Using cheap can trips and fast creatures to win. Also [Jori en ruin diver] will help draw on top of can trips for turn 4 and 5 blowouts


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Ok so this deck performed really well!! I did some playtesting at the store before the tourney and it was having crazy mana issues. Like mulling to 5 and keeping a 1 land hand. I decided to add some more draw to help that issue. I think some of it was because it was a new deck and still needed a lot of shuffling.

1st round 2-1 against a blue black eldrazi deck with a lot of scion tokens. Toom him out in 5 turns the first game. Lost the second one and overloaded him the 3rd. Sided in a 4th [elusive Spellfist] and 2 more [temur battle rage] to combo out faster.

2nd round 0-2 was against mardu warriors. I got mana screwed both games. Game two I had the win but I couldn't cast temur battle rage because I was at 1 and only had shivan reef to tap lol I was stuck on 2 mana for a while and both were shivan reefs. I did a total of 8 to myself that game

3rd round 2-0 green eldrazi ramp. His deck was mean and EXPLOSIVE! 1st game I am doing thing and he is explosive vegetationing every turn. He Fogs and then plays Ugin and kills my last creature. I play the ceature chandra and Swiftspear. He blows up chandra and is at 6 life with ugin ready to ult. I play 2 Elusive spellfists and pass, he ults Ugin and goes up to 13 life and plays lands and a couple of eldrazis. I draw a titan strength and play expedite on Elusive Spellfist and draw TREASURE CRUISE! Play it for 1 draw temur battle rage and cast it and titan strength for lethal unblockable! It was so epic! 2nd game I was too fast for him to stop.

4th round 1-1 against a burn/creature hate mardu lifgain deck. I won round 1, he won round 2 due to top decking 10 turns without a draw spell, and then Game 3 we were on turns before the game started. Poop


Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

11 - 0 Rares

8 - 0 Uncommons

26 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.10
Tokens Elemental 3/1 R, Emblem Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh
Folders Standard Oath
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