Marchesa EDH

Commander / EDH TiredCactus

SCORE: 1 | 476 VIEWS

Nov. 12, 2021

Some MM2, CMR, and STX changes!

Chromatic Lantern out, Ragavan, Nimble Pilfererfoil in. I pulled the lil monkeh from a booster and wanted to run him in an EDH deck - Marchesa made the most sense out of the decks I had. I decided to cut Chromatic Lantern because Rags can make mana, and artifacts don't synergise well with the theme of the deck. He also fits in with the Pirate subtheme I've decided on building up in the deck, which I'm quite happy about!

Shriekmaw out, Amphin Mutineerfoil in. Mutineer seems to be an upgrade in a few ways - it exiles, hits any creature, and has the Encore option! I do miss out on the ability to evoke, but I think that's a small price to pay. Plus, more pirates = more better!

Greven, Predator Captainfoil out, Coercive Recruiter in. Greven disappointed me the few times I've drawn him - he seems too slow for the deck. Recruiter, on the other hand, works well - I've been thinking of putting Zealous Conscripts into the deck, and while the Recruiter only hits creatures, it does get to repeat its ability a little more often due to the other pirates in the deck.

Combat Celebrant out, Port Razer in. Port Razer is basically Celebrant on steroids - it doesn't have to exert, and it can trigger multiple times per turn. Very excited to try this out! Also, more pirates. Arrrrrrrrrrrr!!

Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin out, Callous Bloodmagefoil in. Krenko is a little too slow, and plays more into token/sacrifice builds than I'd like. The deck seems to be more in line with building a board presence that keeps coming back, and tokens don't do a lot for that. The bloodmage is a solid utility creature I wanted to put in since I pulled it, so I'm keen to try it out.

In the same vein as Krenko, Anax, Hardened in the Forge may be on its way out. I've also got my eye on Phyrexian Altar and Ashnod's Altar. While they're both excellent, they seem to paint a pretty big target on me when I really just want to have a sacrifice outlet. I might be better off with a creature with a sac ability - even if it's worse, it'll still serve the purpose I want. Plus, creature synergy with Marchesa can't really be understated!