I knew it weren't no ordinary pile of... you know.
SCORE: 314 | 217 COMMENTS | 40428 VIEWS | IN 105 FOLDERS
Yeah right now im trying to build a fun little annoying deck around it atm. If I can get it to be a little more consistent maybe ill actually play around with it at FNMhttp://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/altar-of-blood/
January 21, 2015 1:36 a.m.
IndepenentMeta says... #3
Would you get two draws from meek if you summon two tokens like in raise the alarm?
March 7, 2015 3:46 a.m.
Yep, but because they are two separate triggers you would have to pay for each, meaning
to draw two cards. However, you do have the option of choosing to only pay
and declining the option to do so on the second trigger, therefore, only drawing one card.
March 7, 2015 8:24 a.m.
Kagermeister says... #5
Hey there, really like this deck! Looks like an interesting mix of Soul Sisters and Mardu.
How does it fare in competitive play? What deck does it have trouble matching up with?
March 7, 2015 10:11 a.m.
Thanks! I really enjoy playing it. There's never an uninteresting game.
It been fairing quite well against nearly all the current tier one decks out there. Does very well versus Tron, in most cases. First game you want a quick beat down hand at least with Champion of the Parish and something to get him past a Pyroclasm or a Genesis Chamber to flood them and hopefully a Ghost Quarter, or they will probably catch up in the end. Second game, with Suppression Field, Rakdos Charm, Wear / Tear and Fulminator Mage, it's another story. I've been testing with BloodMoon as a 3-of in another version of the deck and it's no competition. Also, with the extreme jump in popularity of Amulet Bloom decks, BloodMoon is looking very, very much more appealing, because it entirely shuts down the deck. They do have answers, in the form Nature's Claim, however, both normally only run a singleton Basic Forest, and potentially Oblivion Stone, if your don't draw enough land/artifact destruction (we do have a lot, but it can happen).
Splinter Twin is not much of a threat, at all, first or second game. With a single Auriok Champion/Soul Warden/Soul's Attendant you gain enough life that the combo with Deceiver Exarch does nothing, and with two, Pestermite does nothing as well. However, there are plenty of ways they can deal with that (with burn or bounce effects) but we also have a large amount of creature/enchantment removal ourselves with Path to Exile, Galvanic Blast which can fairly easily hit for metalcraft to take out even Exarch, Wear / Tear, Suppression Field (yeah, that's per activation. Not much of a combo there), and also, Rakdos Charm, destroys Spellskite (if that's ever actually an issue) but also can be an immediate game winner, causing each copy to deal one damage to them before they even have the chance to attack. That card has so much utility.
Affinity usually can't keep up with the amount of life gain and creatures we have. Second game, the large amount of artifact removal makes it a very unthreating matchup.
UWx Control/Midrange is usually a decent matchup. Auriok Champion is a star here. Getting a Genesis Chamber on the field pretty much ensures victory, especially, if Norin the Wary gets through, which is fairly easy with the 4x Cavern of Souls (always try to have one in opening against U).
Junk is probably one of the hardest matchups, currently, other than a mono white Soul Sisters (which is more annoying that anything haha). They have so much relevant removal (Abrupt Decay, Path to Exile, Maelstrom Pulse, Drown in Sorrow and some even run Zealous Persecution). As well as very threatening discard (Thoughtsieze, Inquisition of Kozilek, Liliana of the Veil). Not to mention Siege Rhino, which is a monster if we don't have a big Champion of the Parish, Ajani's Pridemate or immediate removal. It's an all around a difficult matchup. Life gain is vital in this matchup to try to outlast them and Auriok Champion is an absolute star, if they don't draw a Path to Exile or Drown in Sorrow. The best thing you can hope for in this matchup is drawing a Norin the Wary and hoping they waste their Abrupt Decay on a Champion of the Parish rather than your Genesis Chamber, because swarming is the best wicon we have against them. Facing this deck makes me want to run a playset of BloodMoon.
Burn isn't a difficult matchup, normally. Even the slightest bit of lifegain generally haults any chances of their winning. If we can disrupt them early, then we win. Keep a Genesis Chamber on the battlefield with even one sister and we will probably win. If we get an Auriok Champion on the field, then they may as well just scoop on the spot.
I really do appreciate all of your comments! Thank you! I intend on updating the description once I get the chance, because it is very, very outdated.
March 19, 2015 1:02 p.m.
I can't comment on Advertise your deck!, so I'll just leave some stuff. I think that one Kolaghan's Command would help your sideboard. Also, the Legion Loyalist could be replaced by a Norin or Lightning Berserker, as they are humans that help your Champion of the Parish. Mentor of the Meek should come back, IMO. One Thoughtsieze in the sb could also be a good idea. Either Seize or Command for a Moon could work.
April 6, 2015 6:02 p.m.
Tomazinhal says... #9
Rally the Ancestors maybe? For 4 mana you can get nearly the whole grave back.
April 8, 2015 8:57 a.m.
Internetjay says... #10
Happy to be the 200th upvote =D
Norin the Wary might be my favorite card. This deck is amazing.
May 22, 2015 11:45 a.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #12
Very cool deck! I like all of the card interactions. The only thing I worry about is a little lack of focus. You have a lot of good interactions, but I worry you might not have enough consistency. Now, looking at your list of synergies, you might not have any problems because of how many synergies you have, but I think a little more focus on fewer synergies might help. You have a lot of good singleton creatures, but I think having a few less singletons and having more copies of the best creatures might serve you better. I'm not sure though, you have a lot more experience with the deck than me.
Otherwise awesome deck! I really like it! As an afterthought, why only 3 Norin the Wary? I think drawing multiple would be hilariously good.
June 9, 2015 9:55 a.m.
mateobadajoz2 says... #13
Maybe is due to Norin is lengendary, so just can one on battelfield.
June 9, 2015 11:18 a.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #14
Aah, yes that makes sense. I missed the legendary part. Thanks!
June 9, 2015 11:23 a.m.
The single Soul Warden is just a 5th Soul's Attendant without the choice of gaining life and Auriok Champion is Soul's Attendant 6-8 with pro black and red. The sigleton Purphoros, God of the Forge is a 3rd and more powerful Impact Tremors With its casting cost at 4 and being legendary, I would be wary of adding a 2nd, because I want to keep my actual creature spell count as high as possible and CMC down, but he's just too good to not have in this deck. Mentor of the Meek, I'm still debating about. He's an absolutely wonderful late game draw engine that without I would have been dead in the water countless times, but you don't benefit from multiples and he does nothing on his own. He's good when I get him, but I don't want to draw a handful, which is the reason for Dark Confidant. It stacks great, I have a low average CMC and he does it all on his own, though can be a bit slower in comparison to Mentor late game. Legion Loyalist has been on the edge for awhile now. It's so good being able to search it up with Ranger of Eos to swing for leathal when you have a massive Ajani's Pridemate or Champion of the Parish and your opponent thought they'd be safe with those Myr Tokens you so graciously gave them, but often times drawing it, I wish for another card, especially early game when wanting to buff a Champion. Lightning Berserker takes the place of my 4th Norin due to dash and is also able to swing in for 1-3 or so points of damage at times, and is also human.
Thanks for the comments! I'll take that into consideration. Legion Loyalist is probably the most likely for a cut.
June 9, 2015 1:35 p.m.
PhenaxDisciple says... #16
A list of options to deal with elves lol. They all do similar, but slightly different things.
June 21, 2015 5:59 p.m.
atlantis55555 says... #17
there is also Electrickery and Cower in Fear, if you dont want your own things to die.
June 22, 2015 7:06 p.m.
Oops. Accidentally removed your second comment. I really like the options you guys gave, but those double Black mana are a bit too steep with my land base right now.Yeah, Electrickery has been there for quite awhile.
June 24, 2015 8:35 a.m.
You have good strategies with taking care of elves, but I think that you need some exiling cards, such as Excoriate to combat cards like Immaculate Magistrate + Joraga Warcaller . You can playtest this against my deck of elves to see how it does.
My deck: When Elves And Wurms Ally...
June 29, 2015 9:51 a.m. Edited.
Also try a cards like Anger of the Gods to combat low powered cards, like elves
June 29, 2015 9:58 a.m.
How about mainboarding Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit and AEther Vial?
June 29, 2015 9:58 a.m.
I've debated on giving Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit a try, but have never gotten around to it. I've play tested AEther Vial on several occasions, but I never really liked it.
Prehcise says... #1
@aceblade I discovered Altar of the Brood earlier today while catching up on magic and thought it could be an interesting little combo, but I don't believe it would do enough to get me the win in any but the most grindy games, or in win-more situations. Thanks for the input, though! It could be a fun interaction to think about in a more casual version.
January 21, 2015 12:59 a.m.