The Xenabro Force

Commander / EDH Canadion


dagan94 says... #1

I'm a little surprised by your creature count. This seems more oriented towards Xenagos then Ruric Thar. Ruric does best when his deck is mostly creatures and land. Vexing Shusher and Mistcutter Hydra are some creatures that get around control decks I normally see with him. Archetype of Endurance protects cards on the field. Garruk's Horde and Courser of Kruphix provide draw power. Noncreature cards are normally things like Possibility Storm which procs Ruric Thar's ability more.

December 8, 2014 5:58 a.m.

cjk191997 says... #2

i feel like you are going to kill your self on all your non creatue spells and i feel like you should be running no titanic growths or giant growths and more bloodrush such as Ghor-Clan Rampager or something a long those lines i'm also suprised youre not running something like stormbreath dragon or polukranos world eater

December 14, 2014 10:36 a.m.

Unlife says... #3

Kessig Wolf Run, Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger, Urabrask the Hidden are all great for any gruul deck. Maybe Defense of the Heart to pull big cmc creatures early. Bear Umbra and Sword of Feast and Famine can combo with Aggravated Assault and Hellkite Charger for multiple attack turns, Moonveil Dragon to give everyone firebreathing

December 24, 2014 7 p.m.

TheSilverBlade says... #4

I made a Xenagos deck for my friend: The Gift of Xenagod; it's by no means perfect, but it can dish out a ridiculous beating if played properly. Based on your commander, I'd focus on the following:

  • A land base of 32 is very low for an EDH deck, especially when considering that you have a very small amount of ramp spells.
  • Evasion. Rogue's Passage, Kessig Wolf Run, Skarrg, the Rage Pits, Primal Rage and Nylea, God of the Hunt help you get through for maximum damage. Nobody wants their 80/80 chump blocked by a 0/1. I definitely like that you're running Siege Behemoth, Brawn, and Thunderfoot Baloth. (If you want things to get really crazy, then run Bedlam, though this will definitely bite you in the ass a few times.)
  • Following off of my last point, ideally, you'll want fatties that have trample or flying. Rubblebelt Raiders may hurt when it hits, but Kalonian Hydra and Balefire Dragon are going to hurt much, much more. If a creature doesn't have evasion and you plan on attacking with it, then it had better be pretty damn big. (I could see as to why you could justify running something like Malignus in here.)
  • Gruul isn't really known for its card draw, but with green, you do have some options. Hunter's Insight, Soul's Majesty, and Hunter's Prowess all take advantage of how you'll be having an absolutely enormous beater on the field. If drawing 12-20 cards doesn't help you win the game, then I don't know what will. Harmonize isn't as nearly as crazy, but it's a very solid pick.
  • Extra combat phases work extremely well with Xenagos. World at War is a great selection for this deck. I would also recommend Scourge of the Throne, Savage Beating, and Seize the Day if they're within your budget.
  • Font of Fertility is one of the worst ramp spells ever printed. Since you're in green, you have access to the best ramp spells in the game, such as: Nature's Lore, Cultivate, Sakura-Tribe Elder, Skyshroud Claim, and Explosive Vegetation. Also, Sol Ring because it's arguably the best card in EDH. I would also cut Zur-Taa Druid out due to personal preference, costing both red and green is prohibitive, and it dies if someone casts a board wipe.

  • December 24, 2014 11:17 p.m.

    griffstick says... #5

    Craterhoof Behemoth, Triumph of the Hordes, and Overwhelming Stampede might suit this deck for win cons

    April 20, 2015 2:18 p.m.

    unBillieveable says... #6

    are you trying to turn on your commander for commander kills? or do you want to keep him an enchantment to protect from Path to ExileSwords to Plowshares effects? Bloodbraid ElfSpellbreaker BehemothDragon Broodmother Rumbling SlumBoartusk Liegewould all give some devotion while still being big bodies or making the ones you have bigger. Wildfield Borderpost would also be an ok average devotion maker

    i agree with silverblade that 32 lands is too low(36-38 preferable) and that you need some ramp in here. Cultivate and Kodama's Reach are probably the best as they will get you from 3 to 5 to play out your general early. personally i would cut Ruby Medallionand Emerald Medallion for some more explosive ramping. and also some of the conditional 1 for 1 removal for the lands.

    not sure how well you mana base treats you but Terramorphic ExpanseGruul Turfand cipt lands from zendikar and khans of tarkir would be nice inexpensive mana fixers. also Mosswort Bridge and Spinerock Knoll could give you some extra advantage when getting in some hard early beats.

    hopefully this helps! let me know what you think and get in them beats!

    April 21, 2015 5:16 p.m.

    wakawakawaka says... #7


    June 2, 2015 9:18 p.m.

    baddabiiing says... #8

    June 24, 2015 3:03 p.m.

    DJMintEFresh says... #9

    My commander deck is a Naya Beast tribal deck and this is very similar... I have so many suggestions!

    Hull Breach

    Savage Beating

    Mighty Emergence

    Spidersilk Armor

    Where Ancients Tread


    Ring of Kalonia

    City of Solitude

    June 24, 2015 3:12 p.m.

    Geoffercake says... #10

    October 16, 2015 2:10 p.m.

    I think you need to be heavier into creatures. I think you should look into "super trample"rs like Tornado Elemental (which doubles as a nice broadwipe since nearly all your creatures will be on the ground), Thorn Elemental and Rhox.

    I know you're going budget but Vigor would be a good add. Spawnwrithe wouldn't hurt in this deck either. Less instants/sorceries, more ETB effects.

    Since you're going aggro, I'd suggest running more equipment. Some examples I'd add would be Argentum Armor, Fireshrieker, Whispersilk Cloak and Rogues Gloves. You can get all four for something in the neighborhood of $3. Anything with pump, evasion, or non-red-or-green effects would probably be be a good add.

    Oh, and Rage Reflection

    December 15, 2015 7:52 p.m.

    EnigmaEssence says... #12

    Heroes' Bane synergizes really well with Xenagos, just activate his abilities after the Xenagos trigger for ridiculous creature growth.

    And I pursonally run Sakiko, Mother of Summer and Savage Ventmaw for free mana.

    December 26, 2015 9:06 p.m.

    UpsetYoMama says... #13

    Have you considered Warstorm Surge over Chandra's Ignition? You would get more value out of it over time, most likely.

    Also, Garruk, Caller of Beasts is just bonkers with Xenagod, either a free creature or net instant value by getting creature cards off the top of the deck. I would move him from your maybe board into the deck.

    April 30, 2016 2:09 a.m.

    metalevolence says... #14

    Looking good so far. Xenagod makes basically any random beatstick playable, but the best are ones that capitalize on picking up haste, like ones that have an ability that trigger on attacking or dealing damage. Also, this is one deck where grating trample is really valuable.

    Recommend: Giant Adephage, Utvara Hellkite, Godo, Bandit Warlord, Batterskull, O-Naginata, Loxodon Warhammer

    City of Solitude turns off counterspells and instant speed removal, so you can just drop your fat guy, pick up xenagod trigger and it's 100% going to work

    I also wouldn't skip card draw options like Harmonize, Garruk, Primal Hunter, also Hunter's Prowess can be ridiculous here, just be careful of instant speed removal

    I personally really like having a beater in play BEFORE I drop xenagod, like Wilderness Elemental or Deadbridge Goliath, since that means you'll get in for like 15 extra damage, but I suppose that's a personal preference. Regardless, though, more ramp is really good here, like a simple Gruul Signet and Talisman of Impulse.

    Cards to remove for new cards: Expensive vanilla beaters like akroma, avatar of might, gaea's revenge, outland colossus. They are just big but don't even have trample on their own and don't generate any other advantage. If you just want straight damage, Atarka, World Render is better. I'd also remove word of seizing, signal the clans, mana reflection, domri rade, blade of selves

    IMO you have too many cards that are only good when you've successfully gotten a xenagod trigger and swung, which is really win more, like impact resonance and soul's fire

    You can check out my xenagos EDH deck here for more ideas


    April 30, 2016 10:23 a.m.

    metalevolence says... #15

    Godo, Bandit Warlord is auto-include IMO, he tutors an equipment onto the battlefield and has his own built-in Relentless Assault. For example, if you have 8 mana and Xenagod, and tutor O-Naginata and equip, he swings for 12 then swings for 24. 36 trample damage is pretty good I hear! At 9 mana, do the same thing but with Loxodon Warhammer and also gain 36.

    April 30, 2016 10:27 a.m.

    metalevolence says... #16

    Oh akroma does have trample, missed it with all those abiltiies lol. She is still worse than atarka, world render or some creature that generates card advantage/tokens/removal IMO

    April 30, 2016 10:31 a.m.

    metalevolence says... #17

    Hellkite Tyrant, Inferno Titan and Gruul Ragebeast are all amazing here, I can't believe you don't run any of them

    More cuts for more space:

    omnath, locus of mana is considerably less amazing

    void winnower isn't worth costing 9 IMO

    Swiftfoot boots isn't particularly necessary with an indestructible commander that grants haste


    April 30, 2016 10:35 a.m. Edited.

    ZeGinger says... #18

    Malingus sure fire way to bring the boom to xenabro force.

    Another way Soulblast gets there in the end after a particularly violent attack phase.

    And personally one of my favorite red spells Warp World always ends up good when you have stupid amounts of pain on the field.

    April 30, 2016 1:01 p.m.

    imatrain says... #19

    WORLD AT WAR!!! Excellent card that I think could replace word of seizing in this deck anyday

    May 16, 2016 11:52 a.m.

    PookandPie says... #20

    My buddy has a Xenagod deck and he absolutely loves Heroes' Bane. He loves casting it and swinging it for 8, putting 8 more counters on it, then swinging for 48 the following turn.

    Pathbreaker Ibex seems at least a little better than cards like Silvos, Rogue Elemental. An attacking 16/13 trample is neat, but Ibex gives everything trample and, even if by itself, is a 12/12 trample when attacking alone. Add in literally any other creature in this deck and it gets ludicrous: Going small, let's say you have Ibex and Urabrask. Urabrask gets +4/+4 from Xenagod, and then Ibex gets +8/+8 and Urabrask gets another +8/+8, and both have trample. Ibex is pretty nuts with Xenagos since Xenagod gives his pump first, and then Ibex passes the pumped creature's power among all of your creatures, including itself.

    Using a more remarkable example, you pump Atarka double striker to 12/10 using Xenagod's trigger, and then when Ibex attacks, every creature you control, including Atarka, gets +12/+12 more power, allowing Atarka to deal 48 damage. By itself.

    Pathbreaker Ibex is basically Xenagoat, Goat of Revels. It and Xenagod were made for one another.

    Also, my friend runs Nylea, God of the Hunt in his deck to give much-needed trample to guys like Malignus or Hydra Omnivore, but if you add Ibex you'll probably have that covered.

    December 30, 2016 5:42 p.m.

    MEAT_TORNADO says... #21

    CMC here it through the roof. I'd recommend cutting a few less useful big guys and adding more colored creature ramp or maybe some more artifact ramp for early game to accelerate harder.

    December 30, 2016 7:04 p.m.

    Profet93 says... #23


    From one My Not Updated Xenabro list (my copy list of my Xenabro, even though it's supposed to be an updated test version of my Xenabro, it's not updated since March 2020) deck to another, +1

    I disagree with the above user regarding your CMC. Very surprisingly, your CMC is good for a Xenagos deck (for the most part). I do agree with their statement regarding more ramp. Without a cheater like Elvish Visionary, Sneak attack or Defense of the heart, you're going to have a hard time casting your creatures. We also have a different style of Xenagos, perhaps due to our metas. What level does your meta play at?

    What do you feel your deck is lacking most? Do you have any budget restraints?

    I know you like the deck where it is. That being said, I do have some suggestions I want to run by you. Only suggesting cards that I feel provide enough impact...

    Yavimaya Hollow - Protection

    Ancient Tomb - Ramp and T3/T4 commander

    Berserk - Fun on malignus, another beater, or on an opponent's creature taking another opponent. Also fun on Selvala to get ramp in a pinch.

    Deflecting Swat - Extremely powerful. Counter counterspells, redirect targetted removal, draw, extra turns and more!

    Decimate - 4 for 1, can target commander if there is no other enchantment

    Rishkar's Expertise - I usually shy away from cards like these because of the huge risk involved, but the payoff is too great to ignore. This risk is mitigated by having hexproof creatures such as Carnage Tyrant, Siege Behemoth or an indestructible creature such as Stone Chieftan

    Elder Gargaroth - Draw, lifegain and creature fodder all in 1. Vigilance is nice as well.

    Inferno Titan - Even if they destroy him, his ETB puts in work. Not to mention pumping prior to Xenagos for massive damage.

    Old Gnawbone - Ramp!

    I would love your thoughts on each suggestion as well as what specifically you are looking for in your deck so that I and others can offer you suggestions that you would enjoy

    October 4, 2021 9:56 p.m.

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