Angels and Demons for Breakfast by Dan Brownweaver
Commander / EDH*
Lilbrudder says... #2
artichoker: Thanks man. Your name is great btw. I should have explained the Raz sequence completely. Keep in mind that this is the worst possible scenario as you almost always have something that does not necessitate such shenanighans (any extra mana, or a creature in play for instance), but once you are at 2 creatures you sac both to grab Life, Lotus Petal, or a land if you havent played one for the turn. Then you convert your 3+ lands into creatures with life to get the 3 mana needed for LED+Flash+Hulk.
Diabolic Intent is quite good, but I dont like how it requires resources I value in this deck (dorks). I am currently usinglim duls over it as its an instant and doesnt cost me anything but life. I may test diabolic against green suns zenith. While gsz does allow me to sometimes threaten a turn 3 HD win, it only helps that combo whereas diabolic intent and my topdeck tutors help every combo. I may also use that slot for something like Toxic Deluge or Delay though so Idk.
January 1, 2018 11 a.m. Edited.
artichoker says... #3
Thanks for the reply! That Life play is sick.
I actually ran through about 30-40 goldfishes on this deck this morning and overall it performs really solidly (I pilot a noozeless breakfast hulk deck so I was used to a lot of the lines).
Had a couple more thoughts I was interested in your opinions on:
I'm going to try to fit Chrome Mox in this deck as I really like the extra chance for the explosiveness and want that extra mana. I was thinking of removing Tainted Pact because in lines with Rest in Peace or other gravehate, you can still go for FlashHulk into Cephalid Breakfast and Labman (provided you have a cantrip or Tynma beats) to win instantly.
What's the main purpose of Enlightened Tutor? Is it just to sometimes get Animate Dead/Survival of the Fittest/LED/Crypt? It has seemed a bit narrow in my testing so far and I've rarely used it.
Could you elaborate more on why Loyal Retainers is in the deck? The "Jin for the Win" line is pretty hilarious, but I think Hapless Researcher already does the job there. And if it's just for another reanimation card, Dance of the Dead is cheaper.
Again, great work on this deck. I think I may switch my noozeless deck to this variation, as needing to pay that extra 2 mana for Deep Analysis was hurting me.
January 1, 2018 12:02 p.m.
Lilbrudder says... #4
artichoker: Chrome mox is reasonable and I can see why you would want it. I personally would play another dork over it just for the immense value they have in this particular shell. However you cannot hulk through RIP. Its such an oppressive card that Hulk does not even touch the graveyard to trigger.
The answer to two and three is connected. I am using enlightened tutor because it gave me more options than Necromancy in that slot (necro always felt like a bad draw and I did not wish to suppport the entstep hulk line as it felt bad in this shell). Enlightned tutor often functions as a second copy of my slower "1 card" wincondition survival of the fittest. With survival and any creature in hand you can discard to grab raz discard raz for loyal retainers cast loyal retainers to win. Enlightened can also grab LED or ramp or card advantage or animate dead for the same mana as necromancy. In short the value here is higher than in the original breakfast hulk shell. As for retainers I just really think the loyal retainers survival line is dank, but I may be alone in this. The fact that I can get reanimation of a sylvan tutor to win is also a perk. Lastly you can play loyal retainers first before you have a reanimation target. This mattererd one game where I mana crypted turn 1 retainers and then ysed LED to discard jin for the turn 1 reaimation into turn 2 manual breakfast. Its almost always felt good to have in hand.
January 1, 2018 2:03 p.m. Edited.
artichoker says... #5
Good point on the RIP - can't believe I didn't realize that. I still really don't like Tainted Pact in this deck and if anything would rather replace it with Natural State if needed to deal with more hate pieces.
Thanks for elaborating on Enlightened/Survival/Loyal Retainers - it's definitely a strong line after doing some more goldfishing with it in mind.
I will say Chrome Mox is performing very well and has been extremely useful in every game I've draw it on. My last goldfish I was doing Razketh and needed one extra (green) mana. I had already used Lotus Petal, so Chrome Mox saved the day.
Gonna order Raz/Angel/Retainers (only cards I'm missing) and try this deck out on paper in my meta soon!
January 1, 2018 3:27 p.m.
Lilbrudder says... #6
artichoker: Thats good to hear man! Please do keep me posted on how it does. I may give mox another chance as fast mana is great and I definitely think the deck will be fine without pact.
January 1, 2018 5:37 p.m.
artichoker says... #7
Hey, one last question for now! What's the purpose of Bazaar of Baghdad in the deck? It was pretty decent in noozeless breakfast hulk because it could save you two mana from flashing back Deep Analysis, but it seems clunkier here. Thinking of putting Avacyn's Pilgrim instead.
January 1, 2018 9:13 p.m.
Lilbrudder says... #8
I would think its better here than in vanilla BH since it loots Jin and Raz into the yard. The other purpose is that it draws us into our topdeck tutors. If your not keen on it then replace it to see if its actually essential, but I have found it to be good in reanimator shells like this and I wouldn't personally want to cut any discard tech.
January 1, 2018 9:29 p.m.
artichoker says... #9
Makes sense! Was just wondering if there was anything more than that. I'll keep Bazaar in for testing.
January 1, 2018 10:48 p.m.
Lilbrudder What is the ideal intuition pile early game?
February 2, 2018 2:43 p.m.
Lilbrudder says... #11
Babe3ruth: Oh man, Intuition is an interesting card in this deck. I must give you a somewhat annoying answer and say "it depends."
For instance if you have hulk or flash and need its companion you can endstep intuition and grab mystical tutor/wordly tutor vampiric tutor and demonic tutor, which will let you get the other half the next turn for no more than 2 mana.
If you have an entomb/buried alive in hand you can intuition for 3 reanimation spells or if you have the reanimation you can go for Jin Raz and Cabal Therapy. usually you will want Jin early and this will set you up for a Raz the following turn.
If you have one half of cephalid breakfast you can get the other by forming a pile of nomads/illusionist noxious revival and reanimate/animate dead to ensure you get the other half in play for no more than 2 mana the following turn.
If you want to be a dick (I strongly encourage this) you can strong arm the table to enable you in must answer situations by forming a pile of game saving interaction spell (Force of Will/Swan Song/Natures claim/Chain of vapor) and 2 targets you want to put in the graveyard (Jin/breakfast combo peice/Raz+Narco or fatestitcher/Salvagers+LED). They have to give you the interaction or they lose the game and you get to double entomb the cards you need to win on your turn with your reanimation. This can be risky as people don't always make the correct play or will play spitefully even though its better to make a play where you will likely lose rather than do nothing and definitely lose.
Intuition is also good for bating people with scary card that is not essential for victory (we have those in excess). For instance, I wanted a mystic remora one game as I was in a spell heavy pod and was low on cards so I made a pile of noxious revival Protean Hulk and Mystic remora. They were afraid of flash hulk (I didnt have flash) so they gave me remora (which drew about 10 cards that game).
I am also fond of the LED Salvagers Raz pile as its the closest thing we have to a sure thing if you have reanimation in hand. No matter what they give us we can end the game.
Also strange question but do you live in Cincy or are you just fond of Babe Ruth?
February 2, 2018 3:52 p.m.
Lilbrudder says... #12
Ah actually nevermind I am an idiot. For some reason I confused Babe Ruth with Pete Rose.
February 4, 2018 3:39 p.m.
Alexdagreat says... #13
This honestly might be my favorite version of a Hulk combo deck that I've seen. A couple questions: Why no Cyclonic Rift, would subbing one less reanimation spell for Delay or other interaction work, and is there a combo line that wouldn't utilize the graveyard which I'm not seeing?
March 7, 2018 4:47 a.m.
Alexdagreat says... #15
And lastly, what are the flex slots in the updated list?
March 7, 2018 5:47 a.m.
Lilbrudder says... #16
Alexdagreat: Thanks brother, I am glad you like the list. The issue with this list is there isn't a ton of flex slots. Cutting reanimation isn't a great idea as I am already am skimping on it. Green Sun's Zenith is our most limited tutor so it could go for rift/delay for a more interactive meta (as HD is less effective there). I also think that the Faerie Macabre menace may be dying down as people play pet brews instead of their best decks (at least on Trice and Play EDH), so you may be able to cut the Flash of Insight protection lines with Stifle. I have not been super impressed with either spell and the slots could definitely be used elsewhere. We do have the option of a grave free line (Tainted Pact+Laboratory Maniac) but I am choosing to not use that right now and Lim-Dul's Vault is in thst slot. The reason no rift is simply that I lack the space right now, and the reason for no tometwister loops is I literally have nothing to loop lol. That could easily be changed if you need a backup wincondition that is gitrog proof by adding any card that wins off a timetwister loop and timetwister in place of ewitness and winds of rebuke. Let me know if you have any other questions.
March 7, 2018 7:33 a.m. Edited.
Alexdagreat says... #17
Thanks for the feedback dude. So for Twister loops, I usually do the draw, Noxious Revival, Swan Song on my own spell, repeat, and then attack with infinite birds. I think that was Sigi's loop. Pact might be a good idea as well, so I'll definitely consider that one for sure.
March 7, 2018 1:11 p.m.
Lilbrudder says... #18
Oh man I never thought Timetwister was even an option for this brew. That is very interesting. I am actully interested in having that Reset and a way to keep remoras in check and to restock when my wife's trip to the Bazaar are straining my resources.
March 7, 2018 1:22 p.m.
Alexdagreat says... #19
Yeah I like it as different option. Ive been trying to fuse this list and Sigis in some different ways. I like his spell-based combos and interaction level, but the reanimator lines make the deck feel like it has way more options. This deck plays the long game far better, and doesnt feel like it has no chance of victory after turn 5. I took our Witness and Winds for Autumns Veil and Twister. Let me edit my list a bit and Ill post it.
March 7, 2018 4:15 p.m.
Alexdagreat says... #20
March 7, 2018 4:32 p.m.
artichoker says... #21
I like the idea of twister loops here. However, don't you still want Witness so it can get back LED once all humans have been reanimated with Angel of Glory's Rise? That way you can go infinite with Bomberman and flashback Memory's Journey, draw with Thrasios, and start your twister loops as the alt wincon.
March 7, 2018 6:23 p.m.
Lilbrudder says... #22
You can technically do it with memory's journey loops but the issue is that you have to pass turn post infinite swan token turn with just fast mana counterspells and silence. Without notion thief wheel or something else I Feel that is a flimsy wincon.
We dont technically need ewitness as salvagers can simply recur LED
March 7, 2018 7:18 p.m.
artichoker says... #23
Right, but Memory's Journey needs to be in your hand so it doesn't get exiled via flashback. And unfortunately if you recur that with Eternal Witness, then it will require 4 open mana to go off after you've milled your library - 2 to cast Memory's Journey first, and then 2 to recur LED with Salvagers and start to go off.
March 7, 2018 8:24 p.m.
Lilbrudder says... #24
Wait wouldnt it just be salvagers cost. Pay 1W go infinite cast mem journey?
March 7, 2018 8:34 p.m.
Lilbrudder says... #25
Then just form a pile of noxious, swan song and something else to counter with swan song
artichoker says... #1
Cool deck and helpful write-up! Great work on this - I'll have to try it out.
Couple questions:
You mentioned that Razaketh is a free win for no additional mana in the Buried Alive line with Narcomoeba and Fatestitcher. You also mention a 3-card line later on (LED, Flash, and Hulk) which would require sacrificing three creatures. Is there a shorter, 2-card line that I'm missing? For the one above, it requires one extra green mana to cast Thrasios if you have no extra creatures on board.
What do you think about Diabolic Intent in this deck?
December 31, 2017 2:56 p.m.