Commander / EDH
SakuraStorm says... #2
Snickles@EDH_only Thanks, came up with the Mirror while looking for cards that help getting back stuff from exile. Farie was already in as a nice free disrupt. You can use other cards, but i think the faerie is the best choice as her ability is "free".
June 3, 2019 12:09 p.m.
Snickles@EDH_only says... #3
Most of my decks run Reito Lantern as graveyard disruption. Not as mana efficient, but it A) lets me recoup my own losses, B) disrupts reanimation strategies, C) lets me play politics (what is it worth to you to get card X back into your deck?), and D) doesn't invoke as much ill-will as exile. less useful in this instance, still worth mentioning.
If you're already planning to (and carring about) exile cards, some odd options are available to you:
Academy Rector for enchantment digging.
Ugin's Nexus plus a sac engine lets you time walk outside of blue.
Rakdos Charm and Stonecloaker have costs, but provide additional utility / options.
Grim Lavamancer as another instant exile source / disruptor.
Harvest Pyre and Murderous Cut as additional removal in exchange for exiling cards.
June 3, 2019 12:50 p.m.
SakuraStorm says... #4
You're totally right about Reito Lantern , i think using it as a political tool is especially amazing. Will definately add this to my political decks and depending on how it performs to more decks.
Thing is, with Tariel i'm not after exiling my own grave and especially not my opponent's grave. As mentioned before, not exiling from the opponent's grave is a restriction i made to keep the ability random and for my own grave, i rather want to play spells to recast or reanimate, so i can ignore casting costs. I can totally imagine building a deck around the mirror and exiling though. Thanks a ton and keep em coming!
June 3, 2019 7:11 p.m.
SakuraStorm says... #5
For some reason, i couldn't edit the post before, so:
If my meta shifts towards people using more extra turns, Ugin's Nexus can shine with it's first ability. Otherwise i think it's a bit too much commitment.
On a second thought Stonecloaker in addition to being disruption, can also be a nice protection for Tariel. I'll see if i can make a cut. Though recasting for a full CMC7 is gonna set me back a turn, most of the time. But it's an option if Tariel runs into a Path to Exile or Swords to Plowshares . Thinking about politics, this came to my mind: you can also offer giving a creature you took with Tariel back to your opponent's hand. Nice!
June 3, 2019 7:35 p.m.
SakuraStorm says... #7
@Chhris Thanks, autocorrect though? As in Tauriel, Reckoner of Elves? :D
June 4, 2019 6:49 a.m.
DemonDragonJ says... #9
Given how popular Kaalia is, I automatically like any deck that features Tariel as its general. However, you have only 28 lands, which I fear is far too few, given that the mana curve of your deck is rather high; how can you reliably cast all of your spells with so few lands?
June 4, 2019 8:51 p.m.
SakuraStorm says... #10
@DemonDragonJ Thanks, most of my decks run around that many lands, depending on the number of filter/cantrip( Cathartic Reunion , Sensei's Divining Top ), carddraw( Night's Whisper , Painful Truths ) and manarocks/rituals( Mana Crypt , Seething Song ) you play, you can trim down the number of lands by a lot. Makes your decks look more the same in terms of deckbuilding but helps immensely not beeing screwed or flooded. Sometimes you have to Demonic Tutor for a land, but this is more of a last resort. When it comes to building a manabase, i can highly recommend looking a bit into competetive EDH and testing.
Also the initial idea behind running the reanimator spells ist to avoid high casting costs as Tariel's.
June 5, 2019 3:09 a.m.
ClownCombat says... #11
Hi, just a short question: I see, that you run Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth , but no Cabal Coffers. Is it solely for mana fixing? Maybe you tried with Cabal Coffers and it slowed you down?
June 9, 2019 11:27 a.m.
SakuraStorm says... #12
@ClownCombatYh, currently it's only for fixing. I might throw in a Cabal Coffers again, thinking about it, it's not like i'm lacking tutors. I'll test and see how it plays out. Thanks!
Also thanks for all the upvotes! Super happy people like my weird deckideas :D
June 9, 2019 11:50 a.m.
This deck is infuriating to me for a couple of reasons. The first is that you are running 6 tutors in a deck that you are restricting to power level 7-8 rather than just going all out. The second is that you are running multiple $200 artifacts when you aren't even running Sol Ring . Thirdly, the only reason one and two piss me off is ill never be able to play with this gem!
June 9, 2019 12:12 p.m.
SakuraStorm says... #14
Qolorful I want to be as consistent as possible in what i do with this deck. Tutors are a great way to add consistency and it feels right using them as it's not instantly winning the game for you(no alt wincon or combo.deck). Tariel is just a super wonky and thematic commander, that's also the main reason it's been fun building the deck with a focus on her and the mentioned limitations. Anything beyond 7-8 would not suit my idea here, you want to rip creatures from your opponents graves and enjoy a nice game of commander :)
oops, i totally forgot mentioning that my playgroup houserule banned Sol Ring , if you wanna build the deck you should totally add it. Well few of the rocks have a pretty steep pricetag, should'nt keep you from playing the deck though. You can always run the other rocks, like Thought Vessel or signets, make adjustments as you see fit, also if your playgroup is fine with it, go with the gold bordered stuff(is way more affordable).
You can replace a lot of cards with budget alternatives, Tariel is an amazingly fun and challenging to build around commander, don't miss out on her and thanks for the feedback!
June 9, 2019 12:57 p.m.
SufferFromEDHD says... #15
I too have a chaotic Tariel reanimator deck. Really like your version as it is focused and streamlined. One card I would highly recommend that's missing is Anvil of Bogardan . Cheap engine that consistently guarantees good stuff in all graveyards.
June 9, 2019 10:59 p.m.
SakuraStorm says... #16
@SufferFromEDHDOh, that's nice, kind of like "everyone using it gets a sword, but i also get a dagger" each time it triggers. Also highliy unlikely someone removes it, makes it more likely i get to use it too. Very positive that it's not too hard on the milling or discardside of effects and i get to filter my hand a bit too. I'll try this instead of Wild Guess .
Your list looks fun too, people should check it out, more love for Tariel <3
Tariel reanimator
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 1 | 495 VIEWS
Great suggestion, embrace the randomness and thanks a lot!
June 10, 2019 4:07 a.m.
SakuraStorm It was mostly a joke, I totally plan to build a budget version of this whenever I get around to building a Mardu deck. I am currently working on a Roon of the hidden realm deck in the same ballpark as this (Using really expensive stuff but keeping it from being too strong) although I count anything as a 9 if it has the potential to win by turn 6, and a 10 if it can do so consistently, so I think you did a good job of going over the top without breaking commander. These are my favorite decks. I like games to be a bit longer.
For real this time, my suggestion is Anguished Unmaking , most versatile targeted removal out there I think.
June 10, 2019 8:09 a.m.
SakuraStorm says... #18
QolorfulThanks, excited to hear how it turns out. It's quite the challenge building Mardu without going goodstuff.deck or combo.deck and sticking to a theme or smthg ;)
I'm still struggling with Anguished Unmaking though, you can remove almost anything at instant speed, but... it exiles. Which is sad, i want these creatures in the grave, not in exile. Replacing something like Return to Dust is considerable, but usually you can get a bit more out of RtD or Crush Contraband . Not sure what else to replace it with, ideas?
June 10, 2019 8:45 a.m.
My first thoughts were vindicate or mortify. Being that you want creatures in the graveyard I see the struggle more, but having opportunities to exile creatures is important too unless you have other cards like Tragic Slip . If you can't stop indestructible creatures you'll be hosed entirely by Avacyn, Angel of Hope . If you never see her in actual games you should be fine without it.
You can also take this with a grain of salt because I also have to play against an Oath of Druids control deck that has Avacyn, praetors, and other mean creatures to cheat out. I might be biased towards a "get rid of Avacyn" mentality tbh.
June 10, 2019 10:01 a.m.
SakuraStorm says... #20
@Qolorful I get the fear of an Avacyn or indestructible in general, currently there's only Swords to Plowshares in the deck to out me out of this one, which can also be reused from the grave. Since she's not omnipresent in my meta, it's fine. Thinking about it, it might be a good idea to change StP for Anguished Unmaking , more options, though also more expensive cmc wise. I guess there's only trying, i'll see how it plays out. I think this might be a good call!
June 10, 2019 10:21 a.m.
I keep coming back to look at this deck cos its soon good! :D would you mind giving me a hand with black reanimator/battlecruiser I'm working on myself? I don't play heaps of black, so I need all the help I can get. The link is here: Rehab {Primer}
June 12, 2019 8:49 a.m.
SakuraStorm says... #22
@Chhris Thanks a lot, glad you like it! I'll see what i can do, mono-b battlecruiser sounds fun too ;)
June 12, 2019 10:48 a.m.
I'm curious how your often you hit a brick with your low land count? I saw a couple of fast rocks and rituals too but I'm not sure if that's enough?
June 12, 2019 4:03 p.m.
SakuraStorm says... #24
Enral Usually as you hit your 3rd land you're fine, this is sort of the critical landdrop, if you're not drawing a rock.
As soon as you got the 3rd you can start playing cards like Painful Truths , Read the Bones or Honor the God-Pharaoh and a few are even cheaper as Cathartic Reunion , Faithless Looting and Night's Whisper . You can also use tutors like Demonic Tutor for a land like Ancient Tomb and you're good for 2 turns, or if you're just desperate for a landdrop. These cantrip, tutor and carddrawspells provide that you can keep on playing a land each turn.
Checkout my custom ordering, the cards mentioned are listed at ★ FILTER ★, ★ CARD-ADVANTAGE ★ and ★ TUTOR ★. All cards providing ritual like boosts are listed at ★ RITUALS ★. Some of these are reusable, some not. Adding up to a total of about 35 cards i can make sure i can follow the plan.
June 12, 2019 4:54 p.m.
Nerdytimesorwhatever says... #25
I end up staring at your deck after it cycles pretty frequently lately. I might as well upvote the beautiful thing.
How do you create those headers and subheaders in deckeditor? And how are you making yours so rad?
Snickles@EDH_only says... #1
glad someone else is using the mirror of fate - hadn't seen the combo before, so that was kinda nice. fun deck!
June 3, 2019 8:19 a.m.