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B/U Delver

Modern* Delver




Your basic Delver tempo deck with a twist no red or white. Taking advantage of delvers tempo with the ability to force discard. with Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek, while maintaining tempo with Remand, Mana Leak, and Vapor Snag. Also with additions of Shadow of Doubt you maintain control with tron, Pod, and any fetch lands also with the abundance of instant and sorcery you can easily cast Tombstalker on turn 3 or 4 pretty comfortably.


Delver of Secrets   - your number one priority outside of keeping tempo with your opponent, making sure you can hit him either on turn 1 or 3 turn 2 most likely will need to be saved for a counter spell or a tempo agent unless you have vapor snag.

Snapcaster Mage - your number two behind Delver of Secrets  . Snapcaster Mage does almost anything you need it to do bring back vapor snag, block, attack or if the walls are coming down to flash Gitaxian Probe to get a card for 2 mana.

Vendilion Clique - Tempo and control are the name of the game and Vendilion Clique does just that. Your able to take something you opponent needs usually being a combo piece or a crucial creature or when it all fails getting rid of a card you don't need for something else. Also it has flash beginning of opponents upkeep after draw get them then turn comes back and you bash in for 3 in the air.

Tombstalker - your mid game to late game kill window he is able to get around Aburpt Decay and doom blade aswell as hitting for 5 in the air strap on a sword and you got yourself a lethal weapon in 1 to 2 turns. great for keeping tempo when you can delve it down to 2 mana easily castable.


Mana Leak - Lets start with the most important we all hope to delver turn 1 into flip mana leak turn 2 and watch our opponents face turn blue. But this card can tempo you out or maintain control till you get a decent board presence. Mana Leak is always a must

Vapor Snag - one of my all time favorite cards unsummon but takes a life at the same time the ability to turn 3 vapor snag on their combat then mana leak the creature they just tried to attack with is a 2 for 1 or the ability when need be to save your delver or return a snapcaster because you need to remand a spell an all time favorite card for delver decks.

Serum Visions - cantrip unforgettably not a big fan its no Ponder or Preordain but it gets the job done helps flip those delvers when need be and for 1 mana cant really say no.

Shadow of Doubt - simply underated amazing card the aiblity to shut down somones fetch on turn 2 depriving them of a land going into 3 with 2 land, or the better play of being able to stop a Birthing Pod or even better a Scapeshift amazing card ontop of the fact that it cycles.

Thoughtseize - thats why this deck is black because of this card hand disruption with a 3/2 flyer beating on you isent something you want on the other side the ability for Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek to simply destroy your and and give up any hope of killing your tempo creatures makes this deck what it is turn 1-5 these cards can take an opponent from winning to losing by themselves.


Liliana of the Veil - my favorite of all time on the planeswalker list she has had disruption and edict in the same package at just 3 mana the ability to take control of the game when Delver of Secrets   just isent getting it done or maybe your against control and this is absolutely your worst nightmare to hit the field she is a must and something to terrify your opponents.


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I figured if i add 3x Dark Confidant the deck turns more aggro delver which could be good for on the play but not so much on the draw and take out tombastalker


Revision 7 See all

(10 years ago)

+1 Surgical Extraction side
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #76 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 2 Mythic Rares

22 - 11 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

17 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.98
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