
A competitive Standard deck using multiple planeswalkers and efficient creatures to keep the opponent buried under the advantage.

Warning, you may need to change your planeswalker suit based on your local metagame.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 4 Mythic Rares

31 - 4 Rares

0 - 4 Uncommons

0 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.30
Tokens Ashaya, the Awoken World, Dragon 4/4 R, Elemental 3/1 R, Elemental 5/5 RG, Emblem Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon, Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Emblem Kiora, Master of the Depths, Human 2/2 G, Octopus 8/8 U, Plant 0/1 G, Wolf 2/2 G
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