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Artifact (4)

G/B Undying

G/B Undying is a aggro archetype based around recurrable creatures that are extremely hard to kill. It also uses the graveyard as a resource, milling itself to get its creatures back.

Where does the deck get its name?

The deck gets its name from the Dark Ascension/Avacyn Restored mechanic Undying. Similar to how Undying works, the creatures in this deck are nigh unkillable, making removals spells a bit of a waste.


4 Bloodsoaked Champion: This is the premier one-drop of the deck. Hits rather hard for the early game and is recurrable. Has the downside of not being able to block, but you're always trying to race anyways. TIP: If it dies after attacks are declared, you are able to bring it back second main phase due to Raid.

4 Scrapheap Scrounger: Also hits hard and recurs with a more steep cost. Also works as an artifact for Delirium for Grim Flayer.

4 Grim Flayer: One of the best haymakers in the deck. Combat damage trigger allows you to dump cards for Tasigur, the Golden Fang, dump Prized Amalgams to recur with any of the recurring creatures and fix your next few draws. Delirium is rather easy to achieve in this deck, and trample is just icing on the cake. This is probably the best creature in the deck.

4 Prized Amalgam: Very powerful when recurred through any of the Undying creatures. Very mediocre when cast, which you can do with the singleton Island. You can even recur 2 or 3 which is just nutty.

3 Haunted Dead: Good recurring creature that has 3 power/toughness split across 2 bodies, with 1 power being in the air. Not on the same level as Bloodsoaked Champion or Scrapheap Scrounger, but it gets the job done.

2 Tasigur, the Golden Fang: Good grindy creature that also helps close out the game. His ability is rather useful, as it is similar to drawing a card, but you are always getting the worst card out of your graveyard. Only 2 are in the mainboard because of the legendary rule. If he wasn't legendary, I would play 4 copies.


4 Fatal Push: Best removal spell in Frontier. Kills any small thing and kills a lot more things with Revolt online. This isn't hard because fetch lands are in the format.

4 Grasp of Darkness: Another good removal spell. Often hard for decks to play because of it's restrictive mana cost, but in a 2-color deck with fetchlands it isn't hard to get this online.

3 Grapple with the Past: Efficent spell for getting back dead Grim Flayers or Tasigur, the Golden Fangs. The card seems very bad in the list, but in play it is rather good. Also mills, which is decent upside.

3 Transgress the Mind: As I played the deck, I realized it had some troubles against combo decks, namely Aetherworks Marvel and Felidar Guardian + Saheeli Rai decks. Transgress the Mind hits all of these combo pieces and slows the decks down tremendously. It also helps against control decks, which often play Torrential Gearhulk as one of their finishers, even though the control matchup is already rather good.

2 Liliana, the Last Hope: Very powerful planeswalker this deck. Her +1 deals with X/1 creatures with relative ease and allows your smaller creatures to win in combat against bigger creatures. Her -2 allows you to recur important creatures multiple times, and her ultimate just downright wins the game. All abilites are very relevant which leads to a well-rounded planeswalker. Only 2 because drawing multiples of her sucks.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years
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This deck is not Frontier legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

31 - 7 Rares

10 - 1 Uncommons

7 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.32
Tokens Emblem Liliana, the Last Hope, Spirit 1/1 W, Zombie 2/2 B
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