There were 26 people at the tournament with a variety of decks.
Round 1 (0 - 2) Abzan (IDK)
Basically, for both matches I was just not getting my lands out. So for the 2nd time in a tournament I don't know how my deck is doing against Abzan.
Round 2 (2 - 1) R/W Tokens
Match 1: It was a race to Elspeth. I actually chose not to drop my Elspeth 1 turn later. I ended up just dropping his tokens, swinging my whole board at Elspeth every time. He had to chump or risk not getting the ultimate (Brimaz was a big help). Once I was able to drop Elspeth his board was wiped.
Match 2: This was a little more rough. He had Impact Tremors and Purphorous out early. Since I run no counter magic it was just a mater of him dropping 3 damage with every token. There was pretty much nothing I could do.
Match 3: Impact Tremors was out early, but I was able to build my board and get Elspeth out Turn 5. I got the ultimate and it was just over.
Round 3 (2 - 0) Red Aggro with Artifacts
I will just note that this was a homebrew that was not very competitive. I think the lowest I got was 9 health in both of our games.
Round 4 (2 - 0) Grixis Control
I find this match up so one sided in my favor. Languish is a joke, because I run so many 2 drops. Rogue's Gloves, which yes is a weird play definitely helped rebuild my board state. My hand was almost never empty. For Match 2, I sided in my Citadel Siege, and took out Valorous Stance because the card is a dead draw 90% of the time in this match up. One Citadel Siege is great, two is much better. My board was Anafenza, Soldier Token, Knight of the White Orchid. The Knight was an 8/8 and then I chose Dragons for the second Siege. I tapped down his one creature, and then was able to swing for lethal.
Overall, my deck is performing well. I want to test more against the Abzan flavors as well has Green Devotion flavors to really get a feel for how this deck plays out. Although, while playing the deck more, there are times where I wish I either played a couple of more lands, or just splashed another color, but I feel it is too situational.
As a side note, Avacyn is going out. I will probably put 2 more Erase back in the sideboard, but I find myself siding neither of those cards. I keep thinking Enchantments will come into play, but nothing I've seen so far in my local meta. Avacyn, is too late game and I find that I can usually rebuild my board state pretty quickly event when top-decking. Sword of the Animist is a must have, and allows me to ramp quickly and deck thin, but because I run 2 of it doesn't come out every game, but when it does it just makes my deck very fast.