Uril, the Miststalker

Commander / EDH* HeroInMyOwnMind

SCORE: 211 | 136 COMMENTS | 26172 VIEWS | IN 101 FOLDERS

JustJoshingU says... #1

Awesome build +1. The way you described each card makes it look like a solid deck!

March 31, 2015 3:07 p.m.

avatonqp says... #4

Amazing deck. +1

April 1, 2015 7:29 p.m.

Prima says... #13

If I could upvote this twice, I would.

April 7, 2015 5:05 p.m.

AngryBearTony says... #14

Maybe Roar of Challenge to push through some extra damage? Other than that, I can't see a thing you might be missing. Love it. +1

April 8, 2015 5:06 p.m.

Poptartz95 says... #17

This deck is so nice.....I wanna play it! D:

April 10, 2015 4:04 p.m.

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