Future Sight was a fun set of cards that introduced a lot of mechanics in a small space. Grandeur is an ability I wish would make a return so that legendary creature cards in your hand don't sit around for nothing.
Tarox Bladewing
might have been the least interesting of the grandeur effect, but it is very effective!
I tried to pick the lowest priced cards to use in this deck.
Suggestions are always welcomed!
Tarox Bladewing
Sarkhan's Triumph
: A recent addition to the game that is kinda really amazing because it costs just three mana and it's an instant.
Time of Need: It only costs two mana, and it is a great general tutor to find legendary creatures.
Tarox Bladewing
Dawntreader Elk
: It's an early body for blocking pesky low cost creatures, and it can be sacked later for an extra land.
Gaea's Herald
: Blue players are going to catch on to your scheme very quickly, so this small elf will help alleviate the fear of casting Tarox.
Leyline of Lifeforce
: Another card to help get Tarox on the battlefield without the fear of being countered. Especially useful if it's in the opening hand of course.
Rampant Growth: A staple in most green decks.
Savage Summoning: If you missed the
Gaea's Herald
Leyline of Lifeforce
, this card is a sure way to cast Tarox and give it a small boost. Especially nifty at the end of an opponent's turn.
Sylvan Caryatid: A beefy toughness for a two-drop, and the hexproof allows it to live longer on the battlefield. Nice!
Tarox Bladewing
The optimal situation would be to drop Tarox and then toss three copies of him into the graveyard for a 32/31, flying, and haste dragon to hit for the kill in a single turn. Sometimes you might not have all of the copies, but we can grab them from the graveyard if you need to.
Evolution Charm
: Remember, Tarox's ability lasts the whole turn, so perhaps you only have one or two copies in your hand. Toss one in the precombat main phase, let it resolve, then cast the charm to return that copy of Tarox and use it again. The added bonus of searching for a basic land if you need one is nice.
Nature's Spiral
: Same as
Evolution Charm
: Same as above, but you can target any card you need to use again.
Cards To Consider When Money Is Available
I can't think of any right now, but something like Fauna Shaman is a good choice.
Other Considerations_
You can make this deck for under $14 by replacing Sylvan Caryatid with
Druid of the Anima
, and replacing
Leyline of Lifeforce
with another copy of
Gaea's Herald
You may want to try replacing cards with copies of Becoming Immense for a big boost in power. Also, you may want to try to give Tarox hexproof, like Alpha Authority or some other evasion from direct creature removal.