5-C Flamespeaker

Standard SspellPierce


Rasta_Viking29 says... #1

Did you see this article on Channel Fireball? LINK

Congrats on your top 8. I'm not high on Prophetic Flamespeaker in standard so I'd like to see what you do with him competitively. +1

May 23, 2014 1:43 p.m.

SspellPierce says... #2

Yes, that was my list. I was super pumped to see it featured.

Thanks, yeah I've been tinkering with him. I believe the main reason I did so well was solely due to surprise factor. I blew out so many people who were unprepared for the 20 damage to just happen. My meta is now better prepared for my shenanigans so I will be adapting my list to what I believe will be the optimal list. I'll finish the first update later today and move into what I believe might be one of the final version of the deck.

May 27, 2014 7:49 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #3

I just ran a Jund list tonight at competitive standard for a match and 3-0'd a Junk deck. I was scared to play it because it bleeds life and I'd only goldfished it a couple times after finishing it at midnight yesterday. Played Boros Mid to a boring 1-2 so I offered to concede to my 4th opponent if he'd play against my flamespeaker deck. It was a blast and surprisingly good.

I'm interested to see your update and what direction it goes.

May 28, 2014 2:16 a.m.

SspellPierce says... #4

Yeah the Unflinching Courage helps with the life. You can drop pretty low, and pull out the win out of nowhere. For instance, in my 5th round at states I kept a double mana confluence hand into an unknown opponent. I had a solid 16 points of damage turn 4 with a lightning strike as back up, so the hand seemed fine. Well... my opponent played a temple of triumph turn 1 and I proceeded to facepalm. Knowing when to play defense is very important for an aggro deck in my opinion. Some aggro match-ups your deck has the late game to overtake them, especially so in this match up even though he isn't truly aggro but it's the same concept. I stabalize at 2 life after he attempts to kill me with a pheonix that I lightning strike. He has 1 card in hand, he shocks going to 13 so he can block with mutavault. 0 cards in his hand. I bloodrushed everything into flamespeaker and won after keeping the double mana confluence hand. It was rough, every activation of mana confluence had to be worth it. You get used to your low life once you grind more games with it. Good luck playing the deck!

May 29, 2014 10:34 p.m.

ruckyducky says... #5

this deck is so bad, get gud scrub

June 23, 2014 12:51 a.m.

ruckyducky says... #6

Apparently I can't delete comments, that last one was made in jest at my friend. I had very little faith with him and this deck in the beginning, but after testing with the creator throughout the entire process I've been enjoying the list. Not something I'd personally pilot, but it has potential to spike a tournament if nobody is expecting it.

June 24, 2014 9:19 p.m.

SspellPierce says... #7

Anger of the gods has changed places with Xenagos due to the higher number of aggro decks. The painlands have made some aggro decks better and as such the angers are needed to help smooth out those matches. Xenagos will come in vs control and mono B variants.

July 21, 2014 1:57 a.m.

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