After seeing Master of Waves printed I wondered what kind of value one could get out of pairing it with other elementals. And I think this tribal deck has the potential to be competitive.
Nivmagus Elemental - Very aggressive, also it's ability means that if our spells get countered, we can exile them to make him bigger, great against control.
- Fixing and ramp, it's efficient overall.
Young Pyromancer - We get extra value out of our spells (even when we exile them with Nivmagus) and the fact that the tokens are elementals means we're going to get some serious aggression going.
Incandescent Soulstoke
- Automatic Four-Of, her second ability works well when we bring in our Chaser and the Hound from our sideboard when this deck needs to be more aggressive
Master of Waves - The inspiration for the deck, however it is no longer the star of the show, Master acts as a fifth Soulstoke, and a token generator, but the lack of devotion in this deck means 4 copies isn't really necessary.
Mulldrifter - 110% value, I love it.
Lightning Bolt - It's Lightning Bolt
Reality Shift - I like this card because it deals with creatures that are just out of burn-range. And occasionally, the manifest will work to your advantage by thwarting a much-needed topdeck.
Mizzium Mortars - An efficient boardwipe for one things get too grindy.
Mana Leak - The best counterspell for any deck that doesn't have the budget for Cryptic Command or Remand.
Molten Birth
- This is a fun card to spew out elementals with. And it works very well with the Pyromancer.
Koth of the Hammer - Koth turns our mountains into beaters, it's more or less his sole purpose.
jace, architect of though - Card advantage, and sometimes protection.
Flamekin Harbinger - An efficient one-drop that's able to fish up a key creature.
Nova Chaser - This elemental is huge, and dashing him out with the Soulstoke is frightening.
- It's an elemental, and it hoses U/W control, it's fantastic.
Hound of Griselbrand
- Because Soulstoke makes us sacrifice this guy, he just gets bigger.
Turn / Burn - Sometimes it's hard removal for one creature, and other times it kills two creatures in combat.
So there's the deck! Thank you for reading and I'm open to any and all suggestions!