
Hey guys! This is my Esper teachings deck I have been playing it for about 3 months now and I like it a lot for many different reasons:

Reason #1 no one else plays a deck like this, there are a lot of decks that have tool boxes but there not at instant speed!

Reason #2 a lot of people don't know what I am playing and don't know how to play around it (or sideboard for it). also I have a lot of 1 of's that are in the main that catch people by surprise, such as surgical extracting splinter twin (happens all the time!).

Reason #3: its an awesome deck to play and seeing peoples faces when I play this deck is priceless!

Now this is a rouge deck so i'm not saying its the best but it can win against some of the best decks! My match ups against splinter twin is insanely good! I don't think I have ever lost a match to splinter twin. Against birthing pod its a 50/50 match up which is not bad (matters how much removal I draw). And against jund/BG rock I just haven't test against it enough i played one game against them and i won (it was probably the most fun i have had with this deck).

So how the deck works: it stalls and counters things while getting value with almost everything till I can go on a teachings chain to get white sun's zenith and cast it for like a million and then swing for game. pretty simple but the deck can be hard to play.

I am not going to go over every card in the deck I have reasons for them in there and if you really want the answer just comment and I will be sure to give a response.

I will go over the best card in the deck though and surprisingly its not mystical teachings!! its esper charm, This card is insane when i'm against tempo/combo decks and i keep drawing lands I can instant speed draw 2 cards, or if I have all the cards I need I can start using it on my opponents to discard and make there hand smaller (which makes surgical extraction very live!). Even against agro its nice cause it can make them discard two creatures/burn spells. lastly its really good against blood moon/bitter blossom and boggle decks. blood moon can hurt this deck a lot if you don't play around it and bitter blossom will just make you lose. but that use of the card can just get you out of so many binds which is exactly what this deck is about, getting you out of binds, all while at instant speed!

Please comment +1 any suggestions let me know =)


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

30 - 2 Rares

18 - 5 Uncommons

4 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.50
Tokens Cat 2/2 W, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders G/B
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