Here's my current Zombie Horde Commander deck.
Scathe Zombies and Gurmag Anglers are stand-ins for Zombie Tokens and Zombie Giant Tokens
Zombie Horde Magic is not played like traditional Magic. The Horde deck is an autonomous Magic deck; it spits out zombies and does not make decisions.
My Horde plays by mostly-typical Horde rules, which can be found here:
However, I have added a Commander mechanic. The Horde plays its Commander during any main phase in which the remainder of their library contains 20 cards or less. Additionally, if the Horde is dealt over 20 damage in one turn, their Commander immediately flashes in before death. The Commander has Hexproof and the Horde cannot lose while the Commander is in play. While the Commander is in play, The Horde plays 3 random cards out of it's graveyard instead of milling itself for it's first draw each turn.
UPDATEMade my first cuts as some cards roved disappointing in their trial run.-4 Blood Scrivener-2 Liliana's Reaver-2 Dread Slaver-1 Grave Betrayal-1 Dread Cacodemon (the only card cut for being too powerful)
+2 Geralf's Messenger+2 Gravecrawler+1 Smallpox+1 Barter in Blood+1 Plague Wind+1 Decree of Pain+1 Underworld Dreams+1 Dark Prophecy
I also intend to replace Infectious Horror with Vengeful Dead at my earliest convenience. They fill similar roles in the deck, but the latter is more explosive and fun.