canterlotguardian says... #3
Ever thought about Elspeth, Sun's Champion ? Her neg ability could set up perfectly for maximum damage with Ashiok's ult.
August 23, 2014 8:43 p.m.
PhoenixStar says... #4
canterlotguardian, thanks for your feedback. I considered Elspeth at first (when trying to replace Medomai and the Rotfeaster maggots), but I ultimately decided against it because the cost was just too high. Although the games this deck tends to win go long (which is why it performs poorly against aggro decks sometimes), I usually find myself struggling to stabilize in the first few turns, and Elspeth is just a dead draw in that case. However, I'll think of including her as a one-of. Maybeboarded. I was also considering cutting one of each of the creatures for 3x Nyx-Fleece Ram to that end. What do you think. Anyway, thanks for your comment!-PhoenixStar
canterlotguardian says... #1
Centipedes? In my Magic deck?
Lol brilliant name +1
August 22, 2014 5:27 p.m.