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Angels and Demons for Breakfast by Dan Brownweaver

Commander / EDH*

Lilbrudder LabManiac_Dan LabManiac_Sigi


This description is old and wrong

This is a reanimator version of Breakfast Hulk. The path to brewing this deck was long and winding, with many failed experiments and decent to good decks along the way. I borrowed and stole from my own brews, and the brews of others to get here. I can say with confidence that this is the best deck I have ever been a part of. It can race any deck in the format, is very difficult to stop, recovers well from setbacks, and grinds long game victories suprisingly well. In short, nothing I have ever done comes close to the degeneracy of this deck. Below you will find a mini primer (that I am slowly building upon), that should give you an idea of how this deck functions. If you have played Brekafast Hulk or a 3 to 4 color Razaketh brew before, the learning curve will be much less harsh and you will be well on your way to success.

Our basic paths to victory include:

Entomb/Buried Alive/Intuition+Reanimate: 2-4 mana

Auriok Salvagers+Lion's Eye Diamond= 4 mana

Laboratory Maniac+Tainted Pact+Draw= 5-6 mana

There are many other paths to victory not listed here, but these are the core combos.

Angel of Glory's Rise helps strengthen and reduce the mana cost of all paths to victory. The standard line is simply Dread Return targeting Angel which reanimates all humans in the deck. The key players are Laboratory Maniac, Hapless Researcher, and Grand Abolisher. Simply sac Hapless Researcher to end the game. Given that this finisher is free Cephalid Illusionist+Nomads en-Kor becomes a legitimate 2 card, 3 mana, summoning sickness friendly, creature based combo that wins the game the turn you assemble it (Often turn 2-3). This finisher also gives Hermit Druid a 1 mana win (or free if you dont need Fatestitcher) and various protected outlets which include:

Angel also facilitates a Buried Alive+Reanimate pile to assemble bomberman with help from Trinket Mage+Auriok Salvagers (which I have opted to forgo because of our Demon friend can do the same thing on his own, but better and Trinket Mage is extremely meh in this deck.

Razaketh, the Foulblooded fits like a glove. He can win for no additional mana with Buried Alive+Reanimate by forming a pile of Narcomoeba (which goes directly into play), Fatestitcher, which for can unearth himself then ramp (untap Sol Ring/Mana Crypt) to pay for Loyal Retainers or color fix (untap a ) to pay for Reanimate. Given how cheap the core combos are in this deck Razaketh is able to frequently provide several layers of Pact of Negation/Stifle/Silence protection. He is so easymode, that I have not yet invited his kitty (Leonin) to join the party.

Raza can also make this deck 100% Faerie Macabre proof by adding Leonin Relic-Warder and Zulaport Cutthroat. These cards will make the deck more Razaketh centric and ensure removing 2 cards can no longer break the deck.

The resilency of this deck can be found in my maiden voyage with the deck.  I went first and my opener allowed me to Sylvan Tutor into a turn 2 Hermit Druid.  This forced Shimmer Myr Zur to use his Imperial Seal on a Swords to Plowshares, which I attempted to counter with Mental Misstep but Draw Go Baral Delayed my misstep and HD went to exile.  I had Jin and Reanimation in hand but no way to get him into the yard, so I cast Tymna, then Thrasios on subsequent turns and bounced Zur with Chain of Vapor before he could attack. 

Over the course of several turns, I managed to grind 6 cards between T & T before Tymna was exiled with Grasp of Fate.  All the while Baral continued to play draw go control, Zur tried to push shimmer myr necro, and Marath played a boatload of enchantments to keep the table in check.   I drew into Razaketh and tried to dig for a discard spell with Tainted Pact, but was countered by Baral. 

Despite another setback, I managed to draw into a Silence and Hapless Researcher.  I didnt have the board state to win with Razaketh that turn so I decided to soften the table with Jin.  I was stopped by Baral again who countered my Silence, then exiled Life/Death with a free Mindbreak Trap.  This hurt badly as Life is necessary for my efficient Razaketh, the Foulblooded lines, but fortunately I drew into a Vampiric Tutor off the loot from Hapless Researcher.

Meanwhile, Zur finally got to attack and tutored for Necropptence, but Marath had Blind Obedience in play to keep those net positive rocks from mattering and Baral had Paradox Engine and a handful of counterspells to stop the win.  After a furious counterspell battle between the two decks that ended with Zur fizzling the stage was set for Jin to hit the table via Vampiric Tutor into Reanimate.  This time he stuck long enough to draw seven and Baral was unable to win on his turn so he lost the remnants of his hand.  Then Marath suprised everyone by playing Obliterate on his turn  which took out everyone elses board 100%, but left him with roughly five enchantments.  He played a land, then a Ground Seal with some floating mana to keep me from my reanimating any more stuff. Zur died on his upkeep from a Pact of Negation trigger, so we were down to 3.  However, at this point I had a full grip and was able to get 2 dorks and 3 lands down in the next three turns while also tutoring for Hulk to pair with the flash I already had in hand.  By this point Marath was in play and he was pinging my dorks and my standard hulk pile would not work due to its dependence on Dread Return.  Fortunately I had drawn into Force of Will and Marath got a bit too zealous about keeping my board clean of creatures and only had one +1/+1 counter left after he passed turn to me.   On my upkeep, I flashed hulk into play for Cephalid Illusionist, Nomads En-Kor, and Labman.  Baral had a FOW at this point, but so did I.  Once Hulk died, I milled my deck at instant speed went to draw step and ended the game on like turn 15.  Despite being disrupted numerous times throughout the match, losing 100% of my board the moment I took the upper hand, and being shut out of most my lines to victory, the deck never dropped below 4 cards in hand and we pulled out the victory in the end. 

The cost of such an offshoot is that we trade Ad Nauseam+Angel's Grace for Laboratory Maniac+Tainted Pact as the "graveyard free" combo. This is a clear downgrade (even if this deck can protect this combo quite well with Silence and Grand Abolisher and has the free draw trigger to win the game via combat damage in Tymna the Weaver).

This version is also more likely than the original to have mismatched parts in our opener (since it is less focused) and there is less interaction, tutors, ramp, and card advantage overall. This version is likely somewhat slower given that we are also playing a reanimator package instead of just focusing on Hulk and HD. Even so this will almost always be the fastest deck in the pod as it has more paths to victory than the original.

There are a number of problematic cards that can severely hamper this deck. These include Rest in Peace, Leyline of the Void, Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, Linvala, Keeper of Silence, Humility, Suppression Field, and Faerie Macabre

Once your meta adjusts to this deck you will have to find answers to these and other hosers.

If enchantments and artifacts are giving you trouble, Natural State and Caustic Caterpillar are fine options for different reasons. If creatures are the issue Gilded Drake, Toxic Deluge and Pongify/Rapid Hybridization are the preferred options. If you prefer more counterspells Delay is the best bet, although Negate and Mana Drain are fine options as well. If you are looking for slots, Tainted Pact, Lim-Dul's Vault/Sylvan Tutor, and Necromancy are the most expendable options.

This deck may be for you, if (like me) you don't like to choose between Hermit Druid, Bomberman, Flash Hulk, Pact-Man, Cephalid Breakfast, or Razaketh, but would rather play them all. There is a ludicrous number of paths to victory in this deck and suprisingly very few dead cards.  If I were to choose an archetypal layered combo deck, this is it. 

what allows this deck to play so many combos well is the utility that most the combo peices have.  For instance, Lion's Eye Diamond is obviously in breakfast hulk for its infinite mana combo with Auriok Salvagers and for many decks with an infinite mana outlet that is enough.  However, in this deck, LED also serves as a free win after we flashback Dread Return for Angel of Glory's Rise since Eternal Witness can bring back LED to hand and Auriok Salvagers to play.  LED can also give us a free Buried Alive+Reanimate pile that includes Trinket Mage, Auriok Salvagers and Angel of Glory's Rise.  LED can also protect Dread Return while also discarding necessary combo peices into the graveyard.  A relatively common peice of tech for many HD lists these days is to flashback Flash of Insight and Memory's Journey in response to countermagic on Dread Return or faerie Macrabre. These cards let us respond by shuffling Pact of Negation/Stifle into our library and then putting that card in hand to counter the effect that is trying to stop us.  The issue with this protection is that it is expensive.  Well having a Black Lotus to cover nearly all of this cost tends to come in handy.  Speaking of that, this deck utilizes Razaketh, the Foulblooded to assemble our other combos.  LED is the engine to all of our most efficient lines.  For instance, Flash, Protean Hulk and LED requires just 3 creatures as does hulk, LED, and any reanimation spell.  ShaperSavant's E-witness, LED line is also quite efficient at getting us bomberman. 

I dont have the time or desire to talk about every combo peice like this right now, but its pretty remarkable the multiple functions of cards like eternal witness, narcomoeba, fatestitcher, cabal therapy, and hapless researcher have in this deck.  There is a beehive of interactions and every path to victory is mana efficient and composed of 1-2 card combos.

Credit to Sigi, Tenrose, Monkeryz, and I am sure many others for this monstrosity of a shell. Dios Mios Man...Breafast Hulk is truly and utterly broken in every way. Also credit to Dan and Biopower for the Dan Brown Memes and the help. Dan came up with the idea that spawned the merger of HD, Hulk, and Raza. Sigi came up with the idea of using Angel of Glory Rise in the breakfast hulk shell and suggested Razaketh could maybe be good here as well. As is sometimes the case, I weaved the shit together :-)




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Revision 12 See all

(6 years ago)

+1 Cyclonic Rift main
+1 Delay main
-1 Flash of Insight main
+1 Gaea's Cradle main
-1 Green Sun's Zenith main
-1 Stifle main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #21 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

54 - 0 Rares

19 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.99
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Spirit 1/1 C
Folders cedh, cEDH
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