
I like abzan, and I like pauper so I figured I'd throw them together and run with it! It's main focus is just reanimating big boys and doing bigger damage. We also don't want our big boys to be dead cards in hand so we've chosen Greater Sandwurm cause he can cycle himself and Gurmag Angler because we actually prefer him in our hand. For Ulamog's Chrusher we either have to play the long game or we can use Putrid Imp to toss him in the yard. Four Exhume is your standard reanimator spell, but just in case we're also running two Breath of Life . Satyr Wayfinder and Grisly Salvage fill up our yards fast and easily. The rest is mostly removal and protection. Our sideboard choices make this deck really resilliant. Crypt Incursion is good against other reanimator decks or can even be used on our own graveyard in a pinch against those pesky burn decks. Dawn Charm is extremely versatile in its many uses, so we can either save a big boy from a kill spell, stop the edicts that target us, or stop a slivers deck from doing combat damage one turn. Pestilence helps us fight against swarm decks and can just be used as an outlet to do damage if we're ahead on life. Tell me what you think and if you have any suggestions!


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95% Casual


Revision 6 See all

(4 years ago)

+1 Dawn Charm side
+1 Gurmag Angler main
-1 Pestilence side
-1 Satyr Wayfinder main
Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.52
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