Are you tired of always getting flooded by useless lands when you really need some action? Well just play a deck with no lands instead! Or no mana sources at all for that matter. Who needs mana anyway?
Manaless dredge doesn’t play magic in the traditional way. Rather than casting spells from your hand, you mill yourself and get a bunch of creatures back from the graveyard, pretty much for free. You can build up a pretty impressive board with 4 up to about 16 power worth of creatures as early as turn 2 (there is even a theoretical but unlikely possibility to begin turn 2 with 20+ power). The deck can also pull off a game ending combo on turn 2 with the nut draw.
Legacy is expensive, and the lands is the primary reason why. Since Manaless Dredge plays none, it’s probably the cheapest deck in the format. But don’t be fooled, before sideboarding it’s one of the most powerful as well. However, it’s EXTREMELY vunerable to graveyard hate. While you are very likely going to win game 1, games 2 and 3 is all about hoping your opponent doesn’t draw Leyline of the Void, Rest in Peace or Grafdigger's Cage, as this deck can’t ever win with any of them on the battlefield.
So how does it work? It all begins with discarding a card with the word "dredge" written on it. Dredge means: instead of drawing a card mill X cards and put this card into your hand. Unlike other Dredge decks, we can't cast spells like Faithless Looting to get the engine going, so out first play is to make no play and go directly to our cleanup phase and discard to hand size. This means that we ALWAYS want to be on the draw. It also means that we can NEVER mulligan. Being on the play or mulliganing is essentially giving our opponent a free Time Walk. The cards we want to be discarding is Golgari Grave-Troll, Stinkweed Imp, Golgari Thug or Shambling Shell where the Troll being the best as it dredges 6 cards. However the absolute best card to discard is Phantasmagorian, as we can discard 3 additional cards to get it back to our hand. You can even respond to Phantasmagorians trigger by activating it again and pretty much dumping your entire hand in the graveyard. Then whenever you would draw a card you mill yourself instead, filling your graveyard.
Then the plan is to flood the board with Nether Shadows, Ichorids, Narcomoebas and Prized Amalgams and begin beating down our opponent. There is a gazillion triggers to watch out for so check the graveyard at you upkeep (for Shadows and Ichorid), after your dredge step (for Narcomoebas). Also check for Amalgams each time a creature comes back from the yard and for the love of god, remember to bring them back at the next endstep!
Also Bridge from Below is important to keep an eye out for. You get free zombies whenever one of your creatures enters the graveyard. So you can sacrifice your Shadows to flashback Cabal Therapy and get a zombie for it (or more if you have more Bridges).
Then, after you’ve played Therapy and seen that your opponent is sitting on zero counterspells you can really go to work. If you have at least 3 creatures in play, Dread Return and Balustrade Spy in your graveyard, return the Spy to the battlefield. Since there are no lands in the deck you will flip your entire library into the graveyard, bringing back some more Narcomoebas. Sac 3 more creatures for another Dread Return, this time targetting Lotleth Giant and deal about 30 damage to your opponent. If this still hasn’t killed your opponent, Dread Return a Flame-Kin Zealot and swing with a million zombies. GG