Johnny Depp, Dementia Master

Commander / EDH* apt142


apt142 says... #1

Still a few cards short here. But that's fine as I'm sure lots of suggestions will come in.

Current deck strategy is to use Chainer to take advantage of all the graveyard goodness. Particularly the ETB effects of creatures. Since his ability works at instant speed, I get can get some great utility out of that. But, in order to get those tasty creatures into the graveyard, I have to either get them discarded, mill or outright kill those creatures. So, there's some utilities in there for all of those.

His ability also uses a fair amount of life so there's a life gain package in the mix there too.

I could use help with better synergy, better utility creatures and some not so over the top green/white hate.

June 22, 2015 2:49 p.m.

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