they along with 1 Sidisi, Brood Tyrant are moving to the main deck. Eternal Witness is more than likely. going to just be cut all together Remand I think is going to become Mana Leak in the side board as it's a stronger counter and can catch an opponent really off guard when they try to slam their graveyard hate.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 4 Mythic Rares

41 - 3 Rares

4 - 5 Uncommons

6 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.86
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
Folders modern, modern
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