Jaddi Offshoot - 1 drop. Gains life, blocks well and gets us into the mid-game.
Snapping Gnarlid - Very good card, our early-game engine.
Herald of the Pantheon - Works well, dropping it on curve really helps us out. The little life gain is nice too.
Nissa, Vastwood Seer
- Solid, fetches us a land. Does other stuff too.
Tireless Tracker - Pseudo landfall.
Felidar Sovereign - Yes I have this in the main. Yes I take it to FNM. Yes, I made this deck specifically to use this card lol. Weird win-con, but usually just comes in and is a 4/6 with lifelink and vigilance.
Enchantments and Artifacts:
Vessel of Nascency - Good little filter. If I don't have any of my enchantments I won't be winning the game.
Retreat to Kazandu - Lifegain to get us into the later game. Also could just make stuff bigger or feed into the Felidar win-con.
Retreat to Emeria - It's nice to get the Kor Ally, but I honestly use it for the anthem effect. +1/+1 per land gets ridiculous.
Zendikar's Roil - One of these is pretty solid. More than one gets CRAZY. This most recent FNM I had 14 Elementals on the table at one time.
Sword of the Animist - Throw this on a token, or preferably a Snapping Gnarlid, and it gets a Landfall trigger everytime you swing in.
Sorceries and Instants:
Sylvan Scrying - basically just to fetch Blighted Woodland, maybe an Evolving Wilds.
Angelic Purge - Spot removal. Usually can sac lands. 2 more in the side for those threats we NEED to get rid of.
Nissa's Pilgrimage - Ramp and landdrop triggers.
Nissa's Renewal - Lots of life, and lots of landfall. What else could you want in a deck like this?
Natural Connection - Weird card yes, but hear me out. Works for ramp. And it's instant speed landfall on their turn. It's actually saved me, or won games after I swung in.