Wilhelt, undead shenanigans

Commander / EDH lukas96


Zombies are my favorite tribal but they are far from the most effective. 1. They are extremely mana-hungry. 2. Even with fast mana and lots of rocks they are usually slow yo get started. You have a lot of lands that come in tapped and that will hurt you, especially in the absence of sol ring. If you want your deck to move, as is, cut some of the big stompy stuff to lower the cmc. Then find a good combo throwing a kicked Rite of Replication onto gray merchant. Props to you for avoiding infinite combos. I do too. Your welcome to check my wilhelt build for ideas. Cheers!

May 21, 2023 1:18 a.m.

lukas96 says... #2

I feel like my mana curce is quite decent tbh. What big stompy stuff would you suggest I cut?

May 21, 2023 3:28 a.m.

I’d swap coldsteel heart for sol ring. I’d put the 4 or 5 cards with cmc 5 or higher in front of me and decide which one had the most value, then remove the other 3 or 4. I’d keep Mikaeus and gray merchant. I play against a lot of 7-10 power level decks in my meta. If I don’t have a solid board state or some decent interaction by turn 6, I’m in a bad spot. If your meta is using a lot of precons and/or 3-7 power level decks you can build slower without many consequences. The hardest thing for me to do in my (3) zombie decks is pick 2-3 strategies for the deck and ruthlessly prune cards that don’t support them, even though they might be fire in a zombie deck. Hope that helps!

May 21, 2023 10:37 a.m.

lukas96 says... #4

no not really. your deck has the same amount of 5 drops than mine. ANd I dont like your tone either. id rather not take advice from you.

May 21, 2023 8:41 p.m.

Azoth2099 says... #5

September 11, 2023 10:43 p.m.

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