Okay, so here's my take on the Modern version of Elves.
The basic shell is 4x Collected Company, Chord of Calling, Heritage Druid, and Nettle Sentinel, along with playsets of mana dorks to round out the 60. There's a number of flexible spots in this deck, and it's even possible to keep the right one-lander and still be successful (though, as always, not recommended to do so unless absolutely necessary).
Ezuri, Renegade Leader helps us buff our whole team and swing big, and running Mirror Entity helps accomplish the same thing, but gets around the legend rule to safely run a fourth Ezuri.
The flex spots here are pretty straightforward, and can all be hit with Chord or CoCo:
Spellskite is absolutely necessary against most decks. It protects all your important dudes from the format's best removal spells. Very few decks in the format don't run some form of removal, so Spellskite is almost never boarded out.
Eternal Witness Allows you to get back that one critical piece of the puzzle in your graveyard in a pinch. It's not an Elf, but being "the green Snapcaster Mage" matters.
Reclamation Sage kills important targets for anything, and an instant-speed artifact/enchantment killer is nearly always going to be relevant in this format, with Twin, affinity, tron, and the like running around. It gets boarded out when we're up against decks that aren't running those types of cards.
Scavenging Ooze helps us police decks that want to delve out the yard, and the cheap threat to dump mana into in the late game and gain us life is never bad. I don't often board this one out, either.
Before I move on to the sideboard situation, a note about the mana base.
I'm running Sunpetal Grove in lieu of
Razorverge Thicket
because a) I don't own a playset of Thickets, and b), I don't like drawing thicket late game, and want my lands untapped. I'm considering cutting one grove for a basic and going that route. White is very much a splash color only, so I'm not super concerned about not hitting it because I can often Chord/CoCo for what I need anyway.
The sideboard should be pretty self-explanatory, and I'm getting lazy. lol
UPDATE: 1/31/2016
I've changed this deck quite a bit since I first took it to GP Oklahoma City back in September.
I'm currently testing 3x Lead the Stampede in the mainboard as a card draw enging, and then running 3x Chord of Calling in the sideboard, along with all sorts of hate.