

Sorcery (1)

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So Landfall in Standard is kind of underwhelming. It's return was warmly welcomed and highly anticipated, but I think it fell flat compared to the original Zendikar block, much like Allies with their return as well. I remember before BFZ when they spoiled that landfall was coming back, everyone in my group was really excited. What we got, for the most part, were very vanilla effects and a limited selection of cards. Oh well. Let's just say that I haven't seen a single Landfall deck at FNM or even at our weekly home game. Allies got a little more love, but honestly everyone that did just played the same handful of cards.


Fast forward to last week, I was challenged again by fellow tapped out user atomicstbernard to create a deck on MTGO. I said, just pick me any 5 cards in Standard and I'll see what I can come up with. Four of the cards were creatures with basic landfall pumps, and then Nissa's pilgrimage.

I wasn't very excited.

But a challenge is a challenge so I did some digging and came up with what I now call, "Avalanche!". I can drop 7+ lands in one turn and trigger all kinds of things. It's very exciting.

I'll list out all of the ways to get different amounts of landfall triggers, and there are many. You'll see that basic options can eventually stack to create various outcomes. It's not a bad idea to use dice as placeholders for the extra buffs to keep track of everything. The more things you have down, the more things that happen with every land, and sometimes there are multiple things happening to multiple targets.

1: Do not play land.
1: Play a land.

2: Sacrifice a Warped Landscape or Evolving Wilds already in play.

3: Attack with Sword of the Animist.

1: Play and Sacrifice Evolving Wilds or Warped Landscape .

2: Sacrifice a Blighted Woodland already in play.

3: Play a land. Play a second land because of Mina and Denn, Wildborn.

4: Play a land. Target a creature with Swell of Growth and play a second land from your hand.

5: Play a land. Attack with Sword of the Animist.

6: Do not play a land. Return 2 lands to your hand with Mina and Denn, Wildborn's activated ability, then replay both of them.

7: Play a land. Cast Nissa's Pilgrimage.

1: Play a land. Use Swell of Growth to play Evolving Wilds or Warped Landscape , then Sacrifice.

2: Play two lands from your hand or using Mina and Denn, Wildborn, then use Swell of Growth to play another from your hand.

3: Play a Blighted Woodland and sacrifice.

4: Play a land. Attack with Sword of the Animist, target creature with Swell of Growth and play a land from your hand.

5: Play and Sacrifice Evolving Wilds or Warped Landscape , then play a second land because of Mina and Denn, Wildborn.

1: Play and sacrifice any combination of 2 Evolving Wilds and / or Warped Landscape because of Mina and Denn, Wildborn.

2: Play and sacrifice either Evolving Wilds or Warped Landscape , then play a second land because of Mina and Denn, Wildborn. Attack with Sword of the Animist

3: See the patterns yet?

These are going to require either dropping and sacrificing 3 Evolving Wilds or Warped Landscape with two normal land drops from Mina and Denn, Wildborn, and then playing and sacrificing a third with Swell of Growth . You can get in a couple more with Blighted Woodland and Sword of the Animist to create up to 8 triggers, and as long as they all came from your hand, you can get that many with just 6 mana to pay for Woodland and Swell.

The wildcard that can create EVEN MORE triggers would be to play and sac two Evolving Wilds for 4 triggers, and then use as much mana as you can afford to play Animist's Awakening. Let's say you had enough for 8 additional cost and all 8 cards revealed were lands, that's 8 more triggers and 8 more untapped land to use and sacrifice Warped Landscape and Blighted Woodland .

Hypothetically speaking, if you had 7 land on the board and play 2 more land from your hand and tap everything to play Animist's Awakening for 8 AND the next 8 cards were all four Evolving Wilds, both Warped Landscape , and any 2 other land you could then sacrifice 5 of them to get the last 5 basic land out of the deck... you could get as many as 15 lands in one turn, and have 0 left in the deck.

I've done 10, but usually similar circumstances yield 7 or 8 pretty easily.

The thing to really remember is that the extra buffs are temporary. Here are some combat tricks and tips to keep in mind to utilize landfall to your advantage.

1: Evolving Wilds and Warped Landscape are weapons. Use them as such. Save them in your hand as long as you can unless you just need the mana or are open to swing with a few easy triggers.

2: Vary your creatures, and save a backup plan. Once you're opponent knows what's up, they will do whatever they can to disable or tempo you. If they just have tempo, play creatures swiftly and spread out. Most tempo can effect only one or two targets at a time.

3: Take your time. It is very possible to end the game with one gigantic swing instead of a repeated assault. Gauge your opponents plays and use what you know about your local meta to your advantage. If they are going to spread out and try to aggro you faster, spread out as well for defence and make sure your Valakut Predator is ready to pounce. You only need one good attack, stack as many triggers as you can and use either Magmatic Chasm , Elemental Uprising , or Retreat to Valakut 's ability to stop creatures from blocking.

4: Mina and Denn, Wildborn help IMMENSELY. They guarantee at least 2 triggers a turn while giving your Predators much needed Trample. Titanic Growth and Titan's Strength do not grant Trample in lieu of more damage since you will most likely be unblockable anyway, but Wildborn can give Trample to the right creature at the right time.

5: Be careful with Swell of Growth . If you don't have Mina and Denn, Wildborn, you need to use Swell early for damage and ramp or else you will find yourself spending 2 mana for only 2 extra damage because you are out of land. They are amazing in Mid-Game if you haven't won yet but have Wildborn and at least 5 mana to be able to tap 2, return and replay 1, tap 2 and replay a 2nd, then tap 2 and replay a 3rd with swell. You can do this with only 5 land if you remember to return the tapped mana and replay it. The 5th land is needed if you want to replay a 3rd land because Swell costs 2. This will give you 3 landfall triggers and another +2/+2 while also giving 3 creatures trample. That's a lot of things.

6: Play Akoum Stonewalker correctly by playing it on turn 2. Then on turn 3 when you play another land, activate the ability with the 3 mana and attack for 5 damage. This 5 damage is pretty much the only thing it is going to do for you, but it will strike fear in your opponent and put a target on it, which is good because it'll draw removal away from your better creatures that will do their job later. You won't be able to trigger this ability more than once until turn 5 or 6, and by then you need to focus your mana elsewhere. Unless you just don't have another option, use this guy on turns 2 and 3 or not at all. He's alright to drop later in the game if you are at a stalemate or up against a lot of tempo. The nice thing is that even if the Stonewalker get's tapped down, the Elemental can still be activated and attack for 3 trample. Do NOT activate the elemental on the landfall trigger from Sword of the Animist. Attackers have already been declared so it will just sit there and get sacrificed. Congratulations, you just wasted 3 mana.

7: Play your creatures BEFORE you play land unless it's your only play and it requires all of your land. If you are going to play Tunneling Geopede after turn 3 ever, make sure you drop it first and then play the land after to trigger the damage, especially if you have Mina and Denn, Wildborn out and can play 2 lands, or are going to explode a whole bunch of land that same turn. Same thing goes for the lifegain on Jaddi Offshoot if you drop them after the first turn.

8: Do. Not. Top deck. Hold off a few turns and build your hand if you have to, but timing is everything in this deck. Your main play is to explode as many things all at once. If you try to drop creatures and land and spells every turn, you will run out of cards quickly and fall short with nowhere to climb. There will basically never be "that one card" that will save you. There is, of course, one exception to this. Animist's Awakening is literally your ONLY top deck card that could possibly revive you, but only if you have also managed to keep a few creatures and Retreat to Valakut . Just have patience.

9: Retreat to Valakut is an absolute bomb to have on the board just before you are ready to unload. With 5-8 landfall triggers very likely, that can add 10-16 damage to one on your Predators (who should have trample from Wildborn) on top of it's own 10-16 extra damage, or you can use the second ability to clear a path by using as many triggers as needed to make him unblockable. This is your most deadly weapon that builds up damage the fastest. Even a paltry 4 landfall triggers makes Valakut Predators an 18/10 creature when Retreat is down. This is a turn 5 play, folks. That's MUCH faster than most Standard decks. Very susceptible to tempo or removal, so don't rely on this working every game. It will get your opponents attention though when you absolutely crush their dreams on game one as they look at your lone little 2/2 and "let it through".

10: Sideboard everything. The sideboard is designed to amp your aggression while giving you evasive options as well as a little bit of control with Devour in Flames as a cheap means of taking down lofty foes and Planeswalkers for only 2 mana (since you get to return a land to your hand and could replay it). Of course, use it sparingly since there are only 4 of them available to you. Using it on the first few turns could slow down your opponent, but unless you know you would lose otherwise within the next few turns it's better to save it. The extra land is in there to help maintain your curve and give you even more fuel. Can't drive if you're out of gas.

11: Elemental Uprising only works if they have 1 or fewer blockers. Use it to add 4 extra damage to an open board or force that lone blocker to step aside and let your Predator win the game. Magmatic Chasm is the card you want to wait for if there are 2 or more blockers. Flyers will still be a problem, though.

1: Board wipe can be a real pain and since most of it is going to be at sorcery speed on your opponents turn, it's a lot harder to drop lands on their turn to buff them out of harm's way. How can you do this? There's really only two. First, when you play Evolving Wilds or Warped Landscape , there's nothing that says you have to use them. Hold onto them in play so that you can sacrifice them in response to something like Languish to give your creature or creatures enough girth to survive.

2: Do the same thing when defending. You can employ the same strategy for blocking by giving your creatures bigger bodies and bigger clubs. Swell of Growth works as well for defending without having to waste your Wilds. One swell defensively turns a 2/2 Predator in a 6/6. Rawr.

3: Jaddi Offshoot s can be surprisingly lethal. Let's say you have 2 Offshoot's and a Retreat to Valakut on the board and you are being attacked. Cast Swell of Growth and make one of them a 2/5 and use Retreat to Valakut to make the other one a 2/3 from the landfall trigger. You also gain 2 life to mitigate damage as well. Titan's Strength works as well defensively by turning them into 3/4's and letting you scry.

4: Keep your Jaddi Offshoot s alive. It may seem like a good idea to block incoming damage, but if that means your plant dies it just isn't worth it. You will be triggering so much landfall that the life gain will bring you back 4-10 health for each Offshoot even when you are swinging out aggressively. Only block if you know they will live, or that they will kill something that could grow up to be a killer down the road.

5: Elemental Uprising can be very surprising defense. A 4/4 out of the ground is one thing, but again hitting it with Titan's Strength or even Titanic Growth can save your life and take down an otherwise unstoppable force and it'll only cost you 3-4 mana.

6: Animate a land with Uprising and then after declaring as a blocker against any sized attacker, use Mina and Denn, Wildborn to return it to your hand to preserve your land. It'll stop the damage and give you fuel for some landfall next turn.

7: Flying creatures and Planeswalkers taste just like chicken. Devour in Flames is really your only way to deal with them, so if you are up against some aerial foes or Planeswalkers just eat them if you can't trample over them.

8: Sometimes the best way to avoid losing everything to Languish or any other board wipe is to just stop playing creatures. It is far less likely that Languish will be used against one creature, and sometimes that one creature is all you need. Swing out for enough damage and Languish or Declaration in Stone will surely follow to stop you, but then you can just play another one right after. Slow but persistant.

I've only scratched the surface here, but for a primarily BFZ Landfall deck, this works very well with otherwise mediocre cards that just do not see play in standard. I'll take the time to expand on each card choice and how to use them to their full potential. I think landfall is a very fun mechanic that gets overlooked because of how narrow it seems and how lackluster most of the cards are on their own. In my book, any deck that can blow out lethal damage in 6 or less turns is worth looking at seriously. There are a ton of very powerful decks that require careful setup and build to a practically guaranteed win, or just simply cost a lot of money because they use all the expensive cards and combos that the pros play. I like to turn that on it's head and provide a fun experience that requires thought and skill, but can be done without selling body parts. This deck can be put together for less than the cost of a pre-constructed deck off the shelf at a retailer, or can be put together with cards that are probably just lying around not getting used. I'm also happy to say that for the low low cost of 1 TIX on MTGO you can download this entire list and get everything you need from one trade bot and start having fun right away. I've been play-testing this all week and it's been worth every penny.

Thank you for reading, let me know what you think in the comments and hopefully you learned something by reading through all of my ramblings here :)


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years
Exclude colors WUB

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Rares

18 - 2 Uncommons

20 - 10 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.19
Tokens Elemental 3/1 R w/ Trample, haste
Folders To Build in Paper, Challenge Decks, MTGO, RG, e, Ideas, Things To Try
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