My take on Modern dredge.
I've been working on this deck for quite a while and this is the version that works best so far. Capable of explosive starts and winning long Grinding games.
Blood Artist and
Blasting Station
provides neccesary reach, While Gravecrawler and Bloodghast powers out zombie's from
Bridge from Below
and early Greater Gargadon.
Sac outlet is very important though so even if you can cast Gargadon, it's rarely the correct line unless it just wins that turn. (or the opponents deck simply can't deal with a 9/7)
Faitless Looting is the best card in this deck while casting it on turn 1 is very good, the flashback on turn 3 or 4 often just pulls you so far ahead that it feel like it's winning the game for you.
Grisly Salvage: It fills the yard, it finds Greater Gargadon, it finds a land to bring back Bloodghast.
: Great vs pod and affinity while also fills you graveyard
Abrupt Decay: A must have against Scavenging Ooze and Splinter Twin decks.
Inquisition of Kozilek: Early disruption is just neccesary against alot of decks in this format, and takind away a key piece of disruption or combo piece is just that good.
The deck is a blast to play but also very hard to play correctly. You should definately practice before entering events with this list.
The sideboard is still a work in progress but Golgari Charm is needed vs Rest in Peace and also good vs Affinity and Storm.